Versions Compared


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1. Setting values inside Record Token using recordset actor

recordset actor allows you to set/modify values inside Record Token. It works following way:

  1. If there is no field inside Record Token, it will add it into Record Token

    Code Block
    { a = 1 } -> inputRecord -+
                               >- { a = 1, b = 2 }
    2         -> b           -+                    // I am passing value 2 into port with the name b - new 
                                                   // entry inside record will be created
  2. If there is a field with given name inside Record Token, it will be replaced

    Code Block
    { a = 1, b = 1 } -> inputRecord -+
                                      >- { a = 1, b = 2 }
    2                -> b           -+             // I am passing value 2 into port with the name b - old 
                                                   // value will be replaced with new one
  3. If there is a field with given name inside Record Token, the type of field may change if you pass different type in the input


    Code Block
    { a = 1, b = 1 }  -> inputRecord -+
                                       >- { a = 1, b = { c = 2 } }
    { c = 2 }         -> b           -+            // I am passing record { c = 2 } into port b - old value 
                                                   // will be replaced with Record Token element (nested Record Token)
  4. You can modify nested Record Type values by separating names of elements with /. E.g. you can specify "a/b"

    Code Block
    { a = { b = 1} }  -> inputRecord -+
                                       >- { a = 1, b = { c = 2 } }
    2                 -> a/b         -+            // I am passing value 2 into port a/b - this time, I modify element a.b inside Record Token
                                                   // note that we have to use "/" in port name due to the fact Kepler 
                                                   // doesn't allow to use "." as name separator



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2. Getting values from Record Token using recordget actor


This recordget actor allows you to retrieve values from Record Token. Comparing to expressions, you can:

  • get the whole Record Token as it is (e.g. to pass it further) via "//" port
  • you can get multiple fields at the same time by specifying their names using output ports
  • you can get nested values directly from the Record Token
