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or CPT's wonderful journey through the installer towards getting IMAS on new platforms.

Disclaimer: all example steps given below are assuming BASH being your shell of choice. 


1.1. Installing main dependencies

Follow the list of requirements/dependencies as stored in

Add modules to set them up in the environment.

1.2. Getting the IMAS installer

Clone the installer using either master (recommended) or develop branch (at your own risk)

git clone ssh://

1.3. Configuring

Create target directory where all IMAS related tools will be deployed (will be referenced as IMAS_HOME from now on).

Adapt site-config/Makefile.default to the local configuration and needs. Look at tools/ to try to guess how to name your own site-config file, and/or check which files are being targeted by running 

DEBUG=1 ./tools/

Check if configuration is generating the expected setting for the targeted DD and AL tags by running

make cache
make help TAG_DD=a.b.c TAG_AL=x.y.z

1.4. Building and installing

After making sure that compile time required modules are loaded, simply run, for given DD and AL versions

make install TAG_DD=a.b.c TAG_AL=x.y.z

2. IDStools

2.1. Getting the sources

Clone the idstools repo (from IMAS Core project, not from IMAS Extra...), and checkout the targeted tag

git clone ssh://
cd idstools
git checkout x.y.z 

2.2. Configuring

Create site-config file with same name used for the installer, and specify there the name of the IMAS module and the targeted idstools module name. 

Make sure you have IMAS module loaded before attempting the build (it sets required IMAS_HOME variable and imas-config-installer).

Check if configuration is well set by checking the result of 

make help

2.3. Building and installing

make all
make install

3. FC2K

3.1. Installing main dependencies

Requires ant and JaxFront

3.2. Getting the sources

Clone the fc2k repo from IMAS extra project, and checkout the targeted tag

git clone ssh://
cd fc2k
git checkout x.y.z 

3.3. Configuring

Create two config files under the config directory:

  • config/install_xxxx.xml will contain information for building/installing fc2k
  • config/settings_xxxx.xml will contain information required when using fc2k to build actors

Once these files have been created, use imas-config-fc2k command to check if correct settings file is detected. For install file, link the one created as config/install_default.xml (or how to force ant to use the xxxx one, so we can avoid obtaining a "-dirty" version?).

Check configuration by

ant check-config

3.4. Building and installing

After making sure IMAS module is loaded

ant compile
ant install


4. XMLlib

4.1. Getting the sources

Clone the xmllib repo from IMAS libraries project, and checkout the targeted tag

git clone ssh://
cd xmllib
git checkout x.y.z

4.2. Configuring

Make sure autoconf / automake are available, then

./configure FC=<targeted fortran compiler, e.g gfortran> CC=<associated C compiler, e.g gcc> --prefix=<install_dir, e.g $IMAS_HOME/extra/xmllib> 

4.3. Building and installing

make clean
make all
make check
make install

Then repeat the configuration and building/installing steps for each fortran compilers.

Associated module needs to be created manually

5. GGD

5.1. Getting the sources

Clone the ggd repo from IMAS extra project, and checkout the targeted tag

git clone ssh://
cd ggd
git checkout x.y.z

5.2. Configuring

Make sure autoconf / automake are available, then

./configure FC=<targeted fortran compiler, e.g gfortran> --prefix=<install_dir, e.g $IMAS_HOME/extra/ggd> --enable-doc --enable-tests

5.3. Building and installing

make clean
make check
make install

Then repeat the configuration and building/installing steps for each fortran compilers.

Associated module needs to be created manually

6. Kepler

Example with real steps followed on IPP's tok cluster.

  • Installing Saxon-HE from
  • Installing Blitz++ from
    • specify --with-pic to configure step
  • Installing more recent version of MDSplus from (stable release 7.84.8)
    • step by step
    • requires building the python interface in order to allow conversion with
  • Updating tools/

    diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
    index 7d7cdc4..84c7f11 100755
    --- a/tools/
    +++ b/tools/
    @@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ getalias() {
       [[ "$1" =~ ^gpu(008|010)$ ]] && echo "UKAEA.GPU"
       [[ "$1" =~ ^$ ]] && echo "IPP-Garching"
       [[ "$1" =~ ^$ ]] && echo "IPP-Garching"
    +  [[ "$1" =~ ^$ ]] && echo "IPP-Garching"
       [[ "$1" =~ ^ ]] && echo "JT-60"
  • Creating site-config/Makefile.IPP-Garching.SLES-15

    Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
    1) git/2.16 3) blitz/1.0.2 5) texlive/2018 7) intel/18.0.5 9) matlab/2017b 11) autoconf/2.69 13) cmake/3.13
    2) saxon/9.9.1 4) doxygen/1.8 6) gcc/6 8) anaconda/3/2019.03 10) jdk/8 12) automake/1.15 14) pkg-config/0.29
  • Requires JAVA_HOME to be set so the Makefile can find JNI headers

    make -j4 install TAG_DD=3.24.0 TAG_AL=4.2.0 JAVA_HOME=${JDK_HOME}
  • Because the target install dir (/afs/.ipp/...) is not the final one (/afs/ipp/...) the generated module should be patched

    -  set imas_home /afs/.ipp/tok/soft/imas
    +  set imas_home /afs/ipp/tok/soft/imas
    Same applies to pkg-config files.

  • Because the target install dir (/afs/.ipp/...) is not the final one (/afs/ipp/...) the pkg-config files should be patched

  • Because the target install dir (/afs/.ipp/...) is not the final one (/afs/ipp/...) the pkg-config files should be patched

  • No labels