This tutorial subsection presents setting the environment configuration required to run the IMASViz tool and how to run the application itself.   

The tutorial below is executed on Gateway

1.1.1. 1.1 Setting the environment

In a new terminal, execute the following command in order to load the required modules:

$ module load cineca 
$ module load imasenv/3.15.1 
$ module load imas-viz 

1.1.2. 1.2 Running IMASViz

With the environment set, run the IMASviz by simply typing the following command:

$ viz

The main GUI window of IMAS_VIZ should display, as shown in the figure below:

The description of the above input parameters is as follows:

GUI fieldsDescription
User nameCreator/owner of the IMAS IDSs database
IMAS database nameIMAS database label, usually device/machine name of the IMAS IDS database (i. e. iteraugwest...)
Shot numberPulse shot number
Run numberPulse run number

  • No labels