1. Running Kepler at Marconi Gateway

In case you have never ever installed Kepler you can always take a look at short demo movie that is located at following location:


Note that this page may become outdated after some time. You can always take a look at TWiki pages to get most recent version of manual: Kepler installation at Marconi Gateway

1.1. Setting up environment

1.1.1. Backing up old files

Before first configuration of Kepler, make sure to backup your old data files

cd ~ 
mv .kepler .kepler~
mv KeplerData KeplerData~
mv .ptolemyII .ptolemyII~

1.1.2. Creating place to store your personal installations of Kepler

Make sure to create directory where Kepler installations will be stored (ITMWORK is a preffered place)

mkdir $ITMWORK/my_keplers
# it might be convenient to create symbolic link inside HOME as well
ln -s "$ITMWORK/my_keplers" my_keplers

And make sure to export ITM_KEPLER_DIR variable that points to this location

# for tcsh, put following command inside .cshrc
setenv ITM_KEPLER_DIR $ITMWORK/my_keplers

# for bash, put following command inside .bashrc
export ITM_KEPLER_DIR=$ITMWORK/my_keplers

1.1.3. Using helper scripts for Kepler installation

By default, you have access to helper scripts that make it easier to install and maintain Kepler installations


-help (shows options)

-all (shows all Kepler versions)

list available keplers

target_dir src_kepler description

target_dir: chosen directory name inside $ITM_KEPLER_DIR
src_kepler: name of Kepler version (as given by list_keplers.sh)
description: chosen descriptive text (in quotes)

installs local or central keplers
list_my_keplers.sh lists keplers that are already installed in your home location


kepler_name: name of the installed Kepler (as given by list_my_keplers.sh)

changes current working version of Kepler

1.2. Sample installation session

1.2.1. Make sure $ITM_KEPLER_DIR points to location where Keplers will be installed

setenv ITM_KEPLER_DIR $ITMWORK/my_keplers

1.2.2. List all available Keplers

# You can use list_keplers.sh to do so
<g2michal@s34 ~>list_keplers.sh -all
List of available Kepler installations

Local installations
- local (default)
Version based on Kepler 2.4
- 2.4/R3_RC/local
Version based on Kepler 2.5
- 2.4/R3_RC/local

Central installations
- central (default)
- rc
Version based on Kepler 2.4
- 2.4/R3_RC_ETS/central
- 2.4/R3_RC/central
Version based on Kepler 2.5
- 2.5/R3_RC/central

1.2.3. Install Kepler that contains all ETS actors - using central installation

# I will use following command
# install_kepler.sh my_R3_RC_ETS 2.4/R3_RC_ETS/central 'This is my first installation at Marconi'
# my_R3_RC_ETS - is the name of directory where Kepler will be stored
# 2.4/R3_RC_ETS/central - points to installation I am interested in
# 'This is my first installation at Marconi' - this is just a description that can make it easier
#   to choose between installations later on
<g2michal@s34 ~>install_kepler.sh my_R3_RC_ETS 2.4/R3_RC_ETS/central 'This is my first installation at Marconi'
Using location at: /afs/eufus.eu/user/g/g2michal/kepler_dir
Linking common ...
~/kepler_dir/my_R3_RC_ETS/kepler ~
Linking gui ...
~/kepler_dir/my_R3_RC_ETS/kepler ~
Linking kepler-tasks ...
Linking build-area ...
Linking build-area/target ...
Copying kepler.sh ...
Creating itm subdirectory structure ...
Linking directories ...
Creating info file
Creating Kepler related directories
Kepler was installed inside /afs/eufus.eu/user/g/g2michal/kepler_dir/my_R3_RC_ETS

1.2.4. After Kepler is installed, you can list all of your personal installations

# you can do this using list_my_kepler.sh script
<g2michal@s34 ~>list_my_keplers.sh
Using location at: /afs/eufus.eu/user/g/g2michal/kepler_dir
Following kepler installations are ready for use
selected   type       name - 'description'

 [ ]    [Central ]    my_R3_RC_ETS - 'This is my first installation at Marconi'

To use one of these, type

switch_to_kepler.sh [name]

1.2.5. You can switch between your own installations

# in order to switch between installations you have to run
# switch_to_kepler.sh script
<g2michal@s34 ~>switch_to_kepler.sh my_R3_RC_ETS
Using location at: /afs/eufus.eu/user/g/g2michal/kepler_dir
Removing old links                                    [ OK ]
Linking new kepler: my_R3_RC_ETS                      [ OK ]
# after switching between Kepler, you can easily check which
# installation is currently used. All you have to do is to 
# run list_my_keplers.sh again
# note "[X]" next to Kepler installation being currently used
<g2michal@s34 ~>list_my_keplers.sh
Using location at: /afs/eufus.eu/user/g/g2michal/kepler_dir
Following kepler installations are ready for use
selected   type       name - 'description'

 [x]    [Central ]    my_R3_RC_ETS - 'This is my first installation at Marconi'

To use one of these, type

switch_to_kepler.sh [name]

1.2.6. You are ready to run Kepler

# make sure to set TOKAMAK name before running Kepler
# in case of tcsh, make sure to run
source $ITMSCRIPTDIR/ITMv2 test 
# if you prefer bash, use this one
source $ITMSCRIPTDIR/ITMv2.sh jet 
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