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Fruit could be use along with Ruby pre-processor as part of the simple standalone FORTRAN approach. The advantage of using the pre-processor is it removes the need to maintain the basket and driver files and keep them up to date.

IMPORTANT: Notice all file code blocks have first line commented with their location. This will help you understanding where should they be placed.

1. Example project structure

├── mod
├── src
│   └── <your_module>.f90 
├── test  
│   ├── <your_module>_test.f90 
│   ├── fruit_generator.rb
|   ├── fruit.f90
|   └── Makefile
└── rake_base.rb
  • fruit.f90 - fruit source code
  • mod - directory used to store .mod files
  • <your_module>.f90 - your actual module
  • <your_module>_test.f90 - file with unit tests for your module
  • fruit_geneator.rb - script used to generate test driver and basket files
  • Makefile - used to compile and run all tests

2. Prepare environment

You will need to load module 'ruby' to use auto-generating scripts.

module load ruby

3. Install requirements

3.1.  FRUIT source code

cd <project_dir>/test

3.2. Ruby

sudo apt install ruby-full
ruby --version

3.3. Rake

gem install rake --user-install

You will need to add gem to PATH in order to run gem packages.

cd ~
nano .bashrc

#add line at the end of file
export PATH="~/.gem/ruby/3.1.0/bin:$PATH"
#ctrl + O
#ctrl + X

source ~/.bashrc

3.4. Bundler

gem install bundler --user-install
gem install json --user-install

3.5.  Fruit_processor_gem

3.5.1. Download fruit_processor_gem

You will need to download and install ruby gem. It is used to auto-detect test files and generate test drivers.

You will install it only once and it will apply to any project where you use it.

cd <somewhere outside project>
git clone --recursive

3.5.2. Install fruit_processor_gemcd fruit_pr

cd .FRUIT/fruit_processor_gem
rake install

3.6. rake_base.rb

You will need to download rake_base.rb file from FRUIT repository in order to run fruit_generator script. You will never modify it's content.

cd <project_dir>

4. Create project files

4.1. calculator_test.f90

This file contains your tests, setup and teardown subroutines.

!file <project_directory>/test/calculator_test.f90

module calculator_test
use fruit

subroutine setup
	print *, "setup subroutine ran"
end subroutine setup

subroutine teardown
	print *, "teardown subroutine ran"
end subroutine teardown

subroutine test_calculator
	use calculator
	integer :: result

	!test add subroutine
	call add (2,2,result)
	call assert_equals(4,result)

end subroutine test_calculator

end module calculator_test

NOTE: in order to autogenerate test_driver and test_basket files, you need to follow naming convention:

  • files containing tests must be named: *_test.f90
  • test module must be named: *_test
  • test subroutines must be named: test_*

4.2. calculator.f90

This is your module.

!file <project_directory>/src/calculator.f90

module calculator
implicit none
	subroutine add(a,b,output)
		integer, intent (in) :: a,b
		integer, intent (out) :: output
	end subroutine add
end module calculator

5. Create driving files

5.1. fruit_generator.rb

This is script needed to run FRUIT processor. You create it once and never modify in basic usage scenario.

#file <project_dir>/test/fruit_generator.rb

require 'rubygems'
require 'fruit_processor'
load "../rake_base.rb"

$build_dir = ""
$goal = "fruit_driver_dummy"

fp =

5.2. Makefile

This is file with build instruction. You will not have nanoto modify it unless you stick to project structure. Just copy it's content and save as Makefile in <project_dir>/test directory.

#file <project_dir>/test/Makefile

option=-Wall -Wtabs -Wextra -Wno-tabs -pedantic -fbounds-check -Wuninitialized -O -g \
 -Wno-unused-parameter -cpp

fruit_code = ./fruit.f90
code = ../src/*.f90 ./*_test.f90
code_gen = fruit_basket_gen.f90 fruit_driver_gen.f90

all_code = $(fruit_code) $(code) $(code_gen)

driver = fruit_driver

all : build run

build : $(driver)

fruit_basket_gen.f90 : $(code)
	ruby fruit_generator.rb

fruit_driver_gen.f90 : $(code)
	ruby fruit_generator.rb

fruit_driver : $(all_code)
	$(compiler) $(option) $(all_code) -J ../mod -o fruit_driver

clean : 
	rm -f *.o *.mod *.obj fruit_driver
	rm -f fruit_driver_gen.f90
	rm -f fruit_basket_gen.f90
	rm -f result.xml result_tmp.xml

run : $(driver)

.PHONY : all clean run

6. Run tests

Run commands listed below.

cd <project_dir>/test

NOTE: While compiling fruit.f90 an error "Logicals must be compared with .eqv. instead of .eq." may occure. In this case you will need to modify fruit.f90 lines 912 and 913 editing ".eq." to ".eqv.". This step is needed to be done only once, during first run.

7. Example output

  • No labels