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1. Current solution

It looks like (from user's perspective) we miss simplified way of choosing "dressed" Kepler and workflow that will be used to launch ETS. In fact, the same sort of issues will affect Python based workflows.

At the moment, release of Kepler follows (heavy simplified process):

  • release of new FC2K (e.g.: version R4.2.6 this will be transparent for users - they don't need FC2K for day to day usage)
  • release of new Kepler  (e.g. version R5.0.16_v5.2.2)
  • release of all actors (based on tag, e.g.: v5.2.2)
  • release of supplementary components (e.g.: kplots)
  • release of workflow (e.g.: ETS_v5.2.2.xml)
  • release of autoGui (e.g.: 1.1)

all these components make user based environment.

2. Main goal

To provide to the user a mechanism that:

  • allows to run ETS workflow via ETS GUI
  • automatically and transparently updates all ETS components

3. Assumptions

  • User sets up and runs ETS via ETS GUI only (warning)

3.1. Module ets 

Module ets configures user working environment by loading consistent set of libraries that were used to build particular version of ETS.

It internally

  • loads module itmenv 
  • sets particular release of ETS actors 
  • sets particular release of ETS workflow (ETS.xml)

Proposed syntax: {{ets/dd-ver/ets-ver e.g. ets/3.27.0/6.3

3.2. Script (please name it simply "")

This script

  • checks if new versions of ETS environment are available
  • in case a new version was released, allows the user to decide is local installation should be updated
  • if YES - automatically updates local user installation of ETS environment 

4. Use cases:

4.1. Use-case 1 - Running existing installation of ETS

1) Precondition - first run or no ETS versions released since last run

2) Setting ETS environment and launching ETS

# 1. log in to machine
# 2. initialise environment

> module load ets

# 3. run the autoGui


autoGui is started, user can use his version of ETS with the default workflow loaded by environment.

4.2. Use-case 2 - Running already installed version of ETS (even if new version was released)

1) Precondition - ETS environment updated

In this scenario, system was upgraded and new release of tools was installed

  • release of new Kepler  (e.g. version R5.0.16_v5.2.3)
  • release of all actors (based on tag, e.g.: v5.2.3)
  • release of supplementary components (e.g.: kplots)
  • release of workflow (e.g.: ETS_v5.2.3.xml)

With current layout of Kepler and actors, we are forced to create new version of Kepler. This is why, after releasing new set of actors we have new version of Kepler

R5.0.16_v5.2.2 -> R5.0.16_v5.2.3

2) Setting ETS environment and launching ETS

# 1. log in to machine
# 2. initialise environment

> module load ets

# 3. run the autoGui

There is a new release of ETS. Do you want to upgrade [Y/N]?: N

User presses N and currently installed version of autoGui [is autoGui being "installed" locally?] and current version of environment (Kepler, set of ETS actors, and workflow file) is used. No changes inside user's settings are done.

4.3. Use-case 3 - Running ETS  (automatic update of ETS installation)

1) Precondition - ETS environment updated

In this scenario, system was upgraded and new release of tools was installed

  • release of new Kepler  (e.g. version R5.0.16_v5.2.3)
  • release of all actors (based on tag, e.g.: v5.2.3)
  • release of supplementary components (e.g.: kplots)
  • release of workflow (e.g.: ETS_v5.2.3.xml)

With current layout of Kepler and actors, we are forced to create new version of Kepler. This is why, after releasing new set of actors we have new version of Kepler

R5.0.16_v5.2.2 -> R5.0.16_v5.2.3

2) Setting ETS environment and launching ETS

# 1. log in to machine
# 2. initialise environment

> module load ets

# 3. run the autoGui

There is a new release of ETS. Do you want to upgrade [Y/N]?: Y

User presses Y. Script performs upgrade of all tools installed for the user and starts most recent version of autoGui and most recent version of Kepler. Previous version of user's installation are preserved and it will be possible to go back to this version later.

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