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  1. Introduction
  2. Files provided
  3. Running a test example
  4. Structure of the command parameter files
  5. Storing EIRENE triangular grids in IMAS
    1. Structure of EIRENE files keeping the grid
    2. Presentation of EIRENE grid in GGD
    3. Module  triangular_grid_modile 
    4. Module  triangular_grid_ids_io 
    5. Template files  save_grid.f90  and  recover_grid.f90
  6. Storing the EIRENE input
  7. Things to be done


The structure of this document is as follows. Section 2 lists the files provided. Section 3 ??????????????????????????????????????

Files provided

The files listed below can be found in the public directory ~g2yyakov/public/eirene/version0.9.





Module that supports reading, writing and processing triangular grids

triangular_grid_ids_io.f90Module supporing the storage of triangular grids in IMAS
imas_data_io.f90Module supporing the storage of physical quantities (tallies) in IMAS
eirene_data_io.f90Module supporing reading / writing of EIRENE data files
edge_profiles_io.f90Module that supports placing the data to the 'edge_profiles' IDS
equilibrium_io.f90Module that supports placing the data to the 'equilibrium' IDS
imas_controls_for_input.f90Module that works with the parameter files (the files controlling the work of the programs)
global_parameters.f90Module that holds constants and some service routines
save_input_main.f90Program that takes a set of EIRENE input files and puts their content to IMASMain file of the program save_input.exe
provide_input_main.f90Program that extracts EIRENE input from IMAS, providing it in EIRENE native formatMain file of the program provide_input.exe
MakefileUsed to compile the programs
save_input.parA template parameter file for the program save_input.exe
provide_input.parA template parameter file for the program provide_input.exe
soledge3x.npco_charTriangular grid example received from the EIRENE team
soledge3x.elementeAnother file of this example
soledge3x.neighborAnother file of this example
Te.dat, nT.dat, TT.dat, nD.dat, TD.datSample files supposed to contain the temperature and density of electrons, D ions and T ions
Btotal.dat, bx.dat, by.dat, bz.datSample files supposed to contain the strength and components of the magnetic field
README.txtBrief description of how to compile and run
user_guide.pdfPDF version of this document


  1. Copy the files to your directory. 
  2. If you wish to test the programs with your own files, copy them to the same direcctory. Do not forget to put the correct names to the command file save_input.par.
  3. Load the IMAS library by typing:
    module load imasenv/3.37.0    
  4. Create the IMAS database entry:
    imasdb eirene 
  5. Now you can compile the examples. Type
    make clean 
    make save_input 
  6. Run the program:
    The program puts the grid stored in the files soledge3x.* and the content of the dat-files into the IMAS database  eirene .
  7. Type
    make provide_input 
  8. Run the program:
  9. Compare the new files  eirene.*   with the original files  soledge3x.* and the original data files with the new files (their names end with the suffix '_input.dat').

Structure of the


parameter files

The program save_input.exe takes parameters from the file that control the work of the program from the file save_input.par. ????????????????????????????. A template of this file is given below. 

! Parameters that control saving the EIRENE input to IMAS.
! Use '!' when inserting comment lines.
! You can add comments at the end of each line unless this line holds a comment
! (i.e., a text containing blanks).
! Do not change the order of the parameters.
eirene                                         <= IMAS database
10003                                          <= shot
1                                              <= run
'IDS created to test EIRENE input storage'     <= IDS comment
'Yurii Yakovenko'                              <= input provider
'long ago'                                     <= creation date
!!! grid data
"SN"                                         <= grid name
4                                            <= grid index in dictionary (single null)
"EIRENE grid for single null configuration"  <= grid description
"primary_standard"                 <= poloidal space name
"primary poloidal triangular grid" <= poloidal space description
soledge3x.npco_char                <= grid node file
soledge3x.elemente                 <= grid triangle file
soledge3x.neighbors                <= grid neighbor file
!!! Physical quantities
bx.dat       <= bx file
by.dat       <= by file
bz.dat       <= bz file
Btotal.dat   <= Btotal file
vx.dat       <= vx file
vy.dat       <= vy file
vz.dat      <= vz file
Te.dat       <= Te file
!!! Ion physical quantities
2           <= Number of ion species
! Ion species 1
D  2  1  1  <= label, mass, Z_ion, Z_element
TD.dat      <= temperature file
nD.dat      <= density file
! Ion species 2
T  3  1  1  <= label, mass, Z_ion, Z_element
TT.dat      <= temperature file
nT.dat      <= density file

