Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Detailed specification of the task, requirements and comments are here:

After task is finished, this page should contain step by step instruction for each and every installation

Table of Contents

 Installation of SPACK

  1. Load GCC 7.3.0:

    Code Block
    module load gnu/7.3.0

  2. Prepare directories:

    Code Block
    $: mkdir -p <ROOT_DIR>/{cache,libs,modules,spack,stage}-{<compiler_names>}
    $: mkdir -p <ROOT_DIR>/cache-{<compiler_names>}/{cache,var,test}
    $: tree <ROOT_DIR/
    ├── cache-compiler_x
    │   ├── cache
    │   ├── test
    │   └── var
    ├── cache-compiler_y
    │   ├── cache
    │   ├── test
    │   └── var
    ├── libs-compiler_x
    ├── libs-compiler_y
    ├── modules-compiler_x
    ├── modules-compiler_y
    ├── spack-compiler_x
    ├── spack-compiler_y
    ├── stage-compiler_x
    └── stage-compiler_y

  3. Clone spack repository to spack-gcc :

    Code Block
    git clone spack-compiler_name

  4. Go into spack-gcc directory:

    Code Block
    cd spack-compiler_name

  5. Checkout desired version of spack :

    Code Block
    git checkout v0.19.0

  6. Set-up spack configuration:

    1. Go to directory where default configuration files are stored (assuming you're still inside spack-compiler_name repository):

      Code Block
      cd etc/spack/defaults/

    2. Edit config.yaml :

      Code Block
      vim config.yaml

      You need to change the root of the install_tree, projections for allbuild_stage dir, test_stage dir, source_cache dir and misc_cache dir.

      1. root of the install_tree :

        Code Block
          # This is the path to the root of the Spack install tree.
          # You can use $spack here to refer to the root of the spack instance.
            root: <path_prefix>/<ROOT_DIR>/libs-compiler_name

      2. projections :

        Code Block

      3. build_stage :

        Code Block
            - <path_prefix>/<ROOT_DIR>/stage-compiler_name

      4. test_stage :

        Code Block
          test_stage: <path_prefix>/<ROOT_DIR>/cache-compiler_name/test

      5. source_cache :

        Code Block
          source_cache: <path_prefix>/<ROOT_DIR>/cache-compiler_name/var/cache

      6. misc_cache :

        Code Block
          misc_cache: <path_prefix>/<ROOT_DIR>/cache-compiler_name/cache

    3. Edit modules.yaml :

      Code Block
      vim modules.yaml

      Change the roots for the tcl modules:

      1. Example: 

        Code Block
          # These are configurations for the module set named "default"
            # Where to install modules
             tcl:    <path_prefix>/<ROOT_DIR>/modules-compiler_name

    4. Edit linux/modules.yaml :

      Code Block
      vim linux/modules.yaml

      Here you have to fill the whole body just to set the module structure projections:

      Code Block
          arch_folder: false
              all: '{name}/{version}/{}/{compiler.version}/sha'
              - LD_LIBRARY_PATH
              - LD_LIBRARY_PATH

  7. Change the directory to the top of the spack repository:

    Code Block
    cd ../../../

  8. Source spack :

    Code Block
    source share/spack/

  9. Check the spack version - should be 0.19.0 :

    Code Block
    spack --version

Marconi + SPACK + GNU

This instruction covers all actions and commands from logging into the Marconi server to installing imasenv.

  1. Logging into the Marconi :

    Code Block
    ssh <USER_NAME>

  2. Change location to $WORK directory, which should point to /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST :

    Code Block
    $: cd $WORK
    $: pwd

  3. Load GCC 7.3.0:

    Code Block
    module load gnu/7.3.0

  4. Prepare directories:

    Code Block
    $: mkdir -p IMAS_software/{cache,libs,modules,spack,stage}-{gcc,intel}
    $: mkdir -p IMAS_software/cache-{gcc,intel}/{cache,var,test}
    $: tree IMAS_software/
    ├── cache-gcc
    │   ├── cache
    │   ├── test
    │   └── var
    ├── cache-intel
    │   ├── cache
    │   ├── test
    │   └── var
    ├── libs-gcc
    ├── libs-intel
    ├── modules-gcc
    ├── modules-intel
    ├── spack-gcc
    ├── spack-intel
    ├── stage-gcc
    └── stage-intel

  5. Go into IMAS_software directory:

    Code Block
    cd IMAS_software

  6. Clone spack repository to spack-gcc :

    Code Block
    git clone spack-gcc

  7. Go into spack-gcc directory:

    Code Block
    cd spack-gcc

  8. Checkout desired version of spack :

    Code Block
    git checkout v0.19.0

  9. Set-up spack configuration:

    1. Go to directory where default configuration files are stored (assuming you're still inside spack-gcc repository):

      Code Block
      cd etc/spack/defaults/

    2. Edit config.yaml :

      Code Block
      vim config.yaml

      You need to change the root of the install_tree, projections for allbuild_stage dir, test_stage dir, source_cache dir and misc_cache dir.

