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Security groups is the name for the basic network packet filtering option built in to the Openstack/Contrail setup in use in the Safespring cloud. Security groups allow you to create lists of rules that can be applied to instances.

One instance can have several security groups attached to them, and default is to deny everything and then each added security group would add more exceptions that would be allowed so one group may allow inbound SSH (TCP port 22) for remote administration and another group allows outgoing HTTP and HTTPS (outbound port 80,443) in order for the instance to download OS updates.

Before being able to reach outside networks, a floating IP needs to be associated with one of your network interfaces (ports), and a security group allowing this must be applied to your instance. You can create many different security groups and apply one or more to any instance you have. Applying a security group takes effect immediately on running instances. Running local firewalls is still recommended, since other machines on the same local network may still reach your instance.


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