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1. Table of contents

2. Starting RESTful based Web Services - Catalogue QT server

Catalogue QT Web Services are hosted using Spring-Boot framework. In order to start server you have to clone the repository with source code. Source code of all the components can be downloaded from the code repository (Catalog QT2).

> git clone

If you don't have access yet, make sure to request for the access.

2.1. Requirements

Catalogue QT ver. 2 requires following components to be installed on the machine where it will be started

Java         - openjdk 11.0.2 - you can use JDK from Oracle as well
Apache Maven - 3.6.3          - you can use Apache Maven distributed with project as well
mysql        - 8.0.20         - you can use MariaDB instead (we haven't tested it thoug)

2.2. Creating database

Catalog QT ver. 2 requires access to database that will store all the imported data. You have to create this database. Schema for creating database is located inside project structure: sql/schema/catalog_qt_db.sql.

To create DB schema inside mysql you will need root password for your MySQL installation. Then, you can run following:

# WARNING! This line will drop schema: itm_catalog_qt and create it from the scratch. Make sure you are not destroying things!

> mysql -u root -p < sql/schema/catalog_qt_db.sql

This script will create two users: itm_catalog_ro/itm_catalog_ro and user itm_catalog_rw/itm_catalog_rw with read-only and read-write privileges, respectively.

It's a good idea to check whether you can access your newly created database. Make sure you can successfully connect there.

> mysql -u itm_catalog_rw -p -h localhost itm_catalog_qt
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 6318
Server version: 8.0.20 MySQL Community Server - GPL


mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_itm_catalog_test |
| annotation                 |
| catalog_parameters         |
| entry                      |
| entry_data                 |
| experiment                 |
| outcome                    |
| reference                  |
| replace                    |
| request                    |
| tag                        |
| tag_entry                  |
| user                       |
| variable                   |
13 rows in set (0.00 sec)


In case you have issues while accessing your MySQL installation, please consult your sys admin to resolve the issue.

2.3. Starting WS API server

In order to run Catalogue QT ver. 2 Web Services API server you have to start Spring-Boot application. Make sure to go inside directory: ws/catalog-ws and execute > mvn spring-boot:run

> cd ws/catalog-ws
> mvn spring-boot:run
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ---------------------< pl.psnc.catalog:catalog-ws >---------------------
[INFO] Building catalog-ws 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
 .   ____          _            __ _ _
 /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __  __ _ \ \ \ \
( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
 \\/  ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| |  ) ) ) )
  '  |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
 :: Spring Boot ::        (v2.3.0.RELEASE)

2020-06-05 13:21:31.533  INFO 17919 --- [           main] p.p.c.catalogws.CatalogWsApplication     : Starting CatalogWsApplication on with PID 17919

2.4. Running tests

You can run unit tests by changing directory to: ws/catalog-ws and running.

> mvn test

Test code doesn't use MySQL server based database. It's safe to run tests even after database is already created. Tests will not touch your production database.

3. Starting Catalogue Update Process

Catalogue Update Process serves the purpose of reading data (MDSPlus pulse files, UDA, etc.) and populating Catalogue QT with the content of summary IDS. Catalogue Update Process is the only component that requires access to input data and to IMAS infrastructure. This is related to the fact that data are read from the structures created and maintained by IMAS based components.

3.1. Requirements

Catalogue QT Update Process requires following components to be installed on target machine:

Java - openjdk 11.0.2 - you can use JDK from Oracle as well
Apache Maven - 3.6.3 - you can use Apache Maven distributed with project as well

3.2. Starting Catalogue QT Update Process

I assume that you have already cloned the source code repository. 

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