Versions Compared


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IMASViz is a tool developed within Integrated Modelling   is a visualization tool developed within Integrated Modelling Analysis Suite (IMAS) for the purposes of visualizing static and dynamic IMAS data, stored within within IMAS Interface Data Structures (IDSIDSs).
While the tool itself is already available for use it is still under active development, and various features, GUI improvements etc. are still being implemented. 

The tool has been migrated recently to Python 3 and utilizes the next Python packagesDevelopers:


- Ludovic Fleury (CEA Cadarache, Research Institute for Magnetics fusion)
- Dejan Penko (University of Ljubljana, Mech.Eng., LECAD Lab)

The tool is available on ITER git repository (access permission is required) under Visualization/VIZ project.

Direct link to the repository:

The tutorial below is executed on the Gateway.

Table of Contents

1. Getting started

2. Loading IDS from IMAS local data source


3. Plotting a 1D array


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Each plot window has a menu for printing (File menu), saving and exporting data (File menu) or customizing the plot (Options menu).

Any part of the plot can be zoom-in using the mouse (Options menu to zoom out).


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5. Comparing foat 1D arrays between 2 shots


Open the shot 52682

User name: g2lfleur
IMAS database name: test
Shot number: 52682
Run number: 0


Load occurrence 0 of 'magnetics' IDS


Navigate through the 'magnetics' IDS of shot 52682 and search for the node 'ids.magnetics.flux_loop[0]'


From the pop-up menu, select the command 'Add plot to existing figure' and 'Figure0' in the attached submenu
The plot should display as in the image below. 

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6. Selecting 1D arrays, plotting the selection


Selections list are proper to each shot navigation tree; selections list are not concatenated between different shots. 

7. Plotting 1D arrays as a function of coordinate1 along the time axis


8. Plotting 1D arrays as a function of the time along coordinate1


9. Creating a multiple plots configuration


Currently, up to 6 plots only can be plotted simultaneously. This limitation will be removed in the future.
Each plot can be customized individually; right click on a node and select 'Configure Plot'.


Currently, there are two IMASViz versions available for use:

Children Display

10. Applying a multiple plots configuration to a new shot


Open the shot 52344 if it is not already opened

User name: g2lfleur
IMAS database name: test
Shot number: 52344
Run number: 0


The time taken by the command 'Apply multiple plots configuration' is short (few seconds) if all the required IDSs have been loaded previously. If not, the command needs to load 
all IDSs (from which the data to be plotted are fetched) before to plot the data.
The plots order depends on the order in which the data selection has been performed. First selected data will be the first plots in the multiplot window.

11. Executing the equilibrium overview plugin


The list of available plugins should display

Currently, only the equilibrium overview plugin is available
