1. Description

This actor takes a IDS as input and makes sure it is loaded in memory using the MEMORY backend: if the input IDS is not held in memory, the IDS is read using its associated MDSplus backend and written using MEMORY backend. 

While this actor is used in workflows running MATLAB actors, in most other use-cases, hidden flushing - discard (reload) mechanism occurs when executing part of the workflow outside of the Kepler JVM (ualpython, standalone or batch execution for debug or MPI), so this actor is not required.

Name of this actor is somehow misleading and kept only for historical reasons: it should more read "Copy IDS from MDSPLUS backend to MEMORY backend". In the future, it will be replaced by a more generic "Copy to selected backend".



2. Ports

2.1. Inputs

You can add more input IDSs to this actor by using the "configure ports" option. Name of the port has no effect on the behavior of the actor as all the information associated with the IDS are stored within its record.

port namepurposeIcon
inputIdsIDS record to be saved in database using the MEMORY backend

2.2. Outputs

port namepurpose
outputboolean (true) which allows to synchronize next actors in the workflow

3. Configuration

Nothing configurable for this actor.



4. Version history
