This page contains information about tools used to fetch experimental data developed or maintained by ACH
This tool was developed in the frame of ITM/WPCD projects and is maintained by the ACH team. The data is saved in CPO format that then can be transferred to the IDS format. Wrappers/mappings were developed to use exp2itm to fetch JET data. The guidelines to use them can be found here
Recently, the JET data access procedure was modified and additional configuration of the user environment is required on the Gateway(in addition to the steps described by CODAS).
The users on the Gateway need to do the following:
Open or create the file $HOME/.ssh/config and put the following lines there:
User user_name
IdentityFile key_name
Here 'user_name' is your username at JET (not on the Gateway) and 'key_name' is the name of the file with public SSH key (without .pub extension) you sent to the CODAS.
After this step the tools to fetch data from JET using exp2itm should work as before.