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Developer guidelines
A detailed guidelines and recommendations for code developers could be found here



4.1.2 FC2K main window

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Fig. 1. FC2K main window

If you open an existing project, all relative paths defined within project will be relative to a directory within which fc2k was started


4.1.3 Actor description

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Fig. 2. FC2K actor description




A name of user subroutine must be exactly the same as it was defined in user code


4.1.4 Environment

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Fig. 3. FC2K environment tab


Below you can find explanation of FC2K arguments tab.

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Fig. 4. "Arguments" tab




Restrictions concerning type and order of arguments

Arguments specified in this tab must match a type and order of arguments of the routine/function.

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Fig. 5. An example of subroutine arguments


Code specific parameters are all parameters which are specific to the code (like switches, scaling parameters, and parameters for built-in analytical models) as well as parameters to explicitly overrule fields in the ITM data structures.

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Fig. 6. "Parameters" tab


4.1.7 "Source" tab explained

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Fig. 7. "Source" tab


"Main library" field allows to define a path to library containing user subroutine/function.

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Fig. 8. "Source" tab - A path to "main" and "optional" library


"Custom libraries" are non-standard static libraries required for building the user code.

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Fig. 9. "Source" tab - A list of "custom" libraries


"System libraries" are system libraries handled by pkg-config mechanism and required for building the user code.

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Fig. 10. "Source" tab - A list of "system" libraries


  • add library from the list,
  • remove library
  • display detailed info (library definition returned by pkg-config mechanism)

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Fig. 11. Adding "system" libraries


A user, using this tab, selects programming language of codes provided, compiler used to built library and type of code execution (sequential or parallel)

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Fig. 12. "Settings" tab - code description
  • Programming languange:
    • Type - Defines programming language of user codes. It could be set to:
      • Fortran
      • _C/C++
    • Compiler - Defines compiler being used. Possible values:
      • ifortgfortran
      • gccg++
  • Computation:
    • Parallel MPI - If turned ON uses MPI compilers (mpiifort for ifort, mpif90 for gfortran, mpigxx for C)
    • OPENMP - Defined if usage of OpenMP directives is turned ON/OFF
    • Batch - If turned ON, submits a user code to jobs queue (combined with Parallel MPI or OPENMP switch runs user code as parallel job)
  • Additional features:
    • Calls init method - If user function needs any pre-initialization, an additional function will be called.
    • Returns diagnostic info -  adds output diagnostic information

4.1.9 "Documentation" tab explained

The "Documentation" tab specifies an user-defined Kepler actor description. It could be displayed from actor pop-up menu.

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Fig. 13. "Documentation" tab


The "Interface" tab specifies interface for Kepler actor.

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Fig. 14. "Interface" tab
