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Prepare a structure containing the densities of all ion charge states of an element for the core_profiles IDS and other element characteristics.

ionstructstructure containing the properties of the ion species
massfloation mass number
Z_nfloatcharge number of the nucleus
labelsymbol arraylabel of the ion chemical element


intindex of the respective neutral in the AoS
densities1d float arrayarray of densities, densities(Z) being the density of the charge state Z

function [neutral_sort] = arrange_radiation neutral_density (label, mass, Z_n, powerlabel, ion_index, density)

Prepare a structure containing the density of neutral atoms of an element for the core_profiles IDS.

neutralstructstructure containing the properties of the neutral species
massfloation mass number
Z_nfloatcharge number of the nucleus
labelsymbol arraylabel of the chemical element
ion_indexintindex of the respective ion in the AoS 
densityfloatneutral density

function [neutral_sort] = arrange_radiation (label, mass, Z, power_density)

Arrange the structure holding the data about emissivity and other characteristics of a neutral species.

neutralstruct????????????  structure containing the properties of the neutral species
massfloation mass number
Z_nfloatcharge number of the nucleus
labelsymbol arraylabel of the chemical element
ion_indexintindex of the respective ion in the AoS 
densityfloatneutral density

function [density, ion_found] = extract_ion_densities (profiles, Z)

Extracts densities of all charge states of an ion species from the core_profiles IDS.

function [AOS_index] = find_source (sources, dictionary_index)

Finds location of the element with a given data dictionary index in an AOS (in particular, the source in core_sources.source and the process in radiation.process).

function index = find_species (species_list, label)

Finds location of the species with a given label in AoS.

 DYON input

Description of the scripts processing the DYON input (to be done).