      1. root of the install_tree :

        Code Block
          # This is the path to the root of the Spack install tree.
          # You can use $spack here to refer to the root of the spack instance.
            root: /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-gcc

      2. projections :

        Code Block

      3. build_stage :

        Code Block
            - /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/stage-gcc

      4. test_stage :

        Code Block
          test_stage: /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/cache-gcc/test

      5. source_cache :

        Code Block
          source_cache: /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/cache-gcc/var/cache

      6. misc_cache :

        Code Block
          misc_cache: /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/cache-gcc/cache

    3. Edit modules.yaml :

      Code Block
      vim modules.yaml

      Change the roots for the tcl modules:

      1. Example: 

        Code Block
          # These are configurations for the module set named "default"
            # Where to install modules
             tcl:    /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/modules-gcc

    4. Edit linux/modules.yaml :

      Code Block
      vim linux/modules.yaml

      Here you have to fill the whole body just to set the module structure projections:

      Code Block
          arch_folder: false
              all: '{name}/{version}/{}/{compiler.version}/sha'
              - LD_LIBRARY_PATH
              - LD_LIBRARY_PATH

  10. Change the directory to the top of the spack repository:

    Code Block
    cd ../../../

  11. Source spack :

    Code Block
    source share/spack/

  12. Check the spack version - should be 0.19.0 :

    Code Block
    spack --version

  13. Install Lapack :

    Code Block
    spack install netlib-lapack %gcc@7.3.0 cflags="-fPIC" cxxflags="-fPIC" cppflags="-fPIC"

  14. Install Blas :

    Code Block
    spack install -j 1 netlib-xblas %gcc@7.3.0 cflags="-fPIC" cxxflags="-fPIC" cppflags="-fPIC"

  15. Install Python with tkinter support:

    Code Block
    spack install python +tkinter %gcc@7.3.0 cflags="-fPIC" cxxflags="-fPIC" cppflags="-fPIC"

  16. Install py-scipy :

    Code Block
    spack install --fail-fast py-scipy %gcc@7.3.0 cflags="-fPIC" cxxflags="-fPIC" cppflags="-fPIC"

  17. Install py-matplotlib :

    Code Block
    spack install --fail-fast py-matplotlib backend=tkagg %gcc@7.3.0 cflags="-fPIC" cxxflags="-fPIC" cppflags="-fPIC"

  18. Install py-pyyaml :

    Code Block
    spack install --fail-fast py-pyyaml %gcc@7.3.0 cflags="-fPIC" cxxflags="-fPIC" cppflags="-fPIC"

  19. Install hdf5 :

    Code Block
    spack install --fail-fast hdf5@1.12.2 %gcc@7.3.0 +threadsafe +cxx +fortran cflags="'-fPIC -pthread'" cxxflags="'-fPIC -pthread'" cppflags="'-fPIC -pthread'"

  20. Install boost :

    Code Block
    spack install --fail-fast boost %gcc@7.3.0 +python +numpy cflags="'-fPIC -pthread'" cxxflags="'-fPIC -pthread'" cppflags="'-fPIC -pthread'"

  21. Install blitz :

    Code Block
    spack install --fail-fast blitz@1.0.1 %gcc@7.3.0 cflags="'-fPIC -pthread'" cxxflags="'-fPIC -pthread'" cppflags="'-fPIC -pthread'"

  22. Install mdsplus :

    Code Block
    spack install --fail-fast mdsplus %gcc@7.3.0 cflags="-fPIC" cxxflags="-fPIC" cppflags="-fPIC"

  23. Download Saxon :
    - it's required by IMAS, but Spack is missing proper recipe

    Code Block
    $: mkdir -p libs-gcc/saxon
    $: cd libs-gcc/saxon
    $: wget
    $: unzip download

    Create two softlinks:

    Code Block
    $: ln -s saxon9-test.jar saxon9he-test.jar
    $: ln -s saxon9-xqj.jar saxon9he-xqj.jar

    And set the saxon files available:

    Code Block
    chmod -R 777 .

  24. Prepare Saxon module:

    Code Block
    $: cd ../../
    $: mkdir -p modules-gcc/saxon
    $: vim modules-gcc/saxon/9.9

    And fill the created module with below content:

    Code Block
    ##      Modulefile for saxon
    ##	Maciej Smukowski 2022
    set fpath	[file dirname $ModulesCurrentModulefile]
    set VERSION	[file tail $ModulesCurrentModulefile]
    module-whatis "Enable the usage of saxon $VERSION.
    \tKeywords: math tool matlab"
    proc ModulesDisplay {} {
    conflict saxon
    set SAXON_HOME /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-gcc/saxon
    prepend-path SAXON_HOME /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-gcc/saxon
    prepend-path    CLASSPATH $SAXON_HOME/saxon9he.jar
    prepend-path    CLASSPATH $SAXON_HOME/saxon9-test.jar
    prepend-path    CLASSPATH $SAXON_HOME/saxon9-xqj.jar
    prepend-path    CLASSPATH $SAXON_HOME/saxon9he-test.jar
    prepend-path    CLASSPATH $SAXON_HOME/saxon9he-xqj.jar

  25. Prepare spack-imasenv module prototype:

    Code Block
    $: mkdir -p modules/spack-imasenv/3.37.0/gcc
    $: vim modules/spack-imasenv/3.37.0/gcc/7.3.0

    And fill the created module with below content:

