Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
├── fruit
│   └── fruit.f90
├── mod
├── src
│   └── <your_module>.f90
└── test 
    ├── <your_module>_test.f90
    └── <yourfruit_driver_name>.f90
  • fruit.f90 - fruit source code.
  • mod - directory used to store .mod files.
  • <your_module>.f90 - your actual module.
  • <your_module>_test.f90 - file with unit tests for your module.
  • <yourfruit_driver_name>.f90 - file with test driving program. Filename could be anything, just remember it so you can use it while compiling and running projectYou can change this file name, but remember to modify Makefile, so it could find it.

 Install requirements

setup fruit library

Download fruit.f90 into  .<project_dir>/fruit directory.

Code Block
cd <project_dir>/fruit

NOTE: While compiling fruit.f90 an error "Logicals must be compared with .eqv. instead of .eq." may occure. In this case you will need to modify fruit.f90 lines 912 and 913 editing ".eq." to ".eqv.".

Create project files

Create file with unit tests


Create unit test driver

Create file named <yourfruit_driver_name>.f90. It will call your tests and handle fruit init and summary. You will need to modify it everytime you add new tests.

Code Block
!file: <project_dir>/test/fruit_driver.f90

program fruit_driver
	use fruit
	use calculator_test
	call init_fruit

	!if you want to generate XML result
	!call init_fruit_xml

	call test_calculator

	!call fruit_summary_xml
	call fruit_summary
end program fruit_driver


Code Block
!file: <project_dir>/src/calculator.f90

module calculator
implicit none
	subroutine add(a,b,output)
		integer, intent (in) :: a,b
		integer, intent (out) :: output
	end subroutine add

end module calculator


Create Makefile

It is a build instruction that makes compiling your project easy. 

To use this code without modification you will need to follow convention:

  • Put your tests in /test directory and name them *_test.f90
  • Name your main program main.f90
  • Name your test driver "fruit_driver.f90"

Otherwise you will need to modify some of it's lines.

Code Block
#file: <project_dir>/Makefile
C=gfortran -O3
FFLAGS=-c -J ./mod

OBJS=$(patsubst %.f90,%.o,$(wildcard src/*.f90))

TESTED_OBJS=$(filter-out src/main.o, $(OBJS))

TESTS=$(patsubst %.f90,%.o,$(wildcard test/*test.f90))

LIB=$(patsubst %.f90,%.o,$(wildcard fruit/*.f90))

DRIVER_OBJ=$(patsubst %.f90,%.o, $(DRIVER_SOURCE))

all: run

run: $(OBJS)
        @echo "Building executable"
        $(FC) $(OBJS) -o $@

$(OBJS): src/%.o: src/%.f90
        @echo "Compiling objects"
        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) $< -o $@

test: fruit/fruit.o $(TESTED_OBJS) $(TESTS) $(DRIVER_OBJ)
        @echo "Building executable"
        $(FC) $^ -o run_test

$(TESTS): test/%.o: test/%.f90
        @echo "Compiling tests"
        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) $< -o $@

        @echo "Compiling driver"
        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) $< -o $@

fruit/fruit.o: fruit/fruit.f90
        @echo "Compiling FRUIT library"
        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) $< -o $@

        rm mod/*.mod -f
        rm src/*.o -f
        rm test/*.o -f
        rm fruit/*.o -f
        rm run -f

Run tests

Code Block
cd <project_dir>

#to compile and run tests
make test

#to clean after build
make clean

#to compile and run you program without tests

Using  Using setup and teardown subroutines

NOTE: This step is optional and is needed to be done only if you want to use setup and teardown subroutines.

NOTE: Using setup and teardown subroutines with this library is complex and unellegant. Consider using another framework or FRUIT+Ruby version.

 Add setup and teardown subroutines


Code Block
!file: <project_dir>/test/fruit_driver.f90

program fruit_driver
	use fruit
	use fruit_basket
	call init_fruit

	call fruit_basket

	call fruit_summary
end program fruit_driver

Run tests

This bash code will compile all source codes and run tests described in ./test/calculator_test.f90 file. Just put it into .sh file and run.

Modify Makefile

Add lines presented below at the end of the Makefile.

Code Block
test/fruit_basket.o: test/fruit_basket.f90
	@echo "Compiling FRUIT basket file"
    $(FC) $(FFLAGS) $< -o $@

Also you need to modify this line:

Code Block
test: fruit/fruit.o $(TESTED_OBJS) $(TESTS) $(DRIVER_OBJ)

as follows:

Code Block
test: fruit/fruit.o $(TESTED_OBJS) $(TESTS) test/fruit_basket.o $(DRIVER_OBJ)
Code Block
#create mod directory if not exists
mkdir -p mod

#compile source files
# -J specifies where .mod files will be generated, and add this path in compiler search location
gfortran -c ./src/*.f90 -J ./mod
gfortran -c ./fruit/*.f90 -J ./mod
gfortran -c ./test/*.f90 -J ./mod

# create executable file
gfortran -o fruit_driver *.o

#run tests

find . -name "*.o" -type f -delete
find . -name "*.mod" -type f -delete

Example output

 Output created with project described above
