Versions Compared


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This document can be found at EIRENE IMASification - Scientific Worfklows - PCSS Confluence (,

The repository folder of the current version is ~g2yyakov/public/eirene/version0.10.


The program save_input.exe takes parameters that control the work of the program from the file save_input.par. A template of this file is given below. 

Code Block
! Parameters that control saving the EIRENE input to IMAS.
! Use '!' when inserting comment lines.
! You can add comments at the end of each line unless this line holds a text that may contain blanks (e.g., a description field).
! Do not change the order of the parameters.

! Parameters that control saving the EIRENE input to IMAS.
! Use '!' when inserting comment lines.
! You can add comments at the end of each line unless this line holds a text that may contain blanks (e.g., a description field).
! Do not change the order of the parameters.
eirene                                         <= IMAS database
10003                                         <= shot
1                                                <= run
'IDS created to test EIRENE input storage'     <= IDS comment
'Yurii Yakovenko'                          <= input provider
'once upon a time'                       <= creation date
!!! grid data
"SN"                                         <= grid name
4                                              <= grid index in dictionary (single null)
"EIRENE grid for single null configuration"  <= grid description
"primary_standard"                 <= poloidal space name
"primary poloidal triangular grid" <= poloidal space description
soledge3x.npco_char                <= grid node file
soledge3x.elemente                 <= grid triangle file
soledge3x.neighbors                <= grid neighbor file
!!! Physical quantities
bx.dat       <= bx file
by.dat       <= by file
bz.dat       <= bz file
Btotal.dat   <= Btotal file
vx.dat       <= vx file
vy.dat       <= vy file
vz.dat      <= vz file
Te.dat       <= Te file
!!! Ion physical quantities
2           <= Number of ion species
! Ion species 1
D  2  1  1  <= label, mass, Z_ion, Z_element
TD.dat      <= temperature file
nD.dat      <= density file
! Ion species 2
T  3  1  1  <= label, mass, Z_ion, Z_element
TT.dat      <= temperature file
nT.dat      <= density file


  • Reads the command file 'provide_input.par', putting its content to the structures 'imas_controls', 'grid_controls', and 'equilibrium_files'.
  • Opens the IMAS database, invoking the IMAS library subroutine  imas_open_env  .
  • Inputs the data (the grid and the tallies) from 2 IMAS IDS's, using the subroutines  'fetch_input_from_edge_profiles' and 'fetch_input_from_equilibrium'.
  • Writes these data to EIRENE-format files, invoking the subroutines 'write_eirene_grid', 'write_input_data_from_edge_profiles_ids', and 'write_input_data_from_equilibrium_ids'.
  • Closes the database, invoking the IMAS library subroutine 'imas_close'.
  • Deallocates the structures holding the data.

 Known issues

The statements that are to deallocate the IDS's in the program memory when they are not needed anymore are now commented out (they are in the modules 'edge_profiles_io' and 'equilibrium_io'). The reason is that the IMAS library subroutine 'ids_deallocate' hangs the program 'save_input.exe' if it is called for both IDS's ('edge_profiles' and 'equilibrium'). This issue is yet to be resolved.