    Code Block
    ##      Modulefile for imasenv
    ##	Maciej Smukowski 2022
    module-whatis "One IMASENV module to rule them all"
    proc ModulesDisplay {} {
    conflict imasenv
    # Add spack modules to MODULEPATH
    module use /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/modules-gcc
    module load gnu/7.3.0
    module load cmake/3.25.0/gcc/7.3.0/sha-a4xv7cs
    module load pkgconf/1.8.0/gcc/7.3.0/sha-haasdgy
    module load netlib-lapack/3.10.1/gcc/7.3.0/sha-qyarwjw
    module load netlib-xblas/1.0.248/gcc/7.3.0/sha-7hrl4sf
    module load python/3.10.8/gcc/7.3.0/sha-ns7dn4v
    module load py-pip/22.2.2/gcc/7.3.0/sha-a3eh27l
    module load py-setuptools/59.4.0/gcc/7.3.0/sha-6ufe5bh
    module load py-wheel/0.37.1/gcc/7.3.0/sha-lw533jd
    module load py-cython/0.29.32/gcc/7.3.0/sha-ucdjw62
    module load py-pyyaml/6.0/gcc/7.3.0/sha-s7dm72x
    module load py-numpy/1.23.4/gcc/7.3.0/sha-4nr26mj
    module load py-scipy/1.8.1/gcc/7.3.0/sha-c5puafq
    module load py-matplotlib/3.6.2/gcc/7.3.0/sha-2sxscln
    module load hdf5/1.12.2/gcc/7.3.0/sha-hxkrksx
    module load openjdk/11.0.17_8/gcc/7.3.0/sha-impa6zh
    module load git
    module load blitz/1.0.1/gcc/7.3.0/sha-5jpnc3r
    module load boost/1.80.0/gcc/7.3.0/sha-nwvpbv4
    module load mdsplus/stable_release-7-96-17/gcc/7.3.0/sha-zwraez5
    module load libxml2/2.10.3/gcc/7.3.0/sha-p5tucjm

    DISCLAIMER!: If you're doing your spack installation from scratch be cautious about module names. The pattern is "sha-{hash}" , where hash is generated during installation, therefore your hashes will be different than mine.

  26. Load spack-imasenv module:

    Code Block
    $: module use /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/modules
    $: module load spack-imasenv/3.37.0/gcc/7.3.0

  27. Load Saxon module:

    Code Block
    module load saxon/9.9

  28. Clone IMAS Installer :

    Code Block
    git clone ssh:// imas-installer-gcc

    for convenience, let's loosen the read and write permissions for all files:

    Code Block
    chmod -R 777 .

    The top directory should look somewhat like this:

    Code Block
    drwxrwxrwx   6 interactive  4096 Dec  7 14:00 cache-gcc
    drwxrwxrwx   3 interactive  4096 Nov 16 13:47 cache-intel
    drwxrwxrwx   7 interactive  4096 Dec  8 12:19 imas-installer-gcc
    drwxrwxrwx 132 interactive 32768 Dec  8 11:50 libs-gcc
    drwxrwxrwx 120 interactive 32768 Nov 16 13:56 libs-intel
    drwxrwxrwx   3 interactive  4096 Dec  8 11:45 modules
    drwxrwxrwx 130 interactive 32768 Dec  8 12:19 modules-gcc
    drwxrwxrwx 120 interactive 32768 Nov 16 13:48 modules-intel
    drwxrwxrwx   3 interactive  4096 Nov 16 13:47 spack
    drwxrwxrwx   9 interactive  4096 Dec  7 23:44 spack-gcc
    drwxrwxrwx   3 interactive  4096 Dec  7 14:31 stage-gcc
    drwxrwxrwx   3 interactive  4096 Nov 16 13:43 stage-intel

  29. Create IMAS configuration script:

    Code Block
    vim imas-installer-gcc/

    and fill it with below content:

    Code Block
    export TAG_DD=3.37.0
    export TAG_AL=4.11.0
    # make sure these branches exist
    export VER_DD=$TAG_DD
    export VER_AL=$TAG_AL
    export UAL_VERSION=$TAG_AL
    export IMAS_HOME=/marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-gcc/IMAS
    export IMAS_UDA=fat
    export IMAS_HDC=no
    export IMAS_CPP=yes
    export IMAS_FORTRAN=yes
    export IMAS_G95=no
    export IMAS_PGI=no
    export IMAS_IFORT=no
    export IMAS_GFORTRAN=yes
    export IMAS_NAGFOR=no
    export IMAS_JAVA=yes
    export IMAS_MATLAB=no
    export IMAS_PYTHON=yes
    export IMAS_PYTHON2=no
    export IMAS_PYTHON3=yes
    # After Installation Environment
    eval `./tools/ test`
    export UAL=$(realpath ./src/$IMAS_VERSION/ual/$UAL_VERSION)
    export CLASSPATH=$UAL/javainterface/build/:$CLASSPATH
    export ids_path="$MDSPLUS_TREE_BASE_0;$MY_INSTALL/models/mdsplus/;$ids_path"
    export TOKAMAKNAME=test
    export DATAVERSION=3

    Note that there are at least 3 places that should be customized:

    1. export TAG_DD=<desired_data_dictionary_tag>
    2. export TAG_AL=<desired_access_layer_tag>
    3. export IMAS_HOME=<your_IMAS_HOME_path>

  30. Go inside imas-installer-gcc directory:

    Code Block
    cd imas-installer-gcc

  31. Source IMAS configuration script:

    Code Block

  32. Download build files:

    Code Block
    make cache

  33. Check if everything is set-up correctly:

    Code Block
    make help

  34. Build and install IMAS :

    Code Block
    make install

  35. Leave the imas-installer-gcc directory:

    Code Block
    cd ..

