Versions Compared


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! Parameters that control saving the EIRENE input to IMAS.
! Use '!' when inserting comment lines.
! You can add comments at the end of each line unless this line holds a comment
! (i.etext that may contain blanks (e.g., a text containing blanksdescription field).
! Do not change the order of the parameters.
eirene                                         <= IMAS database
10003   10003                                         <= shot
1 1                                                 <<= run
'IDS created to test EIRENE input storage'     <= IDS comment
'Yurii Yakovenko'                             <<= input provider
'long ago'                                     <= creation date
!!! grid data
"SN"                                         <= grid name
4 4                                               <<= grid index in dictionary (single null)
"EIRENE grid for single null configuration"  <= grid description
"primary_standard"                 <= poloidal space name
"primary poloidal triangular grid" <= poloidal space description
soledge3x.npco_char                <= grid node file
soledge3x.elemente                 <= grid triangle file
soledge3x.neighbors                <= grid neighbor file
!!! Physical quantities
bx.dat       <= bx file
by.dat       <= by file
bz.dat       <= bz file
Btotal.dat   <= Btotal file
vx.dat       <= vx file
vy.dat       <= vy file
vz.dat      <= vz file
Te.dat       <= Te file
!!! Ion physical quantities
2           <= Number of ion species
! Ion species 1
D  2  1  1  <= label, mass, Z_ion, Z_element
TD.dat      <= temperature file
nD.dat      <= density file
! Ion species 2
T  3  1  1  <= label, mass, Z_ion, Z_element
TT.dat      <= temperature file
nT.dat      <= density file

A tempalte ofb of the file provide_input.par that controls the program provide_input.exe is as follows:

! Parameters that control saving the EIRENE input to IMAS.
! Use '!' when inserting comment lines.
! You can add comments at the end of each line unless this line holds a comment
! (i.e., a text containing blanks).
! Do not change the order of parameters.
eirene eirene                       <= IMAS database
10003                       <= shot
1 1                              < <= run
input.dat                  <= generic suffix
!!! grid data
eirene.nodes                <= grid node file
eirene.triangles            <= grid triangle file
eirene.neighbors neighbors             <<= grid neighbor file
!!! Physical quantities
bx_input.dat      <= bx file
by_input.dat      <= by file
bz_input.dat      <= bz file
BF_input.dat      <= total B file
vx_input.dat      <= vx file
vy_input.dat      <= vy file
vz_input.dat      <= vz file
