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All the steps are assumed to be performed at the EUROfusion gateway.

1. Connecting to databases

1.1. JET

Since 1st August 2021 connecting to JET data services via requires SSH key authentication.

Below are instructions provided by JET codas team

Connecting to JET - instructions
In order to access the new service, users will need to make a minor change to their codes, changing the host parameter 
in the connection calls from "" or "" to "ssh://<username>" 
where <username> is the your JET account username (e.g. jsmith or xy1234)

Users will also need to register their SSH public key with us in order for this to work. 
Please do this by emailing with the subject line “MDSplus SSH Key Registration”. 
Please put your SSH Public key into the body of the message – do not add attachments to the email. 
It is important that you provide your public key only and do not include your private key (users should take all reasonable steps to protect their private keys). 
(Due to a limitation of the mdsplus server, please avoid using Ed25519 keys, though ecdsa keys can be used)

Suggested email text to use:

Please register my SSH Public key for use with 
My username is : <your shortname>
My SSH Public key is: 

Once your key has been registered we will confirm this back to you and you will then be able to test the connection and your clients

If you need information about creating SSH keys please see the information here:
•	There is some general information here:
•	There is a page on how to create key pairs with openssh at
•	There is a page on how to create key pairs with putty at
•	The has pages about generating keys for other ssh clients too.

Important Note: when generating SSH key pairs, we’d suggest that most users will find it more convenient not to use a passphrase (i.e. leave it blank). 
Also, due to a limitation of the mdsplus server, please avoid using Ed25519 keys, though ecdsa keys can be used

2. Saving data to IMAS

Before saving the experimental data to imas it is important check which version of imas data dictonary we are using.

You may load (or you may use scripts that load) IMAS environment without specifying the version

module purge
module load cineca
module load imasenv

The last line loads imas data dictionary and also idstools which will be used later.

However, loading imasenv does not necessarily provide you with the latest version of data dictionary. In this case: 

>module list
~>module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
  1) profile/archive                      18) cmake/3.5.2                          35) IMAS/3.29.0/AL/4.8.3
  2) cineca                               19) mdsplus/7.92.0/gcc/4.8               36) itm-blas/3.8.0/intel/17.0
  3) intel/pe-xe-2017--binary             20) blitz/1.0.1                          37) itm-lapack/3.8.0/intel/17.0
  4) itm-intel/17.0                       21) jaxfront/R1.1                        38) interpos/9.2.0/intel/17.0
  5) intelmpi/2017--binary                22) git/2.23                             39) xmllib/3.3.1/intel/17.0
  6) itm-intelmpi/2017                    23) itm-fftw/3.3.4                       40) libfortranparser/0.0.6/intel/17.0
  7) gnu/7.3.0                            24) szip/2.1--gnu--6.1.0                 41) keplertools/1.8.9
  8) itm-gcc/7.3.0                        25) zlib/1.2.8--gnu--6.1.0               42) kepler/2.5p5-3.1.1
  9) jdk/1.8.0_111                        26) itm-hdf5/1.8.17-old                  43) imas-fc2k/4.13.9
 10) itm-java/1.8.0_111                   27) pspline/20161207                     44) itm-qt/5.8.0
 11) itm-python/3.6                       28) slatec/4.1                           45) imas-viz/2.4.4
 12) matlab/2018b                         29) itm-mkl/2017.1                       46) idstools/1.5.1
 13) itm-matlab/2018b                     30) itm-matheval/1.1.11                  47) autoGui/1.15
 14) netbeans/7.3                         31) itm-netcdf/4.4                       48) ggd/1.9.1/intel/17.0/imas/3.29.0
 15) itm-maven/3.3.9                      32) nag/mark26--binary                   49) libbds/1.0.2/intel/17.0/imas/3.29.0
 16) scripts/R4.9                         33) itm-nag/mark26--binary               50) amns/1.3.3/intel/17.0/imas/3.29.0
 17) totalview/2017.3.8                   34) uda/2.2.5                            51) imasenv/3.29.0/intel/rc

we loaded version 3.29.0/intel/rc . If you want to load the latest version data dictionary check first what versions are available with a command "module avail <required module>":

