UDA is still in development. However, accessing WEST, JET, TCV and AUG machines is possible using a specific configuration which is described below.

Use the following setup before to launch the IMASViz application:

module purge
module load cineca
module load imasenv/3.15.1
module load imas-viz
module unload imas
module use /afs/eufus.eu/user/g/g2lfleur/uda/imas/etc/modulefiles
module load imas-uda
imasdb test

1.1.1. Accessing WEST

  1. Launch ImasViz. 
  2. Select the Experiment data source tab
  3. Select the WEST machine using the dropdown list
  4. Give a shot and run number
  5. Click the open button
  6. Provide your username and password for WEST access when asked in the terminal

Step 6 can be avoided if you provide a file '.west_tunnel' with the following content in a single line:

WEST     username    password

The file should be located in your home directory (filename='.west_tunnel', do not forget the dot !).

1.1.2. Accessing JET

  1. Launch ImasViz. 
  2. Select the Experiment data source tab
  3. Select the JET machine using the dropdown list
  4. Give a shot and run number
  5. Click the open button

1.1.3. Accessing TCV

  1. Provide a file '.exp2imas' with the following content in a single line (add a new line if the file already exists):

    TCV     username    password

    The file should be located in your home directory (filename='.exp2imas', do not forget the dot !).

  2. Launch ImasViz. 
  3. Select the Experiment data source tab
  4. Select the TCV machine using the dropdown list
  5. Give a shot and run number
  6. Click the open button

1.1.4. Accessing AUG

  1. Provide a file '.exp2imas' with the following content in a single line (add a new line if the file already exists):

    AUG    username    password

    The file should be located in your home directory (filename='.exp2imas', do not forget the dot !).

  2. Launch ImasViz. 
  3. Select the Experiment data source tab
  4. Select the AUG machine using the dropdown list
  5. Give a shot and run number
  6. Click the open button
  • No labels