Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
  <some_int> 13 </some_int>
  <some_real> 21.00 </some_real>

The file data.xsd

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
     <xs:documentation>Code parameters for Nuclearsim 
                     (nuclear reaction rates for thermal plasmas)</xs:documentation>
   <xs:element name="parameters">
         <xs:element name="some_int" type="xs:integer"/>
         <xs:element name="some_real" type="xs:float"/>
         <xs:element name="myfamily" type="family"/>
         <xs:element name="anotherfamily" type="family"/>
   <xs:complexType name="family">
       <xs:element name="dad" type="person"/>
       <xs:element name="mum" type="person"/>
   <xs:complexType name="person">
       <xs:element name="age" type="xs:integer"/>
       <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"/>

The file sample.f90 

Code Block
program sample

  use f90_file_reader, only: file2buffer
  use xml2eg_mdl, only: xml2eg_parse_memory, xml2eg_get, &
       type_xml2eg_document, xml2eg_free_doc

  implicit none

  type(type_xml2eg_document) :: doc
  character(len=132), pointer :: buffer(:)

  character(30) :: str
  character(30) :: name
  integer :: test_int
  real(8) :: test_real
  integer :: io_unit = 1
  logical :: errorflag

  ! Here we read the xml-file and the schema from file. 
  ! In ITM codes this call is typically done outside the actor, in the wrapper.
  ! The output from the call is the codeparam structure, which is the one 
  ! used as input to ITM actors.
  call file2buffer('data.xml', io_unit, buffer)

  ! This call translated (parses) the xml data, stored in the string 
  ! codeparam%parameters, into the DOM format used by libxml2.
  ! The output is the DOM document "dom".
  call xml2eg_parse_memory( buffer , doc )

  ! Below fetch data fields from the DOM document using the xml2eg_get,  
  ! which is overloads reading routines for strings, reals, doubles and integers, 
  ! as well as vectors of reals, doubles and integers.
  call xml2eg_get(doc , 'some_int' , test_int)
  write(0,*)'First we read a single integer:',test_int

  call xml2eg_get(doc , 'some_real' , test_real)
  write(0,*)'...and a single real:',test_real

  write(0,*)'Next lets test reading structured data, here using multiple ', &
     'instances of a "family" type:'
  call xml2eg_get(doc , 'myfamily/dad/name' , name)
  write(0,*)'  myfamily/dad/name=',name

  call xml2eg_get(doc , 'myfamily/dad/age' , test_int)
  write(0,*)'  myfamily/dad/age=',test_int

  call xml2eg_get(doc , 'myfamily/mum/name' , name)
  write(0,*)'  myfamily/mum/name=',name

  call xml2eg_get(doc , 'myfamily/mum/age' , test_int)
  write(0,*)'  myfamily/mum/age=',test_int

  call xml2eg_get(doc , 'anotherfamily/dad/name' , name)
  write(0,*)'  anotherfamily/dad/name=',name

  call xml2eg_get(doc , 'anotherfamily/dad/age' , test_int)
  write(0,*)'  anotherfamily/dad/age=',test_int

  call xml2eg_get(doc , 'anotherfamily/mum/name' , name)
  write(0,*)'  anotherfamily/mum/name=',name

  call xml2eg_get(doc , 'anotherfamily/mum/age' , test_int)
  write(0,*)'  anotherfamily/mum/age=',test_int

  write(0,*)'When attempting reading a path that does not exists in the ', &
       'xml (e.g. "',trim(str),'") then...'
  write(0,*)'    (a) The following error message is generated:'

  call xml2eg_get(doc , str , test_int, errorflag)

  write(0,*)'    (b) for integers you recieve the answer: ',test_int
  write(0,*)'    (c) you may recieve an optional error-flag (logical) with value: ', &

  call xml2eg_free_doc(doc)

end program sample

Example 2 for the xml2eg interface

The file actor_example.xml 

Code Block
    <my_integer> 153</my_integer>

The file actor_example.f90

Code Block
subroutine actor_example(equilibrium, core_profiles, codeparam)

  use ids_schemas, only: ids_real, ids_int, ids_equilibrium, &
     ids_core_profiles, ids_parameters_input
  use iso_c_binding, only: c_double, c_int

  implicit none

  type(ids_equilibrium), intent(in) :: equilibrium
  type(ids_core_profiles), intent(out) :: core_profiles
  type(ids_parameters_input), intent(in) :: codeparam

