Versions Compared


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Code Block
# Load IMAS environment - details will be discussed in other section
> module load imasenv/3.24.0/rc

# Switch to Kepler release with all the ETS actors
> module switch kepler/2.5p4-3.0.4_dressed

# Install your own copy of Kepler
> kepler_install my_ETS_Kepler

# Load the version you have just installed
# - note that users/developers can work with multiple versions
# of Kepler at the same time (e.g. released, being developed, etc.)
> kepler_load my_ETS_Kepler

# Start Kepler
> kepler

Image Modified

Loading ETS workflow

In order to open workflow choose File → Open → ~g2michal/public/4/training/ETS /afs/gw/swimas/resources/tutorials/2019-12-PSNC/ETS/ETS_WORKFLOW_IMAS.xml and open file ETS_WORKFLOW_IMAS.xml - you should be able to see following workflow being loaded.

Image Modified

Kepler Core Actors (KCA) for IMAS



Please note that in order to build all the actors you have to have access to all the repositories used during build procedure. This may required contacting individual developer (code developers) to gain access to the repository.

Code Block
# First of all you have to checkout actor release repository
> svn co
> cd IMAS

# You have to initialise your environment
> module purge
> module load cineca
> module load imasenv/3.24.0/rc







prepare the place where 


you Kepler installations will be stored.
> mkdir -p $ITMWORK/my_imas_keplers
> setenv KEPLER_DIR $ITMWORK/my_imas_keplers
> imasdb 


> setenv _JAVA_OPTIONS "-Xss20m -Xms8g -Xmx8g -Dsun.java2d.xrender=false"

# Now you can make sure to prepare new version of Kepler - where all the actors
# will be installed
> module switch kepler/2.5p4-3.0.4
> kepler_install test_kepler
> kepler_load test_kepler
> ./ --skipModules -D install_folder


 -v debug

Once above steps are executed, your Kepler release will contain all the physics related actors.