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Table of Contents

Preparing Git repository

Create new repository on gforge6

  1. Go to
  2. Press "Add New Project" button
  3. Fill project data with, and at the end, in the Temple project section select "Basic project with GIT support"
  4. Wait a moment (max. 10 minutes). Gforge will create a git repository for you

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Create a repository git in an existing project (only for project administrators)

  1. Go to existing project on
  2. Open "Admin" tab
  3. Change "scm:" to "GIT"
  4. Wait a moment (max. 10 minutes). Gforge will create an empty git repository

SVN repository still exists!
You can checkout data or commit changes.

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Migrating to Git

The section is based on:


However, the import isn’t perfect, and because it will take so long, you may as well do it right. The first problem is the author information. In Subversion, each person committing has a user on the system who is recorded in the commit information. The examples in the previous section show schacon in some places, such as the blame output and the git svn log. If you want to map this to better Git author data, you need a mapping from the Subversion users to the Git authors. Create a file called users.txt that has this mapping in a format like this:

Code Block
schacon = Scott Chacon <>
selse = Someo Nelse <>


If your users.txt file contains no entries
the conversion process fails

To get a list of the author names that SVN uses, you can run this:


Create git branches and tags


Remember to load the git module to use the git svn feature
$ module load git

You can provide this file to git svn to help it map the author data more accurately. You can also tell git svn not to include the metadata that Subversion normally imports, by passing --no-metadata to the clone or init command (though if you want to keep the synchronisation-metadata, feel free to omit this parameter). This makes your import command look like this:

Code Block
$ git svn clone https://<USERNAME><SVN_PROJECT_NAME>/ \
      --authors-file=users.txt --no-metadata --prefix "" -s my_project
$ cd my_project

titleNon-standard SVN layouts

If your SVN repository doesn’t have a standard layout, you need to provide the locations of your trunk, branches, and tags using the --trunk--branches, and --tags command line options. For example, if you have branches stored in both the /branches directory and the /bugfixes directories, you would use the following command:

Code Block
git svn clone --trunk=/trunk --branches=/branches --branches=/bugfixes --tags=/tags --authors-file=users.txt --no-metadata --prefix ""  https://<USERNAME><SVN_PROJECT_NAME> my_project

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In case you consider the current layout of your SVN/Git repository more elaborate than usual (convoluted /tags, /trunk and /branches or heavily reliant on externals), please contact the ACH team to get some assistance on the migration.

You should also do a bit of post-import cleanup. For one thing, you should clean up the weird references that git svn set up. First you’ll move the tags so they’re actual tags rather than strange remote branches, and then you’ll move the rest of the branches so they’re local.

titleproper shell

The next commands require bash shell.
If you using tcsh or other instead of bash, just type in the console:

Code Block
$ bash

To move the tags to be proper Git tags, run:


Code Block
$ git branch -d trunk


After finishing this section, "hanging" branches may appear (not connected to the main line of code history).
They can be "plugged into" using the git rebase command.

You can easily browse the new repository using gitk command:

Code Block
$ gitk --all

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Prepare new project

  1. Log in to
  2. Press button "New project"
  3. Choose "Create blank project"
  4. Fill in the project form
  5. Disable option Initialize repository with a README
  6. Press button "Create project"

Send changes to new Git repository


Code Block
$ git remote add origin https://<USERNAME><YOUR_GITLAB_USERNAME>/<GIT_PROJECT_NAME>

Because you want all your branches and tags to go up, you can now run this:



Password is needed to access remote git repositories. There is no support for ssh connections. But
Git allow to store authentication parameters ( the default location is ~/.git-credentials):

Code Block
$ git config --global credential.helper store
