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  1.  Introduction
  2. DYON output
    1. Files provided
    2. Running the scripts
    3. The main files (functions 'put_to_IMAS', 'get_from_IMAS' and test scripts)
    4. IDS core_profiles
    5. IDS core_sources
    6. IDS equilibrium
    7. IDS gas_injection
    8. IDS magnetics
    9. IDS radiation
    10. IDS wall
    11. Service functions
  3. DYON input
  4. To be done


File name Content
put_to_IMAS.mFunction saving IMAS output data to IMAS
get_from_IMAS.mFunction reading IMAS output data from IMAS
test_put_to_IMAS.mSample script invoking the function put_to_IMAS
test_get_from_IMAS.mSample script that invokes the function get_from_IMAS and compares the recovered data with the initial ones
put_core_profiles.mFunction saving data to the 'core_profiles' IDS
put_core_sources.mFunction saving data to the 'core_sources' IDS
put_equilibrium.mFunction saving data to the 'equilibrium' IDS
put_gas_injection.mFunction saving data to the 'gas_injection' IDS
put_magnetics.mFunction saving data to the 'magnetics' IDS
put_radiation.mFunction saving data to the 'radiation' IDS
put_wall.mFunction saving data to the 'wall' IDS
get_core_profiles.mFunction recovering the saved data from the 'core_profiles' IDS
get_core_sources.mFunction recovering the saved data from the 'core_sources' IDS
get_equilibrium.mFunction recovering the saved data from the 'equilibrium' IDS
get_gas_injection.mFunction recovering the saved data from the 'gas_injection' IDS
get_magnetics.mFunction recovering the saved data from the 'magnetics' IDS
get_radiation.mFunction recovering the saved data from the 'radiation' IDS
get_wall.mFunction recovering the saved data from the 'wall' IDS
arrange_ion_densities.mFunction putting the densities of all charge states and the properties of an ion to 'core_profiles'
arrange_neutral_density.mFunction putting the density and the properties of a neutral atom to 'core_profiles'
arrange_radiation.mFunction arranging the radiation power density (together with all atom attributes) for given radiation type and neutral/ion kind
extract_ion_densities.mFunction extracting the densities of all charge states from the 'core_profiles' IDS
find_source.mFunction finding the location of the source with a given data dictionary index in an AoS
find_species.mFunction finding the location of the species with a given label in AoS
compare_core_profiles.mCompare Function comparing the data restored from the 'core_profiles' IDS with the initial content
compare_core_sources.mCompare Function comparing the data restored from the 'core_sources' IDS with the initial content
compare_equilibrium.mCompare Function comparing the data restored from the 'equilibrium' IDS with the initial content
compare_magnetics.mCompare Function comparing the data restored from the 'magnetics' IDS with the initial content
compare_radiation.mCompare Function comparing the data restored from the 'radiation' IDS with the initial content
compare_wall.mCompare Function comparing the data restored from the 'wall' IDS with the initial content
STEP_10003_N_O_impurities_Cwall_2022_11_12_17_53_27.matExample of MAT-file with DYON results (obtained from Kim Hyun-Tae)
STEP_10003_v4_600kW_EBWCD_2022_6_20_21_24_29.matExample of MAT-file with DYON results (obtained from Kim Hyun-Tae)
README.txtBrief user guide
DYON-IMAS_wrappers_user_guide.pdfThis documentation in PDF-format

Running the scripts

To launch the test scripts, do the following:


6. To get back the DYON output data, run test_get_from_IMAS.m. 

The main files (functions 'put_to_IMAS', 'get_from_IMAS' and test scripts)

The file test_put_to_IMAS.m loads a MAT-file containing the DYON results (the name of the file is defined in the script). It is assumed that there is a structure with the name 'output' among the variables loaded from the MAT-file and that this structure holds all the data that must be saved.


The function creates an IMAS data entry for the given 'shot' and 'run' parameters (note that the database with the required name must exist; otherwise, an error is raised). Then it invokes several functions that put data to separate IDS's ('put_core_profiles', 'put_core_sources', 'put_equilibrium', 'put_gas_injection', 'put_magnetics', 'put_wall', and 'put_radiation') and closes the database.

The file test_get_from_IMAS.m ?????

IDS core_profiles

IDS core_sources