>module avail imasenv
~>module avail imasenv

---------------------------------------------------------- /gw/modules/environment ----------------------------------------------------------
imasenv/3.10.2                imasenv/3.23.1/ual/4.0.3/1.4  imasenv/3.26.0/gcc/7.3.0/rc   imasenv/3.31.0/intel/17.0/1.0
imasenv/3.11.0                imasenv/3.23.1/ual/4.0.3/1.5  imasenv/3.26.0/intel/17.0/rc  imasenv/3.31.0/intel/17.0/1.1
imasenv/3.12.1                imasenv/3.23.1/ual/4.0.3/1.6  imasenv/3.26.0/intel/rc       imasenv/3.31.0/intel/17.0/rc
imasenv/3.15.1                imasenv/3.23.1/ual/4.0.4/1.0  imasenv/3.26.0/rc             imasenv/3.31.0/intel/rc
imasenv/3.16.0                imasenv/3.23.1/ual/4.0.4/1.1  imasenv/3.28.0/gcc/7.3.0/rc   imasenv/3.31.0/rc
imasenv/3.17.0                imasenv/3.23.1/ual/4.0.4/1.2  imasenv/3.28.0/intel/17.0/rc  imasenv/3.32.0/gcc/7.3.0/rc
imasenv/3.17.1                imasenv/3.23.1/ual/4.1.0/1.0  imasenv/3.28.0/intel/rc       imasenv/3.32.0/intel/17.0/rc
imasenv/3.18.0                imasenv/3.23.2/rc             imasenv/3.28.0/rc             imasenv/3.32.0/intel/rc
imasenv/3.19.0                imasenv/3.23.2/ual/4.1.1/1.0  imasenv/3.28.1/gcc/7.3.0/1.0  imasenv/3.32.0/rc
imasenv/3.19.1                imasenv/3.23.2/ual/4.1.2/0.2  imasenv/3.28.1/gcc/7.3.0/rc   imasenv/3.32.1/gcc/7.3.0/rc
imasenv/3.20.0                imasenv/3.23.2/ual/4.1.2/1.0  imasenv/3.28.1/intel/17.0/1.0 imasenv/3.32.1/intel/17.0/rc
imasenv/3.21.0/ual/3.8.10/1.0 imasenv/3.23.2/ual/4.1.4/0.2  imasenv/3.28.1/intel/17.0/rc  imasenv/3.32.1/intel/rc
imasenv/3.21.0/ual/3.8.5/1.0  imasenv/3.23.2/ual/4.1.4/1.0  imasenv/3.28.1/intel/rc       imasenv/3.32.1/rc
imasenv/3.21.0/ual/3.8.8/1.0  imasenv/3.23.2/ual/4.1.5/1.0  imasenv/3.28.1/rc             imasenv/3.33.0/gcc/7.3.0/rc
imasenv/3.21.1/ual/4.0.0/1.0  imasenv/3.23.2/ual/4.1.5/1.1  imasenv/3.29.0/gcc/7.3.0/1.0  imasenv/3.33.0/intel/17.0/rc
imasenv/3.21.1/ual/4.0.1/1.0  imasenv/3.23.2/ual/4.1.5/1.2  imasenv/3.29.0/gcc/7.3.0/rc   imasenv/3.33.0/intel/rc
imasenv/3.22.0/ual/4.0.2/1.0  imasenv/3.24.0/rc             imasenv/3.29.0/intel/17.0/1.0 imasenv/3.33.0/rc
imasenv/3.22.0/ual/4.0.2/1.1  imasenv/3.24.0/ual/4.1.5/1.0  imasenv/3.29.0/intel/17.0/rc  imasenv/3.7.4
imasenv/3.22.0/ual/4.0.2/1.2  imasenv/3.24.0/ual/4.2.0/1.0  imasenv/3.29.0/intel/rc       imasenv/3.8.0
imasenv/3.22.0/ual/4.0.2/1.3  imasenv/3.25.0/gcc/6.1.0/1.0  imasenv/3.29.0/rc             imasenv/3.9.0
imasenv/3.22.0/ual/4.0.2/1.4  imasenv/3.25.0/gcc/6.1.0/rc   imasenv/3.30.0/gcc/7.3.0/rc   imasenv/3.9.1
imasenv/3.22.0/ual/4.0.2/1.5  imasenv/3.25.0/gcc/7.3.0/1.0  imasenv/3.30.0/intel/17.0/rc  imasenv/newLL/3.18.0
imasenv/3.22.0/ual/4.0.2/1.6  imasenv/3.25.0/gcc/7.3.0/rc   imasenv/3.30.0/intel/rc       imasenv/test
imasenv/3.22.0/ual/4.0.2/1.7  imasenv/3.25.0/gcc/rc         imasenv/3.30.0/rc             imasenvX/3.19.1/ual/3.8.2/1.0
imasenv/3.22.0/ual/4.0.2/1.8  imasenv/3.25.0/intel/17.0/1.0 imasenv/3.31.0/1.0            imasenvX/3.20.0/ual/3.8.3/1.0
imasenv/3.23.1/ual/4.0.3/1.0  imasenv/3.25.0/intel/17.0/rc  imasenv/3.31.0/1.1            imasenvX/3.20.0/ual/3.8.5/1.0
imasenv/3.23.1/ual/4.0.3/1.1  imasenv/3.25.0/intel/rc       imasenv/3.31.0/gcc/7.3.0/1.0  imasenvX/3.21.0/ual/3.8.5/1.0
imasenv/3.23.1/ual/4.0.3/1.2  imasenv/3.25.0/rc             imasenv/3.31.0/gcc/7.3.0/1.1
imasenv/3.23.1/ual/4.0.3/1.3  imasenv/3.25.0/ual/4.2.0/1.0  imasenv/3.31.0/gcc/7.3.0/rc

