Prepare your environment:

$ module load imasenv/3.24.0/rc
$ mkdir -p $ITMWORK/projects
$ cd $ITMWORK/projects
$ cp -r $SWIMASDIR/resources/tutorials/2019-10-PSNC/code_parameters .

Before proceeding any further, make sure you have configured your Kepler environment. Take a look here 00. Initial setup or here 05.3. IMAS - basic topics - environment set-up(POZ'19Oct)

The structure of your working directory should look like this:

$ cd code_parameters
$ tree
├── input_test_xmllib_pathquery.xml
├── input_test_xmllib_pathquery.xsd
├── Makefile						# instructions on how to compile
├── sample_default.xml
├── sample.f90						# code with accessing code parameters
├── sample.xml						# file with parameters
└── sample.xsd						# defining the structure of an XML document

A sample xml file containing information in the form of parameters for an actor:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="./ets.xsl" charset="ISO-8859-1"?>


    <shot_in>              4     </shot_in>          <!-- shot number -->
    <run_in>               1     </run_in>           <!-- run number -->
    <interpol>             1     </interpol>         <!-- interpolation index -->
    <time_dep_input>       0     </time_dep_input>   <!-- 1 implies time dependence in input data -->

    <shot_out>             5     </shot_out>         <!-- shot number -->
    <run_out>              2     </run_out>          <!-- run number -->
    <tau_out>         0.0003    </tau_out>          <!-- output frequency -->
    <db_out>         mdsplus     </db_out>           <!-- output database format -->

    <nrho>                50     </nrho>             <!-- NRHO,  number of radial points -->
    <npsi>                100    </npsi>             <!-- NPSI,  number of equilibrium points -->
    <neq_dim1>            100    </neq_dim1>         <!-- NDIM1, number of points for 2-D equilibrium signals in R direction -->
    <neq_dim2>            100    </neq_dim2>         <!-- NDIM2, number of points for 2-D equilibrium signals in Z direction -->
    <neq_max_npoints>     100    </neq_max_npoints>  <!-- MAX_NPOINTS,  number of equilibrium boundary points -->


    <option>              -1     </option>           <!-- option #: 0: disabled -->


The first 35 lines of this code show how you can handle reading of the xml file in which the actor's parameters are saved:

!> Test program Christian Konz version of xmllib.
program sample

  use xml_file_reader, only: fill_param
  use xml2eg_mdl
  use xmllib_parser, only: element, tree, xmllib_parse, destroy_xml_tree
  use string_manipulation_tools

  implicit none

  ! Input parameters, read from file
  character(132), pointer :: param_xml(:)     => NULL()
  character(132), pointer :: param_xsd(:)     => NULL()
  character(132), pointer :: param_default(:) => NULL()

  ! Input file names:
  character(132) :: fn_xml = 'sample.xml'
  character(132) :: fn_xml_default = 'sample.xml'
  character(132) :: fn_xsd = 'sample.xsd'

  ! Representation of xml parameters
  TYPE(tree) :: parameter_list
  TYPE(element), POINTER :: temp_pointer => null()
  character(len = 132) :: cname

  ! Values parser from xml
  integer :: shot_in, run_in
  integer(4) :: nparm
  real(8) :: geo_ax

  call fill_param(param_xml, param_default, param_xsd, fn_xml, fn_xml_default, fn_xsd)

  CALL XMLLIB_PARSE(param_xml, param_xsd, param_default, nparm, parameter_list)

  temp_pointer => parameter_list%first

  outer: do

     write(*,*)'Next xml element: ',temp_pointer%cname
     cname = char2str(temp_pointer%cname)   ! necessary for AIX
     !write(0,*)'RFOF_input::RFOF_parse_xml_input_param, cname=',trim(cname)

     select case (cname)
     end select

        if (associated(temp_pointer%sibling)) then
           temp_pointer => temp_pointer%sibling
        end if
        if (associated(temp_pointer%parent, parameter_list%first )) &
             exit outer
        if (associated(temp_pointer%parent)) then
           temp_pointer => temp_pointer%parent
           write(0, *) 'ERROR: broken list.'
        end if
     end do
  end do outer

  !-- destroy tree
  call destroy_xml_tree(parameter_list)

end program sample

Run an example:

$ module load imasenv/3.24.0/rc		# load environment if not set
$ make
ifort  -fPIC -g  -I/gw/swimas/extra/xmllib/3.2.0/intel/17.0/include/xmllib -I/usr/include/libxml2   -c -o sample.o sample.f90
ifort -fPIC -g  -o sample.exe sample.o  -L/gw/swimas/extra/xmllib/3.2.0/intel/17.0/lib -lxmllib -lxml2
 Next xml element: parameters
 Next xml element: input
 Next xml element: shot_in
 Read shot_in=           4
 Next xml element: run_in
 Read shot_in=           1
 Next xml element: interpol
 Next xml element: time_dep_input
 Next xml element: output
 Next xml element: dims
 Next xml element: compositions
 Next xml element: startup
 Next xml element: boundary
 Next xml element: equilibrium
 Next xml element: geo_ax
 Read geo_ax=   2.86000000000000
 Next xml element: plasma_ax
 Next xml element: amin
 Next xml element: elong
 Next xml element: tria_up
 Next xml element: tria_low
 Next xml element: solver
 Next xml element: experimental

Compare result with data inside sample.xml file.

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