Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Open the file  and set the value of the variable HOME to the GSL source directory location.
  2. Type
    module load imasenv/3.37.0    
  3. Create the required IMAS entry:
    imasdb eirene Type 
    . ./ 
  4. Now you can compile the examples. Type
    make clean 
    make save 
    OR type
    ifort triangular_grid_module.f90 trangular_grid_ids_io.f90 save_grid.f90 -o save_grid.exe ${PKG_PART  }_input 
  5. Run the program:
    The program puts the grid stored in the files soledge3x.* into the IDS  edge_profiles   of the IMAS database  eirene .the files soledge3x.* and the data files ???? into the IMAS database  eirene .
  6. Type
    make provide_input Type
    make recover 
    OR type
    ifort triangular_grid_module.f90 trangular_grid_ids_io.f90 recover_grid.f90 -o recover_grid.exe ${PKG_PART  }
  7. Run the program:
    Compare the new files  eirene.*   with the original files  soledge3x.* . . ??????????????????

Storing EIRENE triangular grids in IMAS


We will follow the terminology of the GGD manual. The IMAS data dictionary is a hierarchical tree-like structure consisting of substructures. The following terms will be used:

  • A  node   is any element of the tree.
  • A   simple node   is a regular single node.
  • An   array of structures node (AOS)   is a 1D array of structures under the same node label.
  • A   leaf   is and endpoint of the tree. It holds data in specified format.
  • The   parent   of a node is the element one level above this node.
  • A   child   of a node is an element one level below this node.
  • A   sibling   of a node is a node having the same parent.


The module contains routines that support writing a grid having the  type(triangular_grid)  form to IMAS IDS's and, vice versa, reading a grid from IMAS and putting it into the   type(triangular_grid)  form. It depends on the module  triangular_grid_module   and the IMAS modules  ids_schemas   and  ids_routines .