From the above output we conclude that the latest data dictionary version is 'imasenv/3.33.0/rc'. Using the above list you can also choose a different version if there is such a need.

Let's switch to the latest imas release available on the gateway:

module unload imasenv
module load imasenv/3.33.0/rc

You can now check if there exists ids to store the experimental data by typing: 


Above command opens data dictionary by default in Konqueror. If option "Show/hide error bars" doesn't work, copying the address to Firefox will help. 

By browsing data dictionaries you will find needed fiields. If there are no required fields then a request has to be raised.

2.1. Saving Thomson scattering data

In our example we want to save Thomson scattering data. You can find the corresponding ids in the list above.  Let's browse this ids.

We can imediately notice that there are structures introduced in imas version 3.32.1. Apart from experimentally measured values we can also save other experimental data like coordinates of line-of-sight of particular measurement.

Data is structured in such a way that we have to choose channel first to browse further for place to save measured values:

Note: channel[i1].position.r and channel[i1].position.z are scalars.

Let's assume we want save measured HRTS profiles of electron temperature and density with errors for the JET shot 99357. 

After fetching data from JET we saved it in a dictionary with the following structure:

Fetched HRTS data
# hrts data with sig='TE','DTE','NE','DNE','Z' 
#    hrts[sig]={
#        'time': t, #1D float
#        'x':x, #1D float R coordinate
#        'data': data, #2D float except sig='Z'
#        'signal': signal,
#        'seq':sequence,
#        'uid':owner,
#        'dda':dda
#               }
# 'data' is 2D data[i,j] where i=time_slice index and j= x_value index 

'data' array consist of 701 time slices (from around t=40s to t=75s) and 63 experimental points. We need to project data onto numpy arrays:

saving to imas
import json
import imas,os,datetime,sys
import getpass
import numpy as np
from imas import imasdef

db = 'data_access_tutorial'

