1.1.1. 4.6.1 Generating Python code

Whenever Kepler actor is created, associated Python actor is generated inside $HOME/kepler/itm/python directory. You can use this code inside your Python based workflow. However, there are few things to remember.

Make sure to use:


Most recent PyUAL release

Make sure to import module from


Make sure to use most recent release of FC2K.

In case you can't use most recent release of FC2K,

the lowest version that supports Python code generation is: 4.2.6

module switch fc2k/4.2.6 # at ITER


1.1.2. 4.6.2 Sample code

Make sure to check how to generate actor, based on compiled library. You can find this information here:


1.1.3. 4.6.3 How to use generated code

After generating the code, you can use it inside your Python workflow.

Let's take a simple case

subroutine noids(input, output)
implicit none
integer,parameter :: DP=kind(1.0D0)

integer, intent(in):: input
integer, intent(out):: output

write(0,*) 'Entering subroutine noids. Input value: ',input

output = input * 2

write(0,*) 'End Subroutine'

end subroutine

You can compile it using following Makefile

COPTS= -g -fno-second-underscore -fPIC

all: noids.o libnoids

libnoids: noids.o
	ar -rvs libnoids.a noids.o

noids.o: noids.f90
	$(F90) $(COPTS) -c -o $@ $^

	rm -f *.o *.a

And then, after generating FC2K actor, you can access actor following way, from the Python

# the name of the actor (defined in fc2k)
from actors import noids

result = noids(1)

print 'Hello! This is what I got: ', result
  • No labels