  36. Extend spack-imasenv modulefile:

    Code Block
    vim modules/spack-imasenv/3.37.0/gcc/7.3.0

    1. Add path to IMAS module:

      Code Block
      module use /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-gcc/IMAS/etc/modulefiles

    2. Add loading of the IMAS module:

      Code Block
      module load IMAS/3.37.0/AL/4.11.0

    3. Final spack-imasenv module:

      Code Block
      ##      Modulefile for imasenv
      ##	Maciej Smukowski 2022
      module-whatis "One IMASENV module to rule them all"
      proc ModulesDisplay {} {
      conflict imasenv
      # Add spack modules to MODULEPATH
      module use /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/modules-gcc
      module use /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-gcc/IMAS/etc/modulefiles
      module load gnu/7.3.0
      module load cmake/3.25.0/gcc/7.3.0/sha-a4xv7cs
      module load pkgconf/1.8.0/gcc/7.3.0/sha-haasdgy
      module load netlib-lapack/3.10.1/gcc/7.3.0/sha-qyarwjw
      module load netlib-xblas/1.0.248/gcc/7.3.0/sha-7hrl4sf
      module load python/3.10.8/gcc/7.3.0/sha-ns7dn4v
      module load py-pip/22.2.2/gcc/7.3.0/sha-a3eh27l
      module load py-setuptools/59.4.0/gcc/7.3.0/sha-6ufe5bh
      module load py-wheel/0.37.1/gcc/7.3.0/sha-lw533jd
      module load py-cython/0.29.32/gcc/7.3.0/sha-ucdjw62
      module load py-pyyaml/6.0/gcc/7.3.0/sha-s7dm72x
      module load py-numpy/1.23.4/gcc/7.3.0/sha-c5ljmas
      module load py-scipy/1.8.1/gcc/7.3.0/sha-c5puafq
      module load py-matplotlib/3.6.2/gcc/7.3.0/sha-2sxscln
      module load hdf5/1.12.2/gcc/7.3.0/sha-hxkrksx
      module load openjdk/11.0.17_8/gcc/7.3.0/sha-impa6zh
      module load git
      module load blitz/1.0.1/gcc/7.3.0/sha-5jpnc3r
      module load boost/1.80.0/gcc/7.3.0/sha-nwvpbv4
      module load mdsplus/stable_release-7-96-17/gcc/7.3.0/sha-zwraez5
      module load libxml2/2.10.3/gcc/7.3.0/sha-p5tucjm
      module load IMAS/3.37.0/AL/4.11.0

Marconi + SPACK + INTEL

This instruction covers all actions and commands from logging into the Marconi server to installing imasenv.

  1. Logging into the Marconi :

    Code Block
    ssh <USER_NAME>

  2. Change location to $WORK directory, which should point to /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST :

    Code Block
    $: cd $WORK
    $: pwd

  3. Load GCC 7.3.0 and then INTEL 2020:

    Code Block
    $: module load gnu/7.3.0
    $: module load intel/pe-xe-2020--binary

  4. Prepare directories:

    Code Block
    $: mkdir -p IMAS_software/{cache,libs,modules,spack,stage}-{gcc,intel}
    $: mkdir -p IMAS_software/cache-{gcc,intel}/{cache,var,test}
    $: tree IMAS_software/
    ├── cache-gcc
    │   ├── cache
    │   ├── test
    │   └── var
    ├── cache-intel
    │   ├── cache
    │   ├── test
    │   └── var
    ├── libs-gcc
    ├── libs-intel
    ├── modules-gcc
    ├── modules-intel
    ├── spack-gcc
    ├── spack-intel
    ├── stage-gcc
    └── stage-intel

  5. Go into IMAS_software directory:

    Code Block
    cd IMAS_software

  6. Clone spack repository to spack-intel :

    Code Block
    git clone spack-intel

  7. Go into spack-intel directory:

    Code Block
    cd spack-intel

  8. Checkout desired version of spack :

    Code Block
    git checkout v0.19.0

  9. Set-up spack configuration:

    1. Go to directory where default configuration files are stored (assuming you're still inside spack-intel repository):

      Code Block
      cd etc/spack/defaults/

    2. Edit config.yaml :

      Code Block
      vim config.yaml

      You need to change the root of the install_tree, projections for allbuild_stage dir, test_stage dir, source_cache dir and misc_cache dir.

      1. root of the install_tree :

        Code Block
          # This is the path to the root of the Spack install tree.
          # You can use $spack here to refer to the root of the spack instance.
            root: /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-intel

      2. projections :

        Code Block

      3. build_stage :

        Code Block
            - /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/stage-intel

      4. test_stage :

        Code Block
          test_stage: /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/cache-intel/test

      5. source_cache :

        Code Block
          source_cache: /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/cache-intel/var/cache

      6. misc_cache :

        Code Block
          misc_cache: /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/cache-intel/cache

    3. Edit modules.yaml :

      Code Block
      vim modules.yaml

      Change the roots for the tcl modules:

      1. Example: 

        Code Block
          # These are configurations for the module set named "default"
            # Where to install modules
             tcl:    /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/modules-intel

    4. Edit linux/modules.yaml :

      Code Block
      vim linux/modules.yaml

      Here you have to fill the whole body just to set the module structure projections:

      Code Block
          arch_folder: false
              all: '{name}/{version}/{}/{compiler.version}/sha'
              - LD_LIBRARY_PATH
              - LD_LIBRARY_PATH

  10. Change the directory to the top of the spack repository:

    Code Block
    cd ../../../

  11. Source spack :

    Code Block
    source share/spack/

  12. Check the spack version - should be 0.19.0 :

    Code Block
    spack --version

  13. Install Lapack :

    Code Block
    spack install netlib-lapack %intel@ cflags="-fPIC" cxxflags="-fPIC" cppflags="-fPIC"

  14. Install Blas :

    Code Block
    spack install -j 1 netlib-xblas %intel@ cflags="-fPIC" cxxflags="-fPIC" cppflags="-fPIC"

  15. Install Python with tkinter support:

    Code Block
    spack install python +tkinter %intel@ cflags="-fPIC" cxxflags="-fPIC" cppflags="-fPIC"

  16. Install py-scipy :

    Code Block
    spack install --fail-fast py-scipy %intel@ cflags="-fPIC" cxxflags="-fPIC" cppflags="-fPIC"

