IMAS Kepler |
IMAS actor | Description |
UALInit | Initializes input pulse file, creates run work and provides IDS description for other actors inputs:
UALClose | Closes run work based on description passed via input IDS. |
UALCollector | Stores input IDSess inside new run. This way, it is possible to copy data into different shot/run rather than inside run work. |
UALSliceCollector | Store one slice from input IDS into different run. This way, it is possible to collect intermediate results during workflow execution. |
UALMux | Provides a method for putting data inside IDS inputs:
UALMuxParam | Provides similar behavior to ualmux/UALMux, however, this actors has two additional ports:
Main difference between ualmux/ualmuxparam actors lays in it's ability to be used in a loop that modify different field inside IDS. You can simply provide different field name for different loop's step. |
UALDemux | Allows to read data from given IDS - name of the field is specified as output port. |
UALPython | Allows to run external Python process and pass input/output data between workflow and process itself. This actor is, most commonly, used for data visualization. User can pass Python script directly to the actor. |
SetBreakpoint | This actor allows to enforce "debug" mode for IMAS based actors. It sets global parameter "ITM_DEBUG" to either true or false. In case true is a value of "ITM_DEBUG" all FC2K generated actors will start in debug mode. |
IDSOccurence | Provides a method to create duplicate of IDS with new occurrence number. This way, it is possible to store data before they get modified by user code. |
IDSFlush | Flushes data from workflow. Data from memory cache are stored inside database. |
IDSDiscard | Discards data inside workflow. Data will be re-read into memory cache. |
IDSContent | Displays IDS data |
IDSContentStd | Displays IDS data on console (better for huge data sets) |
RecordSet | Sets values inside record (take a look for short tutorial: Accessing records via recordget and recordset actors) |
RecordGet | Gets values from the record (take a look here for short tutorial: Accessing records via recordget and recordset actors) |