1. Description


Join "append-able" fields from several IDSes of one type  to single (output)  IDS

E.g. :

  • input array - 3 IDSes (waves) A,B,C - having coherent_wave of size: X (A1, A2, ..., Ax), Y (B1, B2, ..., By) and Z (C1, C2, ..., Cz)
  • output - single IDS (wave) with coherent_wave of size X+Y+Z
  • Output  coherent_wave elements put in order of ports (  (A1, A2, ..., Ax, B1, B2, ..., By, C1, C2, ..., Cz)

Assumptions :

  • homogeneous and heterogenous IDSes can be appended 
  • only IDSes of the same type can be appended
  • only specific fields (defined in DD) can be appended
  • given instance of actor can append only IDSes of one type
  • to get inputs - getSlice method will be used
  • to put output - putSlice will be used
  • if all IDSes are homogeneous - actor will produce homogeneous IDS
  • if any of input IDSes will be heterogeneous - actor will produce heterogeneous IDS


1.1. Inputs

IDSTime actor has two input ports.

port namepurposeIcon

An array (i.e. Kepler record) of IDSes. Multiport.

All IDSes provided must be of the same type.

idsTimeTime, defining slices to be appended.

1.2. Outputs

port namepurpose

Single IDS with all "append-able" fields being a sum of fields from all input iDSes.

Output port is coupled with input multiport (in: array of IDSes of type A --> out: single IDS of type A )

2. Configuration

occurenceOccurence of output IDS

3. Version history

1.0initial version - to be evaluated by users
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