Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • To download an image from Docker Hub, use: docker pull <image-name>
  • To list available images, use: docker images
  • To remove image, use: docker rmi <image-name>

Example 1. Pulling an image

Image Added


  • To run a container, use: docker run <image-name> <command>
  • To list containers, use: docker ps
  • To copy a file from/into a running container, use: docker cp <file-1> <file-2>
  • To execute a command in a running container, use: docker exec <container-id> <command>
  • To remove container, use: docker rm <container-id>

Each command supports additional flags passed along the main arguments. Please make sure to check docker help <command> for more information.

The most often used flags are:

  • --name for docker run to specify friendly name for the container
  • -i, --interactive and -t, --tty for docker run and docker exec when you want to work in an interactive shell inside of the container


Pulling an image

Image Removed

Example 2. Starting a container


Checking /etc/os-release of different containers


uDocker is contained in a single Python file making it easy to deploy in distributed systems. To install it on Gateway execute:

Code Block
setenvexport WORK =/pfs/work/$USER
setenv SCRATCH /pfs/scratch/$USER

mkdir -p ~/.local/bin ${WORK}/dot-udocker ${SCRATCH}
ln -s ${WORK}/dot-udocker ~/.udocker
wget > ~/.local/bin/udockerreleases/download/1.3.4/udocker-1.3.4.tar.gz
tar zxvf udocker-1.3.4.tar.gz -C ${WORK}/
chmod u+rx ~/.local/bin${WORK}/udocker
echo "tmpdir=' 
#test udocker exec
${SCRATCH}'" > ~/.WORK}/udocker/udocker.conf
~/.local/bin/ --help
${WORK}/udocker/udocker install

titleuDocker on other machines

The same steps can be repeated on other machines, including HPC or your local computer. Just change WORK and SCRATCH variables in the first two lines. Note, that SCRATCH will be used during import of new images and WORK will be used to store images and files on all running containers. Choose them wisely to accommodate possibly big amount of data.







startup errors

If ${WORK}/udocker/udocker  command throws errors try to add python3  command before path.

Code Block
module load itm-python/3.10
python3 ${WORK}/udocker/udocker --help
python3 ${WORK}/udocker/udocker install


Start uDocker container

  1. Download latest Ubuntu image: ${WORK}/udockerDownload latest Ubuntu image: ~/.local/bin/udocker pull ubuntu
  2. Verify available images: ~/.local/bin/udocker images ${WORK}/udocker/udocker images
  3. Create a container: ~/.local/bin${WORK}/udocker/udocker create  create --name=udocker-ubuntu ubuntu
  4. List running containers: ~/.local/bin${WORK}/udocker/udocker ps ps
  5. Run an interactive shell: ~/.local/bin/udocker run ${WORK}/udocker/udocker run udocker-ubuntu /bin/bash
  6. Check user: whoami
  7. Check operating system: cat /etc/os-release
  8. Exit from the container: exit
  9. Check operating system at Gateway: cat /etc/os-release
  10. Delete the container: ~/.local/bin${WORK}/udocker/udocker rm  rm udocker-ubuntu

As in case of Singularity, here, you can spot the difference as well. As long as you are inside uDocker based container you will see

Code Block
> cat /etc/os-release
VERSION="18.04.3 LTS (Bionic Beaver)"

while Gateway node reports itself as

Code Block
> cat /etc/os-release
NAME="CentOS Linux"
VERSION="7 (Core)"


To load the images, please run:

Code Block
~/.local/bin/${WORK}/udocker/udocker load -i ~g2tomz/public/imas-fc2k-latest.tar.xz
~/.local/bin${WORK}/udocker/udocker load -i ~g2tomz/public/imas-gui-latest.tar.xz


  1. Make sure that the images are loaded: ~/.local/bin${WORK}/udocker/udocker images images
  2. Create container: ~/.local/bin${WORK}/udocker/udocker create  create --name=imas imas/fc2k:3.24.0-4.2.0-2.5p4-3.0.5-4.6.5
  3. Run an interactive shell: ~/.local/bin${WORK}/udocker/udocker run  run imas /bin/bash
  4. Prepare and run a Python script which will create IDS pf_active in shot 1 and run 1:

    Code Block
    cat << EOF >
    import imas
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        ids = imas.ids(1, 1, 1, 1)
        ids.create_env('imas', 'test', '3')
        ids.pf_active.ids_properties.comment = 'Test data'
        ids.pf_active.ids_properties.homogeneous_time = 0
        ids.pf_active.coil[0].name = 'COIL 1A'
        ids.pf_active.coil[1].name = 'COIL 2B'
        number = 10
        for i in range(number):
            ids.pf_active.coil[0][i] = 2 * i
            ids.pf_active.coil[0].current.time[i] = i
        number = number + 2
        for i in range(number):
            ids.pf_active.coil[1][i] = 2 * i + 10
            ids.pf_active.coil[1].current.time[i] = i + number

  5. You can now exit container shell. Note, that the container is not executing anything, but it persists and all files are kept in ~/.udocker. Copy the generated pulsefile directly into your Gateway's collection of pulsefiles:
    cp ~${WORK}/.udocker/containers/imas/ROOT/home/imas/public/imasdb/test/3/0/ids_10001.* ~/public/imasdb/test/3/0/
  6. Verify that the IDS pf_active has been created: idsdump $USER test 3 1 1 pf_active

Running Kepler workflow in a container

  1. Create container: ~/.local/bin/${WORK}/udocker/udocker create --name=imas-gui imas/gui:3.24.0-4.2.0-2.5p4-3.0.5-4.6.5
  2. Run the default application (VNC server) with port mapping:   ~/.local/bin${WORK}/udocker/udocker run  run --publish 15901:5901 imas-gui
  3. In another terminal, open VNC viewer, connect to localhost:15901 and use imas as the password: vncviewer localhost:15901
  4. You will see Openbox desktop environment, with Kepler loading automatically (please wait until it is ready).
  5. Design an example workflow like the one below, which will read pf_active IDS from shot 1 and run 1:
  6. Run the workflow and notice that it fails due to lack of pulsefile with required content. This is because in the previous exercise you were running in the imas container, isolated from the imas-gui one.
  7. You can now do one of the following:
    1. Create the pulsefile again
      1. Run in another terminal in the Gateway:   ~/.local/bin/udocker run ${WORK}/udocker/udocker run imas-gui /bin/bash
      2. Repeat step 4 from previous exercise
    2. Copy pulsefile between containers
      1. Run cp ~${WORK}/.udocker/containers/imas/ROOT/home/imas/public/imasdb/test/3/0/ids_10001.*  ~${WORK}/.udocker/containers/imas-gui/ROOT/home/imas/public/imasdb/test/3/0/
  8. Start the workflow again. The expected result:
