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This tutorial focuses on creating a simple C++ Calculator project using the divide() function and testing it using the GoogleTest platform. This guide shows a complete way to do this, starting by writing tests for that function and then moving on to writing the source for the function. The principle of Test Driven Development (TDD) is to write the tests first, and then the function itself. As you write your source code, you should run tests from time to time to check that the code is correct.

Table of Contents

titleThe source code can be find here:


Create The Calculator project


 Project preparation


To present an example of using GoogleTest, we first need to create a project in C++.  In the project directory named  CalculatorCalculator, before starting to write codes, it is necessary to prepare its structure. It will need two subdirectories named src and tst - one for the source codes and one for the tests codes. At this point, these folders can be filled with empty files with appropriate names for sources: operation.cpp; operations.h, and for tests: run_tests.cpp; test_operations.cpp. However, each of these files can be created later during development.



 Tests supervisor file

To start writing tests, it is needed to create run_tests.cpp and test_operations.cpp (if not done previously). In order to force GoogleTest to automatically search for test files, the file run_tests.cpp comes in handy. Typically, a code inside this file will be universal for all kinds of projects:

Code Block
#include "gtest/gtest.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv){
    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();

 Tests suites file

However, the actual test cases are placed in a separate file, the name of which corresponds to the name of the file that stores the code to be tested. It is good practice to name the test file using the name of the source file being tested with the keyword test appended as a prefix or suffix separated by the underscore "_" or the dash "-". The goal of this tutorial is to test the division function stored in operations.cpp, although it does not exist at this point, it is predicted that it will be. Therefore, the file with the test code is named test_operations.cpp, and should look like this:

Code Block
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "operations.h"

TEST(DivideOperation, PositiveInput) {
    // Integer arguments
    ASSERT_EQ(divide(10, 5), 2);
    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(divide(5, 10), 0.5);
    // Floating-point arguments
    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(divide(10.0f, 5.0f), 2.0f);
    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(divide(5.0f, 10.0f), 0.5f);

TEST(DivideOperation, NegitiveInput) {
    // Integer arguments
    ASSERT_EQ(divide(-10, -5), 2);
    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(divide(-5, -10), 0.5);
    // Floating-point arguments
    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(divide(-10.0f, -5.0f), 2.0f);
    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(divide(-5.0f, -10.0f), 0.5f);

TEST(DivideOperation, ZerioInput) {
    // Integer arguments
    EXPECT_THROW(divide(10, 0), std::overflow_error);
    // Floating-point arguments
    EXPECT_THROW(divide(10.0f, 0.0f), std::overflow_error);

On top of the file, apart from including <gtest/gtest.h> , the GoogleTest framework, the operations.h header file with the test function declaration should be included. Then, test suites can be written for each condition given. The example above specifies three different conditions: a positive input argument, a negative input argument, and a zero input argument. There is also duplication of assertions for two types of arguments - floating point numbers and integers. This is especially important in the zero-input test suite, where a floating point number given as (0,0) may be evaluated as close to zero but not equal to it. However, in both cases this is done to pass a number of zero and should be detected by the function. In this case, it is expected to catch an overflow_error exception.



When the tests are ready, the source code can be developed. Following the above guidelines, two source files will be created in the src directory (if not already done), the operations.h and the operations.cpp. The first one will of course store the divide() function declaration, and the second one the definition. However, C++ is a statically typed language and therefore we need to supply multiple definitions of a division function according to the type of its input arguments. The output of a function should always be floating point, but for the purposes of this tutorial, we predict that the input arguments can be both integers and floating point numbers. Therefore, two definitions have been introduced for each of these types. The header file should look like this:


Build the project  - CMake

 Build Configuration

 Root CMakeLists file

After the source and test code are ready, the project can be built and compiled. At the top of the project's folder structure, add CMakeLists.txt. The contents of the file are listed below:


This is a simple setup for CMake builds, however it's important to get it right. At the beginning there are very basic lines that tell you the minimum CMake version required, the project name and the C++ standard used. Then the src directory is included and added. Next comes a very important line that enables testing and finally adds the tst directory as a subdirectory.

 Src CMakeList file

Then, in each subdirectory, another CMakeLists.txt file must be added accordingly. At first the ./src/CMakeLists.txt:

Code Block
add_library(src operations.cpp operations.h)


 Tst CMakeList file

Last but not least, the ./tst/CMakeLists.txt file which is a bit more elaborate and needs some explanation:


Most importantly, it is the FetchContent function that downloads the GoogleTesting framework when building the project. It is recommended that you use the exact same URL listed above for the purpose of this tutorial, however in future use this URL may be changed to a different version available in the googletest repository.

 Build final structure

Therefore, the final structure of the Calculator project should look like this:

Code Block
titleCalculator/ $: tree
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── src
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   ├── operations.cpp
│   └── operations.h
└── tst
    ├── CMakeLists.txt
    ├── run_tests.cpp
    └── test_operations.cpp

 Building project

A project prepared in this way can be built using the cmake command. This is done in 3 steps, the first is to create a directory to store the build, e.g. named built inside the project folder. Then, inside this directory, a project must be configured and a native build system generated. Finally, the project can be built, compiled and tested. It is shown below:

Code Block
../TDD-cpp/Calculator/ $: mkdir -p ./built/
../TDD-cpp/Calculator/ $: cmake -S . -B ./built/
../TDD-cpp/Calculator/ $: cmake --build ./built/

 Running tests

Then the test executable can be found in the build directory, respectively built/tst/ named test_operations, as specified in CMakeLists.txt, and run:
