Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Logging into the Marconi :

    Code Block
    ssh <USER_NAME>

  2. Change location to $WORK directory, which should point to /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST :

    Code Block
    $: cd $WORK
    $: pwd

  3. Load GCC 7.3.0 and then INTEL 2020:

    Code Block
    $: module load gnu/7.3.0
    $: module load intel/pe-xe-2020--binary

  4. Prepare directories:

    Code Block
    $: mkdir -p IMAS_software/{cache,libs,modules,spack,stage}-{gcc,intel}
    $: mkdir -p IMAS_software/cache-{gcc,intel}/{cache,var,test}
    $: tree IMAS_software/
    ├── cache-gcc
    │   ├── cache
    │   ├── test
    │   └── var
    ├── cache-intel
    │   ├── cache
    │   ├── test
    │   └── var
    ├── libs-gcc
    ├── libs-intel
    ├── modules-gcc
    ├── modules-intel
    ├── spack-gcc
    ├── spack-intel
    ├── stage-gcc
    └── stage-intel

  5. Go into IMAS_software directory:

    Code Block
    cd IMAS_software

  6. Clone spack repository to spack-intel :

    Code Block
    git clone spack-intel

  7. Go into spack-intel directory:

    Code Block
    cd spack-intel

  8. Checkout desired version of spack :

    Code Block
    git checkout v0.19.0

  9. Set-up spack configuration:

    1. Go to directory where default configuration files are stored (assuming you're still inside spack-intel repository):

      Code Block
      cd etc/spack/defaults/

    2. Edit config.yaml :

      Code Block
      vim config.yaml

      You need to change the root of the install_tree, projections for allbuild_stage dir, test_stage dir, source_cache dir and misc_cache dir.

      1. root of the install_tree :

        Code Block
          # This is the path to the root of the Spack install tree.
          # You can use $spack here to refer to the root of the spack instance.
            root: /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-intel

      2. projections :

        Code Block

      3. build_stage :

        Code Block
            - /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/stage-intel

      4. test_stage :

        Code Block
          test_stage: /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/cache-intel/test

      5. source_cache :

        Code Block
          source_cache: /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/cache-intel/var/cache

      6. misc_cache :

        Code Block
          misc_cache: /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/cache-intel/cache

    3. Edit modules.yaml :

      Code Block
      vim modules.yaml

      Change the roots for the tcl modules:

      1. Example: 

        Code Block
          # These are configurations for the module set named "default"
            # Where to install modules
             tcl:    /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/modules-intel

    4. Edit linux/modules.yaml :

      Code Block
      vim linux/modules.yaml

      Here you have to fill the whole body just to set the module structure projections:

      Code Block
          arch_folder: false
              all: '{name}/{version}/{}/{compiler.version}/sha'
              - LD_LIBRARY_PATH
              - LD_LIBRARY_PATH

  10. Change the directory to the top of the spack repository:

    Code Block
    cd ../../../

  11. Source spack :

    Code Block
    source share/spack/

  12. Check the spack version - should be 0.19.0 :

    Code Block
    spack --version

  13. Install Lapack :

    Code Block
    spack install netlib-lapack %intel@ cflags="-fPIC" cxxflags="-fPIC" cppflags="-fPIC"

  14. Install Blas :

    Code Block
    spack install -j 1 netlib-xblas %intel@ cflags="-fPIC" cxxflags="-fPIC" cppflags="-fPIC"

  15. Install Python with tkinter support:

    Code Block
    spack install python +tkinter %intel@ cflags="-fPIC" cxxflags="-fPIC" cppflags="-fPIC"

  16. Install py-scipy :

    Code Block
    spack install --fail-fast py-scipy %intel@ cflags="-fPIC" cxxflags="-fPIC" cppflags="-fPIC"

  17. Install py-matplotlib :

    Code Block
    spack install --fail-fast py-matplotlib backend=tkagg %intel@ cflags="-fPIC" cxxflags="-fPIC" cppflags="-fPIC"

  18. Install py-pyyaml :

    Code Block
    spack install --fail-fast py-pyyaml %intel@ cflags="-fPIC" cxxflags="-fPIC" cppflags="-fPIC"

  19. Install hdf5 :

    Code Block
    spack install --fail-fast hdf5@1.12.2 %intel@ +threadsafe +cxx +fortran cflags="'-fPIC -pthread'" cxxflags="'-fPIC -pthread'" cppflags="'-fPIC -pthread'"

  20. Install boost :

    Code Block
    spack install --fail-fast boost %intel@ +python +numpy cflags="'-fPIC -pthread'" cxxflags="'-fPIC -pthread'" cppflags="'-fPIC -pthread'"

  21. Install blitz :

    Code Block
    spack install --fail-fast blitz@1.0.1 %intel@ cflags="'-fPIC -pthread'" cxxflags="'-fPIC -pthread'" cppflags="'-fPIC -pthread'"

  22. Install mdsplus :

    Code Block
    spack install --fail-fast mdsplus %intel@ cflags="-fPIC" cxxflags="-fPIC" cppflags="-fPIC"

  23. Download Saxon :
    - it's required by IMAS, but Spack is missing proper recipe

    Code Block
    $: mkdir -p libs-intel/saxon
    $: cd libs-intel/saxon
    $: wget
    $: unzip download

    Create two softlinks:

    Code Block
    $: ln -s saxon9-test.jar saxon9he-test.jar
    $: ln -s saxon9-xqj.jar saxon9he-xqj.jar

    And set the saxon files available:

    Code Block
    chmod -R 777 .

  24. Prepare Saxon module:

    Code Block
    $: cd ../../
    $: mkdir -p modules-intel/saxon
    $: vim modules-intel/saxon/9.9

    And fill the created module with below content:

    Code Block
    ##      Modulefile for saxon
    ##	Maciej Smukowski 2022
    set fpath	[file dirname $ModulesCurrentModulefile]
    set VERSION	[file tail $ModulesCurrentModulefile]
    module-whatis "Enable the usage of saxon $VERSION.
    \tKeywords: math tool matlab"
    proc ModulesDisplay {} {
    conflict saxon
    set SAXON_HOME /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-intel/saxon
    prepend-path SAXON_HOME /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-intel/saxon
    prepend-path    CLASSPATH $SAXON_HOME/saxon9he.jar
    prepend-path    CLASSPATH $SAXON_HOME/saxon9-test.jar
    prepend-path    CLASSPATH $SAXON_HOME/saxon9-xqj.jar
    prepend-path    CLASSPATH $SAXON_HOME/saxon9he-test.jar
    prepend-path    CLASSPATH $SAXON_HOME/saxon9he-xqj.jar

  25. Prepare spack-imasenv module prototype:

    Code Block
    $: mkdir -p modules/spack-imasenv/3.37.0/intel
    $: vim modules/spack-imasenv/3.37.0/intel/

    And fill the created module with below content:

    Code Block
    ##      Modulefile for imasenv
    ##  Maciej Smukowski 2022
    module-whatis "One IMASENV module to rule them all"
    proc ModulesDisplay {} {
    conflict imasenv
    # Add spack modules to MODULEPATH
    module use /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/modules-gcc
    module use /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/modules-intel
    module load gnu/7.3.0
    module load intel/pe-xe-2020--binary
    module load intelmpi/2020--binary
    module load cmake/3.25.0/gcc/7.3.0/sha-a4xv7cs
    module load pkgconf/1.8.0/intel/
    module load netlib-lapack/3.10.1/intel/
    module load netlib-xblas/1.0.248/intel/
    module load python/3.10.8/intel/
    module load py-pip/22.2.2/intel/
    module load py-setuptools/59.4.0/intel/
    module load py-wheel/0.37.1/intel/
    module load py-cython/0.29.32/intel/
    module load py-pyyaml/6.0/intel/
    module load py-numpy/1.22.4/intel/
    module load py-scipy/1.8.1/intel/
    module load py-matplotlib/3.6.2/intel/
    module load hdf5/1.12.2/intel/
    module load openjdk/11.0.17_8/intel/
    module load git
    module load blitz/1.0.1/intel/
    module load boost/1.80.0/intel/
    module load mdsplus/stable_release-7-96-17/intel/
    module load libxml2/2.10.1/intel/

    DISCLAIMER!: If you're doing your spack installation from scratch be cautious about module names. The pattern is "sha-{hash}" , where hash is generated during installation, therefore your hashes will be different than mine.

  26. Load spack-imasenv module:

    Code Block
    $: module use /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/modules
    $: module load spack-imasenv/3.37.0/intel/

  27. Load Saxon module:

    Code Block
    module load saxon/9.9

  28. Clone IMAS Installer :

    Code Block
    git clone ssh:// imas-installer-intel

    for convenience, let's loosen the read and write permissions for all files:

    Code Block
    chmod -R 777 .

    The top directory should look somewhat like this:

    Code Block
    drwxrwxrwx   6 interactive  4096 Dec  7 14:00 cache-gcc
    drwxrwxrwx   34 interactive  4096 Dec Nov10 16 13:4745 cache-intel
    drwxrwxrwx  10 7 interactive  4096 Dec  8 1215:1942 imas-installer-gcc
    drwxrwxrwx   7 interactive  4096 Dec 11 22:43 imas-installer-intel
    drwxrwxrwx 132135 interactive 32768 Dec 10 8 1116:5028 libs-gcc
    drwxrwxrwx 120118 interactive 32768 NovDec 1611 1322:5629 libs-intel
    drwxrwxrwx   3 interactive  4096 Dec  8 11:45 modules
    drwxrwxrwx 130132 interactive 32768 Dec 10 8 1216:1928 modules-gcc
    drwxrwxrwx 120124 interactive 32768 NovDec 1611 1322:4830 modules-intel
    drwxrwxrwx   39 interactive  4096 Dec Nov 167 1323:4744 spack
    drwxr-xr-x   9 interactive  4096 Dec 10 7 2316:4438 spack-gccintel
    drwxrwxrwx   3 interactive  4096 Dec  7 14:31 stage-gcc
    drwxrwxrwx   3 interactive  4096 Dec Nov10 16 13:4344 stage-intel

