This tutorial subsection presents an example of loading IMAS IDS case within IMASViz and opening one of the IDS nodes. 

1.1.1. 2.1 Loading IMAS IDS 

The procedure to load the IDS is as follows:

  1. In the main IMASViz GUI, select the first tab - Local data source.
  2. Enter the following parameters, listed below, to the appropriate text fields.

Tutorial IDS case parameters:
User name: g2lfleur
IMAS database name:test
Shot number:52344
Run number:0

By default, the data source is a pulse file located in $HOME/public/imasdb/<IMAS database name>/3/0/ directory. In this case, the ~public/imasdb/test/3/0/ directory of user g2lfleur.

The filled GUI should then look as shown in the next figure:

1.1.2. 2.2 Open IDS node (magnetics)

The procedure of opening any IDS is the same. In this tutorial, the procedure will be shown on magnetics IDS

  1. Click button Open.

    A navigation tree window will open, as shown in the figure below.
  2. Press the '+' button on the left side of the IDS root. This will expand the navigation tree window and display a list of all IDSs. Available IDSs for the given shot are displayed in blue.
    The tree will allow browsing data for the specific shot number which is displayed by the root node ( IDSs(52344) ).

    When IDS or node label is selected a Node documentation panel will open beneath the data tree view, displaying base information (name and documentation) of the item, as shown below.

    The node documentation panel can be freely moved over the screen but, upon selecting other IDS/node, the panel will jump back to its default position. To fix the panel in place select Fix panel location from the menu as shown in the figure below.

  3. Open 'magnetics' IDS by right clicking on 'magnetics' node and selecting the command Get magnetics data (default to occurrence 0) as shown in the figure below.

    The magnetics IDS nodes are displayed as new nodes in the tree, as shown in the figure below. Nodes of an IDS are organized according to the IMAS
    data dictionary. Inside the 'magnetics' tree, available FLT_1D nodes are blue (array length > 0).






  • No labels