Directories and Collections


All digital objects stored in the dLibra library are put in appropriate places in the hierarchical structure of directories. Every directory can contain any number of objects or subordinate directories. Directories are used to create a structural order in the library. In most cases, objects will be put in directories by their owners or by the company department they belong to.

The directory-based library structure is only visible for the administrators and editors of the library – readers do not have access to it. That makes it possible for an editor to shape the structure of the library in any way without affecting the way in which the library is displayed to readers.


Directories are used to put digital objects in order internally, and they are only seen by library administrators and editors. The logical structure seen by readers is created with the use of collections. In the dLibra system, there can be any number of collections. Collections are organized hierarchically. Every collection can consist of any number of subordinate collections and contain any number of digital objects. A single object can belong to any number of collections. Collections are usually thematic (for example, a “Didactic Materials” collection with subordinate “Biology” and “Computer Science” collections. Additionally, it is possible to define one collection of recommended objects in the dLibra system (that collection is configured by the system administrator, and its default name is “Recommended”). That collection is not visible for readers, on the website, and all the objects assigned to it are presented in a special way in the digital portal. Off course, the collection is visible in the Editor and Administrator Application, so that editors can add digital objects to it.

The table below presents the differences between a directory and a collection and compares their properties.

Directories – the Editor’s View

Collections – the Reader’s View

It has a tree structure (contains directories and digital objects).

It has a tree structure (only contains collections).

Digital objects are stored here.

It has a list of objects assigned to collections.

The mechanism is independent of collections.

The mechanism is independent of directories.

It is only visible in the Editor and Administrator Application (editor work organization).

It is visible on websites (presentation) and in the Editor and Administrator Application (assigning objects to collections).

For example, in the Digital Library of Wielkopolska, every library has its own, secured directory.

For example, in the Digital Library of Wielkopolska, collections are lists of objects related to a similar topic.

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