  17. Install py-matplotlib :

    Code Block
    spack install --fail-fast py-matplotlib backend=tkagg %intel@ cflags="-fPIC" cxxflags="-fPIC" cppflags="-fPIC"

  18. Install py-pyyaml :

    Code Block
    spack install --fail-fast py-pyyaml %intel@ cflags="-fPIC" cxxflags="-fPIC" cppflags="-fPIC"

  19. Install hdf5 :

    Code Block
    spack install --fail-fast hdf5@1.12.2 %intel@ +threadsafe +cxx +fortran cflags="'-fPIC -pthread'" cxxflags="'-fPIC -pthread'" cppflags="'-fPIC -pthread'"

  20. Install boost :

    Code Block
    spack install --fail-fast boost %intel@ +python +numpy cflags="'-fPIC -pthread'" cxxflags="'-fPIC -pthread'" cppflags="'-fPIC -pthread'"

  21. Install blitz :

    Code Block
    spack install --fail-fast blitz@1.0.1 %intel@ cflags="'-fPIC -pthread'" cxxflags="'-fPIC -pthread'" cppflags="'-fPIC -pthread'"

  22. Install mdsplus :

    Code Block
    spack install --fail-fast mdsplus %intel@ cflags="-fPIC" cxxflags="-fPIC" cppflags="-fPIC"

  23. Download Saxon :
    - it's required by IMAS, but Spack is missing proper recipe

    Code Block
    $: mkdir -p libs-intel/saxon
    $: cd libs-intel/saxon
    $: wget
    $: unzip download

    Create two softlinks:

    Code Block
    $: ln -s saxon9-test.jar saxon9he-test.jar
    $: ln -s saxon9-xqj.jar saxon9he-xqj.jar

    And set the saxon files available:

    Code Block
    chmod -R 777 .

  24. Prepare Saxon module:

    Code Block
    $: cd ../../
    $: mkdir -p modules-intel/saxon
    $: vim modules-intel/saxon/9.9

    And fill the created module with below content:

    Code Block
    ##      Modulefile for saxon
    ##	Maciej Smukowski 2022
    set fpath	[file dirname $ModulesCurrentModulefile]
    set VERSION	[file tail $ModulesCurrentModulefile]
    module-whatis "Enable the usage of saxon $VERSION.
    \tKeywords: math tool matlab"
    proc ModulesDisplay {} {
    conflict saxon
    set SAXON_HOME /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-intel/saxon
    prepend-path SAXON_HOME /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-intel/saxon
    prepend-path    CLASSPATH $SAXON_HOME/saxon9he.jar
    prepend-path    CLASSPATH $SAXON_HOME/saxon9-test.jar
    prepend-path    CLASSPATH $SAXON_HOME/saxon9-xqj.jar
    prepend-path    CLASSPATH $SAXON_HOME/saxon9he-test.jar
    prepend-path    CLASSPATH $SAXON_HOME/saxon9he-xqj.jar

  25. Prepare spack-imasenv module prototype:

    Code Block
    $: mkdir -p modules/spack-imasenv/3.37.0/intel
    $: vim modules/spack-imasenv/3.37.0/intel/


  1. 2020

    And fill the created module with below content:

    Code Block
    ##      Modulefile for imasenv


  1.   Maciej Smukowski 2022
    module-whatis "One IMASENV module to rule them all"
    proc ModulesDisplay {} {
    conflict imasenv
    # Add spack modules to MODULEPATH
    module use /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/modules-gcc
    module use /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/modules-intel
    module load gnu/7.3.0
    module load intel/pe-xe-2020--binary
    module load intelmpi/2020--binary
    module load cmake/3.25.0/gcc/7.3.0/sha-a4xv7cs
    module load pkgconf/1.8.0/


  1. intel/


  1. 19.1.3.


  1. 304/sha-


  1. fbevp5q
    module load netlib-lapack/3.10.1/


  1. intel/


  1. 19.1.3.


  1. 304/sha-


  1. g4e3xak
    module load netlib-xblas/1.0.248/


  1. intel/


  1. 19.1.3.


  1. 304/sha-


  1. zp4t7zq
    module load python/3.10.8/


  1. intel/


  1. 19.1.3.


  1. 304/sha-


  1. ufy2r2o
    module load py-pip/22.2.2/


  1. intel/


  1. 19.1.3.


  1. 304/sha-


  1. ksiszmp
    module load py-setuptools/59.4.0/


  1. intel/


  1. 19.1.3.


  1. 304/sha-


  1. p6m2okz
    module load py-wheel/0.37.1/


  1. intel/


  1. 19.1.3.


  1. 304/sha-


  1. h5qnby4
    module load py-cython/0.29.32/


  1. intel/


  1. 19.1.3.


  1. 304/sha-


  1. ekt45in
    module load py-pyyaml/6.0/


  1. intel/


  1. 19.1.3.


  1. 304/sha-


  1. e7pj6rd
    module load py-numpy/1.


  1. 22.4/


  1. intel/


  1. 19.1.3.


  1. 304/sha-


  1. vtkr2zd
    module load py-scipy/1.8.1/


  1. intel/


  1. 19.1.3.


  1. 304/sha-


  1. j7sstl3
    module load py-matplotlib/3.6.2/


  1. intel/


  1. 19.1.3.


  1. 304/sha-


  1. wbwigpl
    module load hdf5/1.12.2/


  1. intel/


  1. 19.1.3.


  1. 304/sha-


  1. lpavud5
    module load openjdk/11.0.17_8/


  1. intel/


  1. 19.1.3.


  1. 304/sha-


  1. nwh5yaq
    module load git
    module load blitz/1.0.1/


  1. intel/


  1. 19.1.3.


