Versions Compared


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  1. Prepare a standard launch 
  2. Copy python directory from /gss_efgw_work/work/g2fjc/jintrac/v220922/python to some location on pfs for example: /pfs/work/g2pbloch/python  (I use paths with my username, change them to ones with your username)
  3. Change JINTRAC_PYTHON_DIR  in rjettov (430 line) to python directory on pfs from step 2
  4. Change run_python_driver (line 49) in /pfs/work/g2pbloch/python (I use paths with my username, change them to ones with your username):
  5. cProfile :  mpirun --allow-run-as-root -np $NPROC python -u  -m cProfile -o /pfs/work/g2pbloch/python/  mpi 
  6. line-profiler : mpirun --allow-run-as-root -np $NPROC python -u  -m kernprof -l /pfs/work/g2pbloch/python/  mpi 
  7. When we use line-profiler we must add wrapper to profiling function. In this case we should add @profile  upper jintrac_imas_driver function in  : 

    Code Block
    titlefunction wrapper
    def jintrac_imas_driver(params, components, mpi='no'):
        """JINTRAC-IMAS generic workflow driver."""

  8. Run ./rjettov -S -I -p -x64 test v220922 g2fjc 