#creates the Data Entry object 'data_entry', a kind of handler of the pulse file with sho, run, belonging to database 'data_access_tutorial' of the current user, using the MDS+ backend
data_entry = imas.DBEntry(imasdef.MDSPLUS_BACKEND, db, shot, run, user_name=getpass.getuser())
#data_entry = imas.DBEntry(imasdef.HDF5_BACKEND, db, shot, run, user_name=getpass.getuser())
# Open save data_entry to data base

# Tries to open data_entry
op =
#if fails, creates one
if op[0]<0:
     if cp[0]==0:
        print("data entry created")
elif op[0]==0:
    print("data entry opened")	

# Fetched data
with open("data/data_jet_hrts_99357.json") as json_file:

# no. of space points
nb_points = len(x_coord)
#no of time slices

#here, we can perform some read/write operations using the get/put() operations

#creating the 'thomson_scattering' auxiliary IDS and initializing it
thomson = imas.thomson_scattering() #creates a 'thomson scattering' IDS
thomson.ids_properties.homogeneous_time=1 #setting the homogeneous time (mandatory)	
thomson.ids_properties.comment='IDS created for testing the IMAS Data Access layer' #setting the ids_properties.comment attribute
#thomson.time=np.array([0.]) #the time(vector) basis must be not empty if homogeneous_time==1 otherwise an error will occur at runtime

# since all data is available we can save whole time vector at once

thomson.ids_properties.creation_date ="%y-%m-%d")
for j in range(nb_points):[j][j].t_e.data_error_upper.resize(1)[j][j].n_e.data_error_upper.resize(1)

# python interface accepts only numpy arrays to be saved in ids
te_data = np.array(hrts['TE']['data']) #2D
dte_data = np.array(hrts['DTE']['data'])#2D
ne_data = np.array(hrts['NE']['data'])#2D
dne_data = np.array(hrts['DNE']['data'])#2D	
z_data = np.array(hrts['Z']['data']) #1D
r_data = np.array(hrts['TE']['x']) #1D
for j in range(nb_points):[j].position.r=r_data[j][j].position.z=z_data[j][j][:,j][j].t_e.data_error_upper=dte_data[:,j][j][:,j][j].n_e.data_error_upper=dne_data[:,j]


2.2. Reading data

Once the data is saved to ids we can open it and for example plot it:

opening ids
import imas
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
from imas import imasdef

db = 'data_access_tutorial'

#creating the Data Entry object which handles the pulse file with shot=15000, run=1, belonging to database 'data_access_tutorial' of the current user, using the MDS+ backend
#data_entry = imas.DBEntry(imasdef.HDF5_BACKEND, db, shot, run, user_name=getpass.getuser())
data_entry = imas.DBEntry(imasdef.MDSPLUS_BACKEND, db, shot, run, user_name=getpass.getuser())

#opening the pulse file handled by the Data Entry object previously created
#getting a slice at time=1s using the closest time slice interpolation
sslice = data_entry.get_slice('thomson_scattering', time_requested, imasdef.CLOSEST_INTERP)


#[te,dte,ne,dne,r,z] =[np.array([0.0]*no_channels)]*6

for i in range(no_channels):
    dte= np.append(dte,[i].t_e.data_error_upper)
    dne= np.append(dne,[i].n_e.data_error_upper)
    r= np.append(r,[i].position.r)

#closing the Data Entry

# plotting
ax1.errorbar(r,te,yerr=dte,fmt='o',elinewidth=elinewidth,capsize=capsize, color='blue',label=r'$T_e$ at $t='+str(time_requested)+'$ s')
ax1.set_xlabel("r (m)",fontsize=14)
ax1.legend(loc='lower left', bbox_to_anchor=(0.0, 0.0),fontsize=12)

ax2.errorbar(r,ne,yerr=dne,fmt='o',elinewidth=elinewidth,capsize=capsize, color='red',label=r'$n_e$ at $t='+str(time_requested)+'$ s')
ax2.set_xlabel("r (m)",fontsize=14)
ax2.legend(loc='lower left', bbox_to_anchor=(0.0, 0.0),fontsize=12)

As it can be seen from the plot, the fetched data has not been yet filtered.

Unknown User ( 

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