  ! Internal
  integer(ids_int) :: value_int       ! IDS compatible variable
  real(ids_real)   :: value_real1     ! IDS compatible variable
  real(ids_real)   :: value_real2     ! IDS compatible variable
  integer(c_int)   :: tmp_value_int   ! XML2EG compatible variable
  real(c_double)   :: tmp_value_real1 ! XML2EG compatible variable
  real(c_double)   :: tmp_value_real2 ! XML2EG compatible variable

     subroutine assign_codeparam(codeparam_string, value_int, value_real1, value_real2)
       use iso_c_binding, only: c_double, c_int
       character(len=132), pointer :: codeparam_string(:)
       integer(c_int) :: value_int
       real(c_double) :: value_real1
       real(c_double) :: value_real2
     end subroutine assign_codeparam
  end interface

  call assign_codeparam(codeparam%parameters_value, &
       tmp_value_int, tmp_value_real1, tmp_value_real2)
  value_int  = int(  tmp_value_int  , ids_int  )
  value_real1 = real( tmp_value_real1 , ids_real )
  value_real2 = real( tmp_value_real2 , ids_real )

  write(*,*)'Integer value, 153_ids_int = ', value_int
  write(*,*)'Real value, 3.14_ids_real          = ', value_real1
  write(*,*)'Real value, 1.6022000E-19_ids_real = ', value_real2

end subroutine actor_example


subroutine assign_codeparam(codeparam_string, value_int, value_real1, value_real2)

  use xml2eg_mdl, only: xml2eg_parse_memory, xml2eg_get, type_xml2eg_document, &
      xml2eg_free_doc, set_verbose
  use iso_c_binding, only: c_double, c_int

  implicit none

  ! Input/Output
  character(len=132), pointer :: codeparam_string(:)
  integer(c_int) :: value_int
  real(c_double) :: value_real1
  real(c_double) :: value_real2

  ! Internal
  type(type_xml2eg_document) :: doc

  ! Parse the "codeparam_string". This means that the data is put into a document "doc"
  call xml2eg_parse_memory( codeparam_string  , doc )
  call set_verbose(.TRUE.) ! Only needed if you want to see what's going on in the parsing

  ! Extract data in "doc" at position "branch_1/my_integer" and store it in "value_int"
  call xml2eg_get( doc , 'branch_1/my_integer' , value_int  )

  ! Extract data in "doc" at position "branch_1/my_real1" and store it in "value_real1"
  call xml2eg_get( doc , 'branch_2/my_real1'    , value_real1 )

  ! Extract data in "doc" at position "branch_1/my_real" and store it in "value_real2"
  call xml2eg_get( doc , 'branch_2/my_real'    , value_real2 )

  ! Make sure to clean up after you!!
  ! When calling "xml2eg_parse_memory" memory was allocated in the "doc" object.
  ! This memory is freed by "xml2eg_free_doc(doc)"
  call xml2eg_free_doc(doc)

end subroutine assign_codeparam

The file prog_actor_example.f90 

Code Block
program prog_actor_example

  use ids_schemas, only: ids_equilibrium, ids_core_profiles, ids_parameters_input
  use f90_file_reader, only: file2buffer

  type(ids_equilibrium) :: equilibrium
  type(ids_core_profiles) :: core_profiles
  type(ids_parameters_input) :: codeparam
  integer :: iounit = 1
  character(len=132), pointer :: buffer(:)

     subroutine actor_example(equilibrium, core_profiles, codeparam)
       use ids_schemas, only: ids_equilibrium, ids_core_profiles, ids_parameters_input
       type(ids_equilibrium), intent(in) :: equilibrium
       type(ids_core_profiles), intent(out) :: core_profiles
       type(ids_parameters_input), intent(in) :: codeparam
     end subroutine actor_example
  end interface

  write(*,*)'Reading actor_example.xml...'
  call file2buffer('actor_example.xml',iounit, codeparam%parameters_value)
  write(*,*)'call actor_example...'
  call actor_example(equilibrium, core_profiles, codeparam)

end program prog_actor_example