1. Setting up environment

Setting up Catalog QT environment
> module load imasenv

# Remember to set the name of database (I am using 'test')
> imasdb test
# Make sure to load catalog QT module
> module load imas-catalogqt/R1.3

2. Populating Catalog with data

There are two options to populate Catalog database with input data

  • populating whole machine
  • populating single pulse file

These are available once you load imas-catalogqt module. You can use two commands: store_data.sh and store_machine.sh.

2.1. Populating single pulse file

Storing single pulse file can be done using store_data.sh script.

> store_data.sh	--help
Usage: store_data.sh [OPTIONS]
-help,		--help=		print this messageMandatory options:
-shot=,		--shot=		shot number
-run=,		--run=		run number
-machine=,	--machine=	tokamak name
-sim-db=,	--sim-db=	simulation databasei (e.g. pedestal, jettc)
Optional options:
-user=,		--user=		user name
-version=,	--version=	database version
-file=,		--file=		location of derivation file
                        must be provided as explicit path

In case you don't provide optional options, their values will be taken from environment variables

selecting simulation db

Since release R1.3 it's possible to use multiple databases for data. It means, there can be different locations where data are stored. This way, it's possible to prevent accidental overwriting of data. At the moment, there are two, separate, installations: pedestal, jettc. It might be they will get different names in the future. You can pass target database name by specifying it as -sim-db argument.


2.1.1. Populating explicit pulse file

Let's say you want to populate following pulse file:

  • shot=1000,
  • run=100,
  • machine test,
  • data dictionary release 3 (we are focusing only on major release of dictionary).

To achieve that, you can use following command

> store_data.sh -shot=1000 \
-run=100 \
-machine=test \
-version=test \
-file=$SWIMASDIR/extra/catalogqt/$CATALOG_QT_RELEASE/examples/derivation_files/derivation.xml \

2.2. Populating whole database

It is also possible to store the whole database tree. In this case, you don't specify each and every file separately. You can use helper script called: store_machine.sh

> store_machine.sh --help
Usage: store_machine.sh [-machine=|--machine=]
	-help,		--help=			print this message
Mandatory options:
	-machine=,	--machine=		tokamak name
	-sim-db=,	--sim-db=		target simulation database
Optional options:
	-version=,	--version=		IMAS version
	        					by default version is set to value: 3
	-dryrun,	--dryrun		Just show what will be done

All you have to do, is to specify what data do you want to be stored and to specify target databse

> store_machine.sh -machine=test -sim-db=pedestal
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