  1. 304/sha-


  1. gpct7uz
    module load boost/1.80.0/


  1. intel/


  1. 19.1.3.


  1. 304/sha-


  1. 6erl3nf
    module load mdsplus/stable_release-7-96-17/


  1. intel/


  1. 19.1.3.


  1. 304/sha-


  1. jiasz6w
    module load libxml2/2.10.


  1. 1/


  1. intel/


  1. 19.1.3.


  1. 304/sha-


  1. 3te5l7z

    DISCLAIMER!: If you're doing your spack installation from scratch be cautious about module names. The pattern is "sha-{hash}" , where hash is generated during installation, therefore your hashes will be different than mine.

  2. Load spack-imasenv module:

    Code Block
    $: module use /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/modules
    $: module load spack-imasenv/3.37.0/intel/


  1. 2020

  2. Load Saxon module:

    Code Block
    module load saxon/9.9

  3. Clone IMAS Installer :

    Code Block
    git clone ssh:// imas-installer-intel

    for convenience, let's loosen the read and write permissions for all files:

    Code Block
    chmod -R 777 .

    The top directory should look somewhat like this:

    Code Block
    drwxrwxrwx   6 interactive  4096 Dec  7 14:00 cache-gcc


  1. 4 interactive  4096 Dec 


  1. 10 16


  1. :


  1. 45 cache-intel


  1. 10 interactive  4096 Dec  8 


  1. 15:


  1. 42 imas-installer-gcc


  1.   7 interactive  4096 Dec 11 22:43 imas-installer-intel
    drwxrwxrwx 135 interactive 32768 Dec 10 


  1. 16:


  1. 28 libs-gcc


  1. 118 interactive 32768 


  1. Dec 


  1. 11 


  1. 22:


  1. 29 libs-intel
    drwxrwxrwx   3 interactive  4096 Dec  8 11:45 modules


  1. 132 interactive 32768 Dec 10 


  1. 16:


  1. 28 modules-gcc


  1. 124 interactive 32768 


  1. Dec 


  1. 11 


  1. 22:


  1. 30 modules-intel


  1. 9 interactive  4096 Dec 




  1. 7 


  1. 23:


  1. 44 spack


  1. -gcc
    drwxr-xr-x   9 interactive  4096 Dec 10 


  1. 16:


  1. 38 spack-


  1. intel
    drwxrwxrwx   3 interactive  4096 Dec  7 14:31 stage-gcc
    drwxrwxrwx   3 interactive  4096 


  1. Dec 10 16


  1. :


  1. 44 stage-intel

  2. Create IMAS configuration script:

    Code Block
    vim imas-installer-intel/

    and fill it with below content:

    Code Block
    export TAG_DD=3.37.0
    export TAG_AL=4.11.0
    # make sure these branches exist
    export VER_DD=$TAG_DD
    export VER_AL=$TAG_AL
    export UAL_VERSION=$TAG_AL
    export IMAS_HOME=/marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-intel/IMAS
    export IMAS_UDA=fat
    export IMAS_HDC=no
    export IMAS_CPP=yes
    export IMAS_FORTRAN=yes
    export IMAS_G95=no
    export IMAS_PGI=no
    export IMAS_IFORT=yes
    export IMAS_GFORTRAN=no
    export IMAS_NAGFOR=no
    export IMAS_JAVA=yes
    export IMAS_MATLAB=no
    export IMAS_PYTHON=yes
    export IMAS_PYTHON2=no
    export IMAS_PYTHON3=yes
    # After Installation Environment
    eval `./tools/ test`
    export UAL=$(realpath ./src/$IMAS_VERSION/ual/$UAL_VERSION)
    export CLASSPATH=$UAL/javainterface/build/:$CLASSPATH
    export ids_path="$MDSPLUS_TREE_BASE_0;$MY_INSTALL/models/mdsplus/;$ids_path"
    export TOKAMAKNAME=test
    export DATAVERSION=3

    Note that there are at least 3 places that should be customized:

    1. export TAG_DD=<desired_data_dictionary_tag>
    2. export TAG_AL=<desired_access_layer_tag>
    3. export IMAS_HOME=<your_IMAS_HOME_path>

  3. Go inside imas-installer-intel directory:

    Code Block
    cd imas-installer-intel

  4. Source IMAS configuration script:

    Code Block

  5. Download build files:

    Code Block
    make cache

  6. Edit Makefile.common file to not use GNU compilers by default:

    Code Block

    1. Line 105 change to:

      Code Block
      CC ?= gcc

    2. Line 106 change to: 

      Code Block
      CXX ?= g++

  7. Check if everything is set-up correctly:

    Code Block
    make help

  8. Build and install IMAS :

    Code Block
    make install

Leave the imas-installer-intel directory:

Code Block
cd ..


    1. Caution!
      During IMAS installation under INTEL-2020 compiler you may encounter following error:

      Code Block
      #error Blitz is configured with --enable-threadsafe, but no compiler thread support is found. Did you forget, e.g., "--pthread"?

      Issue description: Known issues - Intel 2020#BLITZandmissing-pthreadflag


      1. Edit Blitz pkgconfig:

        Code Block


      1. /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-intel/blitz/1.0.1/intel/

      2. Set 12 line to use pthread Cflag:

        Code Block
        Cflags: -I${includedir} -pthread

  1. Leave the imas-installer-intel directory:

    Code Block
    cd ..

  2. Extend spack-imasenv modulefile:

    Code Block
    vim modules/spack-imasenv/3.37.0/intel/2020

    1. Add path to IMAS module:

      Code Block
      module use /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-intel/IMAS/etc/modulefiles

    2. Add loading of the IMAS module:

      Code Block
      module load IMAS/3.37.0/AL/4.11.0

    3. Final spack-imasenv module:

      Code Block
      ##      Modulefile for imasenv


    1.   Maciej Smukowski 2022
      module-whatis "One IMASENV module to rule them all"
      proc ModulesDisplay {} {
      conflict imasenv
      # Add spack modules to MODULEPATH
      module use /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/modules-


    1. gcc
      module use /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/


    1. modules-intel




    1. module 


    1. use 


    1. /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-intel/IMAS/etc/modulefiles
      module load gnu/7.3.0
      module load intel/pe-xe-2020--binary
      module load intelmpi/2020--binary
      module load cmake/3.25.0/gcc/7.3.0/sha-a4xv7cs
      module load pkgconf/1.8.0/


    1. intel/


    1. 19.1.3.


    1. 304/sha-


    1. fbevp5q
      module load netlib-lapack/3.10.1/


    1. intel/


    1. 19.1.3.


    1. 304/sha-


    1. g4e3xak
      module load netlib-xblas/1.0.248/


    1. intel/


    1. 19.1.3.


    1. 304/sha-


    1. zp4t7zq
      module load python/3.10.8/


    1. intel/


    1. 19.1.3.


    1. 304/sha-


    1. ufy2r2o
      module load py-pip/22.2.2/


    1. intel/


    1. 19.1.3.


    1. 304/sha-


    1. ksiszmp
      module load py-setuptools/59.4.0/


    1. intel/


    1. 19.1.3.


    1. 304/sha-


    1. p6m2okz
      module load py-wheel/0.37.1/


    1. intel/


    1. 19.1.3.


    1. 304/sha-


    1. h5qnby4
      module load py-cython/0.29.32/


    1. intel/


    1. 19.1.3.


    1. 304/sha-


    1. ekt45in
      module load py-pyyaml/6.0/


    1. intel/


    1. 19.1.3.


    1. 304/sha-


    1. e7pj6rd
      module load py-numpy/1.


    1. 22.4/


    1. intel/


    1. 19.1.3.


    1. 304/sha-


    1. vtkr2zd
      module load py-scipy/1.8.1/


    1. intel/


    1. 19.1.3.


    1. 304/sha-


    1. j7sstl3
      module load py-matplotlib/3.6.2/


    1. intel/


    1. 19.1.3.


    1. 304/sha-


    1. wbwigpl
      module load hdf5/1.12.2/


    1. intel/


    1. 19.1.3.


    1. 304/sha-


    1. lpavud5
      module load openjdk/11.0.17_8/


    1. intel/


    1. 19.1.3.


    1. 304/sha-


    1. nwh5yaq
      module load git
      module load blitz/1.0.1/


    1. intel/


    1. 19.1.3.


    1. 304/sha-


    1. gpct7uz
      module load boost/1.80.0/


    1. intel/


    1. 19.1.3.


    1. 304/sha-


    1. 6erl3nf
      module load mdsplus/stable_release-7-96-17/


    1. intel/


    1. 19.1.3.


    1. 304/sha-


    1. jiasz6w
      module load libxml2/2.10.


    1. 1/


    1. intel/


    1. 19.1.3.


    1. 304/sha-


    1. 3te5l7z
      module load IMAS/3.37.0/AL/4.11.0


Gateway + SPACK + GNU


  1. Create temp-intel  directory:

    Code Block
    mkdir temp-intel

  2. Go inside temp-intel directory:

    Code Block
    cd temp-intel

  3. Clone IDStools :

    Code Block
    git clone ssh://

  4. Go into IDStools directory:

    Code Block
    cd idstools

  5. Build IDStools :

    Code Block
    make all

  6. Install IDStools :

    Code Block
    make install

  7. Leave temp directory:

    Code Block
    cd ../..

  8. Update spack-imasenv/3.37.0/intel/2020 module to use IDStools :

    Code Block
    vim modules/spack-imasenv/3.37.0/intel/2020

    1. Use path to IDStools module:

      Code Block
      module use /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-intel/IMAS/etc/modulefiles

    2. Load IDStools modules:

      Code Block
      module load idstools/1.13.1

    3. Updated spack-imasenv/3.37.0/intel/2020 module:

      Code Block
      ##      Modulefile for imasenv
      ##  Maciej Smukowski 2022
      module-whatis "One IMASENV module to rule them all"
      proc ModulesDisplay {} {
      conflict imasenv
      # Add spack modules to MODULEPATH
      module use /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/modules-gcc
      module use /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/modules-intel
      module use /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-intel/IMAS/etc/modulefiles
      module load gnu/7.3.0
      module load intel/pe-xe-2020--binary
      module load intelmpi/2020--binary
      module load cmake/3.25.0/gcc/7.3.0/sha-a4xv7cs
      module load pkgconf/1.8.0/intel/
      module load netlib-lapack/3.10.1/intel/
      module load netlib-xblas/1.0.248/intel/
      module load python/3.10.8/intel/
      module load py-pip/22.2.2/intel/
      module load py-setuptools/59.4.0/intel/
      module load py-wheel/0.37.1/intel/
      module load py-cython/0.29.32/intel/
      module load py-pyyaml/6.0/intel/
      module load py-numpy/1.22.4/intel/
      module load py-scipy/1.8.1/intel/
      module load py-matplotlib/3.6.2/intel/
      module load hdf5/1.12.2/intel/
      module load openjdk/11.0.17_8/intel/
      module load git
      module load blitz/1.0.1/intel/
      module load boost/1.80.0/intel/
      module load mdsplus/stable_release-7-96-17/intel/
      module load libxml2/2.10.1/intel/
      module load IMAS/3.37.0/AL/4.11.0
      module load idstools/1.13.1

