1. 1. What code wrapper actually does?
The code wrapper intermediates between Kepler actor and user code:
- Passes variables of language built-in types (int, char, etc) from actor to the code
- Reads IDS(es) from UAL and passes data to user code
- Passes input code parameters (XML/XSD files) to user code
- Calls user subroutine/function
- Saves output IDS(es)
2. 2. Development of Fortran codes
2.1. 2.1 Subroutine syntax
subroutine name ( <in/out arguments list> [,code_parameters] [,diagnostic_info] )
- name - subroutine name
- in/out arguments list - a list of input and output subroutine arguments
- diagnostic_info - arbitrary output diagnostic information
2.2. 2.2. Arguments list
- A mandatory position
- A list of input and output subroutine arguments including:
- Fortran intrisic data types, eg:
integer :: input
character(50) :: charstring
integer,dimension(4) :: tabint
- IDSes, eg:
type (ids_equilibrium) :: equilibriumin <== SINGE SLICE
type (ids_core_profiles) :: coreprofoutout <== ALL SLICES
- Fortran intrisic data types, eg:
- Do not forget to add: use ids_schemas, while playing with IDSes
- Please use intent(in), intent(out) to point in/out parameters
2.3. 2.3. Code parameters
- user defined input parameters
- input / optional
Argument of type: type_param
type ids_parameters_input ! character(len=132), dimension(:), pointer :: parameters_value character(len=132), dimension(:), pointer :: parameters_default character(len=132), dimension(:), pointer :: schema endtype
- Derived type type_param describes:
- Actual value of the code parameters (instance of coparam/parameters in XML format).parameters_default
- Default value of the code parameters (instance of coparam/parameters in XML format).schema
- Code parameters schema.
- An example:
type(type_param) :: codeparam
2.4. 2.4. Diagnostic info
- arbitrary output diagnostic information
output / optional
!---- Diagnostic info ---- integer, intent(out) :: user_out_outputFlag character(len=:), pointer, intent(out) :: user_out_diagnosticInfo
- indicates if user subroutine was successfully executedoutpuflag = 0
- SUCCESS, no action is takenoutputFlag > 0
- WARNING, a warning message is displayed, workflow continuue executionoutputFlag < 0
- ERROR, actor throws an exception, workflow stops
- an arbitrary string
2.5. 2.5. Examples
subroutine noids(input, output) integer, intent(in):: input integer, intent(out):: output
subroutine equil2dist(equilibrium_in, core_prof_out) use imas_schemas implicit none !input type (ids_equilibrium) :: equilibrium_in !output type (ids_core_profiles) :: core_prof_out
subroutine teststring(coreprof,equi,tabint,tabchar,codeparam) use imas_schemas implicit none !input type(ids_core_profiles) :: coreprof integer, dimension(4), intent(in) :: tabint !output type(ids_equilibrium) :: equi character(50), intent(out) :: tabchar !code parameters type(type_param), intent(in) :: codeparam
3. 3 Development of C++ codes
3.1. 3.1 Function syntax
void name ( <in/out arguments list> [,code_parameters] [,diagnostic_info] )
- name - function name
- code_parameters - optional - user defined input parameters
- diagnostic_info - arbitrary output diagnostic information
3.2. 3.2 Arguments list
- in/out arguments list
- mandatory
- a list of input and output function arguments including:
- CPP intrisic data types, eg:
- int &x
- double &y
- IDSes, eg:
- IdsNs::IDS::equilibrium & eq <= SINGLE SLICE
- IdsNs::IDS::core_profiles & cp <= ALL SLICE'S
- CPP intrisic data types, eg:
3.3. 3.3 Code parameters
- Optional
- User defined input parameters
Argument of type: IdsNs::codeparam_t &
typedef struct { char **parameters; char **default_param; char **schema; } codeparam_t;
- A structure codeparam_t describes:
- parameters - Actual value of the code parameters (instance of coparam/parameters in XML format).
- default_param - Default value of the code parameters (instance of coparam/parameters in XML format).
- schema - Code parameters schema.
- An example: IdsNs::codeparam_t & codeparam
3.4. 3.4 Diagnostic info
- arbitrary output diagnostic information
output / optional
void name(...., int* output_flag, char** diagnostic_info)
- indicates if user subroutine was successfully executedoutput_flag = 0
- SUCCESS, no action is taken
- WARNING, a warning message is displayed, workflow continuue executionoutput_flag
> 0
- ERROR, actor throws an exception, workflow stopsoutput_flag
< 0
- an arbitrary string
Required header
Do not forget to add #include "UALClasses.h" while playing with IDSes!
3.5. 3.5 Examples
void simplecppactornoids(double &x, double &y)
void simplecppactor(IdsNs::IDS::equilibrium &eq, double &x, double &y)
void mycppfunctionbis_init(); void mycppfunction(IdsNs::IDS::core_profiles& cp, int& x, double& y, IdsNs::codeparam_t& codeparam)
If user function needs any pre-initialization, an additional function <name>_init could be defined.
4. 4. Delivery of the user code
The user code should be delivered as a static library.
Please find examples of the simple "makefiles" below:
F90 = ifort COPTS = -g -O0 -assume no2underscore -fPIC -shared-intel INCLUDES = $(shell pkg-config --cflags imas-ifort) all: equilibrium2distsource.o libequilibrium2distsource libequilibrium2distsource: equilibrium2distsource.o ar -rvs libequilibrium2distsource.a equilibrium2distsource.o equilibrium2distsource.o: equilibrium2distsource.f90 $(F90) $(COPTS) -c -o $@ $^ ${INCLUDES} clean: rm -f *.o *.a
CXX=g++ CXXFLAGS= -g -fPIC CXXINCLUDES= ${shell pkg-config --cflags imas-cpp} all: libsimplecppactor.a libsimplecppactor.a: simplecppactor.o ar -rvs $@ $^ simplecppactor.o: simplecppactor.cpp $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CXXINCLUDES) -c -o $@ $^ clean: rm *.a *.o
- Please use pkg-config to get UAL flags and not hard coded references.
- The usage of environment variables for identifying compilers and versions of the pkg-config is recommended.