1. Running Kepler using IMAS environment

1.1. Setting up environment

Please do not forget to set JAVA memory settings:

export _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xss20m -Xms8g -Xmx8g"

Backing up old files

Before first configuration of Kepler, make sure to backup your old data files

cd ~ 
mv .kepler .kepler~
mv KeplerData KeplerData~
mv .ptolemyII .ptolemyII~

1.1.2. Creating place to store your personal installations of Kepler

IMAS based installations are stored inside $HOME/kepler directory.

Before proceeding further, make sure to create kepler directory

# create directory inside $HOME
cd ~
mkdir kepler

1.1.3. Running Kepler (default release)

In order to start Kepler you have use helper scripts that will install and configure your personal copy of Kepler

    • load IMAS module

      module load imas
      module load kepler
      # NOTE! It might be that you don't have Kepler copy inside your $HOME
      # in that case you need to install it
    • Start Kepler

      # run alias that will execute Kepler


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