  9. Reaload the spack-imasenv/3.37.0/intel/2020 and check the idsdump command to verify IDStools installation:

    Code Block
    $: module purge
    $: module load spack-imasenv/3.37.0/intel/2020
    $: idsdump --help

    1. If normal help manual is printed then the installation is correct.
    2. In case of the following error:

      Code Block
      -bash: /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-intel/IMAS/core/idstools/1.13.1/bin/idsdump: /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-intel/python/3.10.8/intel/ bad interpreter: No such file or directory

      The shebang line with python interpreter is longer than 128 characters which is usually a limit set by the kernel. Workaround:

      1. Go to the python installation directory, under the compiler name directory:

        Code Block
        cd /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-intel/python/3.10.8/intel/

      2. Create a symlink with shorter name than, e.g. 2020 :

        Code Block
        ln -s 2020

      3. Now you have to edit each IDStools command script and replace the shebang line with symlink line:

        Code Block
        vim /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-intel/IMAS/core/idstools/1.13.1/bin/idsdump

        Delete line:

        Code Block
        DEL: #!/marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-intel/python/3.10.8/intel/

        Insert line:

        Code Block
        INSERT: #!/marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-intel/python/3.10.8/intel/2020/ufy2r2oat5k6zgn7w5ci26pillyjqtfd/./bin/python

        The two actions above has to be repeated for each IDStools command that fails to use the Intel-Python interpreter!

  10. Get back to the IMAS_software directory:

    Code Block
    cd /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/

  11. Create directory for XMLLIB - INTEL installation:

    Code Block
    mkdir -p libs-intel/xmllib/3.3.1/intel/

  12. Go to the temp-intel directory:

    Code Block
    cd temp-intel

  13. Clone XMLLIB :

    Code Block
    git clone ssh://

  14. Change directory to xmllib :

    Code Block
    cd xmllib

  15. Checkout 3.3.1 version:

    Code Block
    git checkout 3.3.1

  16. Clean up all:

    Code Block
    git clean -f -x -d

  17. Optionally launch bootsrap:

    Code Block

  18. Run configure :

    Code Block
    ./configure --prefix=/marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-intel/xmllib/3.3.1/intel/ FC=ifort CC=icc

  19. Build XMLLIB :

    Code Block
    make all

  20. Check XMLLIB build:

    Code Block
    make check

  21. Install XMLLIB :

    Code Block
    make install

  22. Leave directory:

    Code Block
    cd ../..

  23. Create modulefile for XMLLIB :

    1. Create module directory:

      Code Block
      mkdir -p modules-intel/xmllib/3.3.1/intel/

    2. Create modulefile:

      Code Block
      vim modules-intel/xmllib/3.3.1/intel/

    3. Fill it with below content:

      Code Block
      ## xmllib modulefile
      set ver 3.3.1
      set name xmllib
      set loading [module-info mode load]
      set desc "Library to assist parsing of XML data"
      proc ModulesHelp { } {
      puts stderr "\tThis module sets the environment for $name v$ver"
      conflict $name
      prereq   intel/pe-xe-2020--binary
      module-whatis "$desc (v$ver)"
      set prefix /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-gcc/xmllib/3.3.1/intel/
      set exec_prefix ${prefix}
      prepend-path CPATH ${prefix}/include
      prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${exec_prefix}/lib
      prepend-path PKG_CONFIG_PATH ${exec_prefix}/lib/pkgconfig

  24. Update spack-imasenv/3.37.0/intel/2020 :

    Code Block
    vim modules/spack-imasenv/3.37.0/intel/2020

    1. Add load of the XMLLIB  module:

      Code Block
      module load xmllib/3.3.1/intel/

    2. Full module:

      Code Block
      ##      Modulefile for imasenv
      ##  Maciej Smukowski 2022
      module-whatis "One IMASENV module to rule them all"
      proc ModulesDisplay {} {
      conflict imasenv
      # Add spack modules to MODULEPATH
      module use /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/modules-gcc
      module use /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/modules-intel
      module use /marconi_work/FUSIO_HLST/IMAS_software/libs-intel/IMAS/etc/modulefiles
      module load gnu/7.3.0
      module load intel/pe-xe-2020--binary
      module load intelmpi/2020--binary
      module load cmake/3.25.0/gcc/7.3.0/sha-a4xv7cs
      module load pkgconf/1.8.0/intel/
      module load netlib-lapack/3.10.1/intel/
      module load netlib-xblas/1.0.248/intel/
      module load python/3.10.8/intel/
      module load py-pip/22.2.2/intel/
      module load py-setuptools/59.4.0/intel/
      module load py-wheel/0.37.1/intel/
      module load py-cython/0.29.32/intel/
      module load py-pyyaml/6.0/intel/
      module load py-numpy/1.22.4/intel/
      module load py-scipy/1.8.1/intel/
      module load py-matplotlib/3.6.2/intel/
      module load hdf5/1.12.2/intel/
      module load openjdk/11.0.17_8/intel/
      module load git
      module load blitz/1.0.1/intel/
      module load boost/1.80.0/intel/
      module load mdsplus/stable_release-7-96-17/intel/
      module load libxml2/2.10.1/intel/
      module load IMAS/3.37.0/AL/4.11.0
      module load idstools/1.13.1
      module load xmllib/3.3.1/intel/

Gateway + SPACK + GNU

Gateway + SPACK + INTEL

This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium, funded by the European Union via the Euratom Research and Training Programme (Grant Agreement No. 101052200—EUROfusion).  Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those  of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them. The project activities are co-financed by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education from financial resources of the programme entitled "PMW" in 2021, 2022.