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  • This page describes releasing IMAS AL and IMAS libs when new DD version (x.y.z)  occurs
  • There is no one script / mechanism that could be used to install the whole "ecosystem"
  • Some scripts, used for installation of libraries has been developed, however they are not "full automatic" and still requires many improvements/development (to be changed to Makefiles??)


Release new version of IMAS AL (described on other pages)

2. imasenv/x.y.z

  1. Check, in which dir imasenv  modules are stored

    ~>module show imasenv
  2. cd  /path/to/imasenv/ 
  3. cp -r a.b.c x.y.z-alpha
    1.  Assumption: a.b.c is (so far) the latest version of imasenv
    2. Version x.y.z will be (until all libraries will be ready) marked as -alpha to warn the users that it is "under construction"
  4. cd x.y.z-alpha 
  5. Contents of x.y.z-alpha dir: 

    x.y.z-alpha>ls -la
    drwxr-xr-x  gcc
    drwxr-xr-x  intel
    lrwxr-xr-x  rc -> intel/17.0/rc		# link to default module imasenv/x.y.z/rc
    -rw-r--r--  .version				# definition of default compiler of imasenv/x.y.z
    x.y.z-alpha>cat .version
    # Default version
    set ModulesVersion  intel
  6. Updating of imasenv module content
    1. all files x.y.z-alpha/<compiler>/<version>/rc (e.g. 3.26.0-alpha/gcc/7.3.0/rc) needs to be updated (rc is always the first published version, tagged on user demand)}}

    2. open these file using any editor
    3. updating IMAS AL versions 

      set imas_version x.y.z
      set al_version   a.b.c  
    4. Update all "submodules" versions (if needed/requested)
  7. imasenv  module is updated, but when loading, it reports several errors - no lib compiled for new DD versions are available - to compile them - see next point

3. Updating of IMAS libraries

3.1. DD dependent vs independent libraries

  1. There are two kinds of IMAS libraries:
    1. DD independent: BLAS, LAPACK, INTERPOS, XMLLIB . 
    2. DD dependent: GGD, LIBBDS, AMNS
  2. BLAS/LAPACK have to be installed only if there are no system-wide ones available 
  3. DD independent libraries don't have to be re-installed after DD update but only if users requests a new version
  4. DD dependent libraries needs to be re-installed after every DD update/change

3.2. Installation scripts

  1. Fetching scripts
    1. git clone https://<GW user login>

    2. Content of the cloned repo (branch master)

      imasscripts>ls -la
      drwxr-xr-x  2 g2bpalak g2itmdev 4096 Jan 24 11:39 amns
      drwxr-xr-x  3 g2bpalak g2itmdev 4096 Jan 24 11:40 blas
      drwxr-xr-x  2 g2bpalak g2itmdev 4096 Jan 24 11:43 ggd
      drwxr-xr-x  2 g2bpalak g2itmdev 4096 Jan 24 11:39 interpos
      drwxr-xr-x  3 g2bpalak g2itmdev 4096 Jan 24 11:40 lapack
      drwxr-xr-x  2 g2bpalak g2itmdev 4096 Jan 24 11:43 libbds
      drwxr-xr-x  2 g2bpalak g2itmdev 4096 Jan 24 11:43 xmllib
  2. Script structure 



#setting installation dir

#FETCHing sources from GIT/SVN

#CLEANING (in case of any left overs)

# CONFIGURING (if using autotools)


3.3. Library compilation/installation.

  1. Set compiler:
    1. module load imasenv/x.y.z-alpha/<compiler vendor>/<compiler version> e.g.  imasenv/3.26.0-alpha/intel/17.0 
    2. pls ignore all errors related to libraries that are not compiled yet
  2. Set a proper version/tag 
    1. Check which version of given lib is the latest one
    2. edit  to set <LIBRARY>_VERSION="a.b.c"  (e.g AMNS_VERSION="1.3.0") 

  3. run ./ 
  4. Usually after installation there are still few manual steps required (to be automatised in future) - see next point

4. IMASViz



Renaming imasenv/x.y.z-alpha to imasenv/x.y.z

mv /path/to/imasenv/x.y.z-alpha /path/to/imasenv/x.y.z

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