1. Description

The UALCollector actor collects the IDSs from a workflow and copies them (all the data) to a pulsefile with same shot but different run number. Only the IDSs that are directed to this actor (input arrows) will be stored to the output run number.


Occurrence number associated with each IDS is numbered automatically, starting from 0 (default) for the first IDS (top-input port) of a given type, and increasing by one for each subsequent IDS of the same type. It means that the occurrence number of IDSs in the output run may be different than the one used in the workflow (for IDS stored in runwork pulsefile). 


2. Ports

2.1. Inputs

You can add more input IDSs to this actor by using the "configure ports" option. Name of the port has no effect on the behavior of the actor as all the information associated with the IDS are stored within its record.

port namepurposeIcon
machine(optional) the output machine name.
The default is the name of machine associated with the first input ids
runoutrun number for output pulse
idsthe ids record to be stored in output pulse

2.2. Outputs

port namepurpose
errorerror message after completion of UALCollector
"COPY IN DATABASE OK" in case UALCollector finished succesfully

3. Configuration

By default, UALCollector creates the output pulsefile when it is called the first time within a workflow (which does overwrites all data previously stored in this pulsefile if exists).
When the option "Try to open pulse file" is checked, the UALCollector will only create the pulsefile if it does not exist already. If it does exist, UALCollector will only open it, keeping data previously stored there.

Even if the output pulsefile was opened instead of created, IDS written by UALCollector (for a given occurrence) will be entirely overwritten (calling the put operation), only IDSs not listed in ports of the IDS (or with different occurrence) will remain.




4. Version history
