Versions Compared


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This document provides a short description of proposed solution. For a more detailed analysis look >>HERE<<


Table of Contents


To fully configure your working IMAS environment you have to load two modules:


Requested feature

Easy configuration of IMAS working environment through setting up a predefined set of IMAS libraries

using simple call of the module imasenv:

Code Block
module load imasenvwpcdenv[/<compiler_vendor>
e.g: /<compiler_version>/<version of this module>]
module load imasenv/intel


Libraries / modules to be set:


Code Block
* intel
* gcc
* intelmpi
* g95
* java
* python
* matlab
* netbeans
* maven
* scripts
* itmtools
* totalview
* cmake
* hdf5
* mdsplus
* blitz
* interpos
* pspline
* slatec
* blas
* lapack
* mkl
* matheval
* netcdf
* fftw
* libbds
* jaxfront
* fc2k
* kepler
* idstools
* pyual



Unfortunately it is not so simple, as it may look at the first sight,

as several (main) factors defining environment should be considered:

Factor A : compiler - vendor + version

Factor B : third parties libraries

  • general purpose libraries (netCDF, jaxfront)
  • libraries requested by UAL (blitz, mdsplus)

Factor C : imas (UAL) - Data Dictionary + engine

Factor D : set of  imas/EF, possibly DD dependent libraries (like XMLLIB, libBDS, AMNS, interpos (?))


Solution A)  Enormously long/strange module name

[/<imas_ver>/ual/<engine_ver>/<version of this module>]

part in brackets [] can be skipped to use defaults


Module wpcdenv

Loading libraries/tools not depending on IMAS/DD

Code Block
titleModule wpcdenv
wpcdenv/<compiler_vendor>/<compiler_version>/<version of this module>
e.g. wpcdenv[/intel/17.0/1.0]  <= part in brackets can be skipped to use defaults

Module will load:

  • Compiler (e.g. intel/17.0)
  • All components independent from IMAS/Data Dictionary, gathered together as a set of modules. Such set of modules will have its own version (e.g. 1.0 )

Module imasenv

Loading libraries/tools depending on IMAS/DD

Code Block
titleModule imasenv
imasenv/<imas_ver>/ual/<engine_ver>/<version of this module>
e.g. imasenv[




1.0] <= part in brackets can be skipped to use defaults

Module will load:

  • imas module  (e.g.imasenv[/

[please notice that only "tail" of module name can be shortened/skipped]

Potential simplification - parsing of module name to get info about versions of "factors"

and using defaults if not exists

(results in very complex structure of module, necessity of storing default versions in text files etc)


Solution B) Rolling module

Defaults for some of factors - without versioning


  • 3.19.1/


*  3.17 for intel

* third parties libs -  loaded in some predefined set

* predefined engine for given UAL

* EF/imas libs - predefined set

Every upgrade of library (like mdsplus now is upgraded) will require manual change of module.

It would be not possible to set intel/12 instead 17, mdsplus 7.x instead  6.y

User will be not aware of changes -> potential errors "it worked yesterday"


Solution C) Multiplication of modules

Environment configured by loading 4 modules.

module load intel[/12]

module load libs[/x.y]

module load imas[3.19.1/ual/3.8.2]

module load imasenv[/x.y]

As you can see - this solution is simplest, most configurable (versions can be specified or skipped to use defaults), every "factor" can be versioned

but.... 4 modules?


Waiting for your suggestions


Solution C1 [simplification of C]

Only two modules


Module 1)

imaslibs/<comp_vendor>/<comp_ver>/<version of this module>


Module will  load compiler plus third parties libraries gathered in some set (ver 1.0)


imasenv/<imas_ver>/ual/<eng_ver>/<version of this module>



  • ual/3.8.2 )
  • All components dependent on IMAS/Data Dictionary, gathered together as a set of modules. Such set of modules will have its own version (e.g. 1.0 )


  • The end ("tail") of module name can be skipped to use default versions, so to use default versions is enough to write
    • module load wpcdenv; module load imasenv
  • If user doesn't load wpcdenv prior to imasenv, the default version of wpcdenv is loaded automatically
  • Full module names can be specified to use non-default versions of library sets






 Module will load  imas plus EF/IMAS libs gathered in some set (ver 1.0)