1.1. 1. Install Pytest and configure testing

Firstly, let's install the Pytest package. Go to the File → Settings →  Project → Python Interpreter → click + button → open Available Packages and type Pytest in the search field like below:

Select pytest and click Install Package. 

Once the Pytest package is installed, PyCharm detects it and makes it the default project test runner. At any time you can change a test runner in the project settings.

1.2. 2. Create new test using PyCharm

For tutorial purposes let's create another test for divide function. 

  • From the context menu choose Go To → Test → Create New Test

  • In the Create Test dialog, specify test settings.

  • In the test_operations.py new test called test_divide appeared. Now you can replace the template code with your own ideas.
Template generated by PyCharm
def test_divide():
    assert False

Final test
def test_divide():
    assert divide(10, 5) == 2
    assert divide(200, 1) == 200
    with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError):
        divide(1, 0)

1.3. 3. Run a test

Click the green triangle and select Run 'pytest for test_oper...' to run the test:

PyCharm automatically creates a Pytest Run configuration.

After running the test you can inspect test results:

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