File A tempalte ofb the file provide_input.par that controls the program provide_input.exe is as follows:

! Parameters that control saving the EIRENE input to IMAS.
! Use '!' when inserting comment lines.
! You can add comments at the end of each line unless this line holds a comment
! (i.e., a text containing blanks).
! Do not change the order of parameters.
eirene                      <= IMAS database
10003                       <= shot
1                           <= run
input.dat                  <= generic suffix
!!! grid data
eirene.nodes                <= grid node file
eirene.triangles            <= grid triangle file
eirene.neighbors            <= grid neighbor file
!!! Physical quantities
bx_input.dat      <= bx file
by_input.dat      <= by file
bz_input.dat      <= bz file
BF_input.dat      <= total B file
vx_input.dat      <= vx file
vy_input.dat      <= vy file
vz_input.dat      <= vz file


  • subroutine read_vertices 
    Read the coordinates of grid vertices from an EIRENE-format file;.
  • subroutine read_triangles 
    Reads Read indices of the vertices that form each grid triangle from an EIRENE-format file;.
  • subroutine read_neighbors 
  • subroutine write_vertices 
  • subroutine write_triangles 
  • Read information on the neighbours of each grid triangle from an EIRENE-format file, putting it to the substructure grid % triangle.
  • subroutine write_vertices 
    Write the coordinates of grid vertices into an EIRENE-format file.
  • subroutine write_triangles 
    Write information on the vertices that form each grid triangle into an EIRENE-format file.
  • subroutine write_neighbors 
    Write information on the neighbors of each grid triangle into an EIRENE-format file.
  • subroutine find_neighboring_triangles 
  • integer function find_side 
  • Given the index of a vertex grid % vertex, the subroutine finds the indices of all triangles containing this vertex.
  • integer function find_side 
    Given two vertex indices and a triangle structure, the function returns the index of the edge consisting of these vertices in the triangle (0 when the edge does not belong to the triangle).
  • subroutine write_edges 
    Write grid edges to a file.
  • subroutine check_edges 
    Sanity check: The subroutine checks if all edges that have both adjacent triangles have material_property/=0 and vice versa.
  • subroutine check_edgesvertices 
    subroutine check_vertices Sanity check: The subroutine checks if every grid vertex belongs to a triangle.
  • subroutine grid_statistics 
    Print grid statistics.
  • integer function neighboring_triangle_index 
    The function returns the index of a triangle neighoring with a reference triangle. The neighbor index must be larger than the reference triangle index. When there is no such a triangle, the function returns 0.
  • integer function edge_index index 
    Return the index of an edge consisting of two given vertices (0 when there is no such edge).

Detailed interface Detailed description of the methods:

function read_eirene_grid (coord_file, triangles_file, neighbors_file, do_tests, io_unit) result (grid)






gridtype(triangular_grid)inGrid structure
mat_propertyintegerinMP value
resultinteger, allocatable, dimension(:)resultList of edge indices of the edges in  the substructure grid % edge

subroutine deallocate_grid (grid)


The module contains the following routines:

  • get_grid_controls_for_input_saving
  • get_grid_controls_for_input_fetching
  • get_triangular_grid_from_ids 
    Read a triangular grid contained in a given space of a GGD grid and transform it into a  type(triangular_grid)-structure.
  • get_triangular_grid_from_equilibrium
  • get_grid_objects
  • arrange_material_properties
  • put_eirene_grids_to_ids 
    Save a triangular grid given as a  type(triangular_grid)-structure in  grid_ggd, invoking other routines of this module (arrange_triangular_grid_space,  arrange_standard_2d_subset, and  arrange_mat_property_subset).
  • put_eirene_grid_to_equilibrium
  • arrange_grid_space
  • arrange_triangular_grid_space 
    Put a triangular grid given as a  type(triangular_grid)-structure to a desired  grid_ggd  space.
  • arrange_subsets
  • arrange_standard_2d_subset 
    Arrange a "standard" subset in the poloidal space (subset of all nodes, all edges, or all triangular cells).
  • arrange_mat_property_subset 
    Arrange a subset of edges with a certain value of MP.
  • arrange_subset_for_averages

Detailed description of the methods:
