PSNC's involvement within various Workflows related projects varied over the time. We were and we still are involved in different activities revolving around EUROfusion funded projects, workflow development, cataloguing solutions. If you are not sure where to look for the information, try to figure it out by looking at the brief descriptions of our activities below.

If you are still not sure where to look for a particular information remember that you can alway use Search field, and type in keywords that you are looking for.


Description of the activities related to PSNC-IPPLM involvement in E-TASC can be found at following location



Description of PSNC's involvement in F4F related activities can be found at following location


IMAS related trainings

MAS trainings delivered in the past (mostly archived versions) can be found at following location

IMAS training

ITER related materials

ITER related materials - mostly related to past activities (e.g. inside CPT) can be found at following location



JET related materials, describing IMAS installation process at JET can be found at following location



Description of Kepler installation process, UAL based actors, configuration of Kepler at Gateway can be found at following location



Various troubleshooting materials collected over years can be found at following location



There are lots of various topics somehow covered in the past - they can be found at following location


CPT/ACH-04 only area

CPT internals - only for ACH-04/CPT members. These materials can be found here:


The scientific work is published for the realization of the international project co-financed by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education in 2019 from financial resources of the program entitled "PMW"; Agreement No. 5040/H2020/Euratom/2019/2

This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014–2020 under grant agreement No 633053. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission or ITER

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