  29. Create IMAS configuration script:

    Code Block
    vim imas-installer-intel/

    and fill it with below content:

    Code Block
    export TAG_DD=3.37.0
    export TAG_AL=4.11.0
    # make sure these branches exist
    export VER_DD=$TAG_DD
    export VER_AL=$TAG_AL
    export UAL_VERSION=$TAG_AL
    export IMAS_HOME=/marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-intel/IMAS
    export IMAS_UDA=fat
    export IMAS_HDC=no
    export IMAS_CPP=yes
    export IMAS_FORTRAN=yes
    export IMAS_G95=no
    export IMAS_PGI=no
    export IMAS_IFORT=yes
    export IMAS_GFORTRAN=no
    export IMAS_NAGFOR=no
    export IMAS_JAVA=yes
    export IMAS_MATLAB=no
    export IMAS_PYTHON=yes
    export IMAS_PYTHON2=no
    export IMAS_PYTHON3=yes
    # After Installation Environment
    eval `./tools/ test`
    export UAL=$(realpath ./src/$IMAS_VERSION/ual/$UAL_VERSION)
    export CLASSPATH=$UAL/javainterface/build/:$CLASSPATH
    export ids_path="$MDSPLUS_TREE_BASE_0;$MY_INSTALL/models/mdsplus/;$ids_path"
    export TOKAMAKNAME=test
    export DATAVERSION=3

    Note that there are at least 3 places that should be customized:

    1. export TAG_DD=<desired_data_dictionary_tag>
    2. export TAG_AL=<desired_access_layer_tag>
    3. export IMAS_HOME=<your_IMAS_HOME_path>

  30. Go inside imas-installer-intel directory:

    Code Block
    cd imas-installer-intel

  31. Source IMAS configuration script:

    Code Block

  32. Download build files:

    Code Block
    make cache

  33. Check if everything is set-up correctly:

    Code Block
    make help

  34. Build and install IMAS :

    Code Block
    make install

  35. Leave the imas-installer-intel directory:

    Code Block
    cd ..

  36. Extend spack-imasenv modulefile:

    Code Block
    vim modules/spack-imasenv/3.37.0/intel/

    1. Add path to IMAS module:

      Code Block
      module use /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-intel/IMAS/etc/modulefiles

    2. Add loading of the IMAS module:

      Code Block
      module load IMAS/3.37.0/AL/4.11.0

    3. Final spack-imasenv module:

      Code Block
      ##      Modulefile for imasenv
      ##	Maciej Smukowski 2022
      module-whatis "One IMASENV module to rule them all"
      proc ModulesDisplay {} {
      conflict imasenv
      # Add spack modules to MODULEPATH
      module use /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/modules-intel
      module use /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-intel/IMAS/etc/modulefiles
      module load gnu/7.3.0
      module load cmake/3.25.0/gcc/7.3.0/sha-a4xv7cs
      module load pkgconf/1.8.0/gcc/7.3.0/sha-haasdgy
      module load netlib-lapack/3.10.1/gcc/7.3.0/sha-qyarwjw
      module load netlib-xblas/1.0.248/gcc/7.3.0/sha-7hrl4sf
      module load python/3.10.8/gcc/7.3.0/sha-ns7dn4v
      module load py-pip/22.2.2/gcc/7.3.0/sha-a3eh27l
      module load py-setuptools/59.4.0/gcc/7.3.0/sha-6ufe5bh
      module load py-wheel/0.37.1/gcc/7.3.0/sha-lw533jd
      module load py-cython/0.29.32/gcc/7.3.0/sha-ucdjw62
      module load py-pyyaml/6.0/gcc/7.3.0/sha-s7dm72x
      module load py-numpy/1.23.4/gcc/7.3.0/sha-c5ljmas
      module load py-scipy/1.8.1/gcc/7.3.0/sha-c5puafq
      module load py-matplotlib/3.6.2/gcc/7.3.0/sha-2sxscln
      module load hdf5/1.12.2/gcc/7.3.0/sha-hxkrksx
      module load openjdk/11.0.17_8/gcc/7.3.0/sha-impa6zh
      module load git
      module load blitz/1.0.1/gcc/7.3.0/sha-5jpnc3r
      module load boost/1.80.0/gcc/7.3.0/sha-nwvpbv4
      module load mdsplus/stable_release-7-96-17/gcc/7.3.0/sha-zwraez5
      module load libxml2/2.10.3/gcc/7.3.0/sha-p5tucjm
      module load IMAS/3.37.0/AL/4.11.0
