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Create git branches and tags


Remember to load the git module to use the git svn feature
$ module load git

You can provide this file to git svn to help it map the author data more accurately. You can also tell git svn not to include the metadata that Subversion normally imports, by passing --no-metadata to the clone or init command (though if you want to keep the synchronisation-metadata, feel free to omit this parameter). This makes your import command look like this:

Code Block
$ git svn clone<SVN_PROJECT_NAME>/ \
      --authors-file=users.txt --no-metadata --prefix "" -s my_project
$ cd my_project
If the above command does not work, it is need to load the patch module for the git svn command:
$ module load git-svn

titleNon-standard SVN layouts

If your SVN repository doesn’t have a standard layout, you need to provide the locations of your trunk, branches, and tags using the --trunk--branches, and --tags command line options. For example, if you have branches stored in both the /branches directory and the /bugfixes directories, you would use the following command:

Code Block
git svn clone --trunk=/trunk --branches=/branches --branches=/bugfixes --tags=/tags --authors-file=users.txt --no-metadata --prefix ""  https://<USERNAME><SVN_PROJECT_NAME> my_project
