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The module contains routines that support writing a grid having the  type(triangular_grid)  form to IMAS IDS's and, vice versa, reading a grid from IMAS and putting it into the type(triangular_grid)  form. It depends on the module  triangular_grid_module   and the IMAS modules  ids_schemas   and  ids_routines .

The module contains the following routines:


 Data types provided

    type grid_control_panel
        type(ids_identifier_dynamic_aos3) :: grid_identifier
        character(len=ids_string_length) :: poloidal_space_name, poloidal_space_description
        character(len=ids_string_length) :: node_file, triangle_file, neighbor_file
        integer :: grid_index = 1             ! Use grid_ggd in time slice 1
        integer :: ggd_index = 1              ! Use ggd in time slice 1
        ! The following fields are not used when getting the grid from IDS
        integer :: grid_dictionary_index
        !! Allocation of IMAS grid space for EIRENE triangular grid
        integer :: nSpaces = 1                ! Total number of GGD spaces;
                                                          ! may change if toroidal coordinate is added
        integer :: eirene_space_index = 1     ! May change if toroidal coordinate is added
        integer :: Ngrid_slices = 1                 ! Number of grid_ggd slices to be allocated
        integer :: Nggd_slices = 1                 ! Number of ggd slices to be allocated
    end type grid_control_panel

The structure type grid_control_panel is intended for holding the control parameters taken from a command file. These parameters determine how the EIRENE triangular grid is saved in / recovered from an IMAS IDS.

 Methods provided

The module contains the following routines:

  • get_grid_controls_for_input_saving
    Get from the command file the parameters that control saving the EIRENE grid to an IMAS database that is to hold an EIRENE input.
  • get_grid_controls_for_input_fetching 
    Get from the command file the parameters that control extracting the EIRENE grid from an IMAS database holding an EIRENE input.
  • get_triangular_grid_from_ids 
    Read a triangular grid from an IDS (not 'equilibrium'), put it into a  type(triangular_grid)-structure, and build the missing parts of the structure.
  • get_triangular_grid_from_equilibrium
    Read a triangular grid from the 'equilibrium' IDS, put it into a  type(triangular_grid)-structure, and build the missing parts of the structure.
  • get_grid_objects
    Get objects from the space holding a triangular grid and put them into a type(triangular_grid)-structure.
  • arrange_material_properties
    Get information about the material properties of grid edges from IDS and add it to the type(triangular_grid)-structure holding the grid description.
  • put_eirene_grid_to_ids 
    Save a triangular grid given as a  type(triangular_grid)-structure into a grid_ggd AoS element (not applicable to the 'equilibrium' IDS).
  • put_eirene_grid_to_equilibrium
    Save a triangular grid given as a  type(triangular_grid)-structure into a grid_ggd AoS element (intended for the 'equilibrium' IDS).
  • arrange_grid_space
    Create the 'space' AoS of grid_ggd.
  • arrange_triangular_grid_space 
    Put a triangular grid given as a  type(triangular_grid)-structure to a desired  grid_ggd  space.
  • arrange_subsets
    Create the 'subset' AoS.
  • arrange_standard_2d_subset 
    Arrange a "standard" subset in the poloidal 2d space (subset of all nodes, all edges, or all triangular cells).
  • arrange_mat_property_subset 
    Arrange a subset of edges with a certain value of MP.
  • arrange_subset_for_averages
    Arrange a special single-element subset for storing averages.

Detailed description of the methods:

function get_grid_controls_for_input_saving (io_unit) result (grid_controls)

Prepare the control parameters for saving an EIRENE grid to an IMAS database that is to hold an EIRENE input. The control parameters are taken from a command file.





grid_controlstype(grid_control_panel)resultStructure holding the control parameters
io_unitintegerinI/O unit attached to the command file

function get_grid_controls_for_input_fetching (io_unit) result (grid_controls)

Prepare the control parameters for extracting an EIRENE grid from an IMAS database holding an EIRENE input. The control parameters are taken from a command file.





grid_controlstype(grid_control_panel)resultStructure holding the control parameters
io_unitintegerinI/O unit attached to the command file

function get_triangular_grid_from_ids (grid_ggd) result (eirene_grid)


Read data about a triangular grid from a given space of GGD grid, put it into a 



and call the subroutines  arrange_material_properties  (from this module) and  arrange_neighbors   (from  triangular_grid_module) to build the missing parts of the structure. This function is not applicable to the grid stored in the 'equilibrium' IDS (because the type of the structure used for storing the GGD grid in this IDS is different). To extract the grid from the 'equilibrium' IDS, use the function get_triangular_grid_from_equilibrium.





eirene_gridtype(triangular_grid)resultThe retrieved grid
grid_ggdtype(ids_generic_grid_aos3_root), pointerpointerPointer to the  grid_ggd  AOS element containing the grid

function get_triangular_grid_from_equilibrium (grid_ggd) result (eirene_grid)

Read data about a triangular grid from a given space of GGD grid, put it into a  type(triangular_grid)-structure and call the subroutines  arrange_material_properties  (from this module) and  arrange_neighbors   (from  triangular_grid_module) to build the missing parts of the structure. This function is applicable only to the grid stored in the 'equilibrium' IDS (because the type of the structure used for storing the GGD grid in this IDS is different). To extract the grid from another IDS, use the

Detailed description of the methods:

function get_triangular_grid_from_ids.





eirene_gridtype(triangular_grid)resultThe retrieved grid
grid_ggdtype(ids_generic_grid_dynamic), pointerpointerPointer to the  grid_ggd  AOS element containing the grid

function get_grid_objects (space space_index) result (eirene_grid)Read data about

a triangular grid from a given space of GGD grid, put it into a  The function returns a type(triangular_grid)-structure and call the function  arrange_neighbors   (from  triangular_grid_module) to build the missing parts of the structure, which is partly filled with information read from the GGD grid space having the identifier index equal to 1 (i.e., being the 'primary grid space'). The function takes as a parameter the AoS of all grid spaces.





The retrieved
Partly filled grid structure
root), pointerpointerPointer to the  grid_ggd  AOS element containing the gridspace_indexintegerinIndex of the triangular grid in  space  AOS
space), dimension(:)inSpace where the triangular grid is stored

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subroutine put_eirene_grids_to_ids (eirene_grid, coord_type, grid_ggd, nSpaces, eirene_space_index, grid_name, grid_description, eirene_space_name, eirene_space_description)

Allocate the space AOS in a given  grid_ggd   element with a given number of grid spaces, put a triangular grid given as a  type(triangular_grid)-structure into a desired element of the  space  AOS, and organize necessary grid subsets.
