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AM: 9-12


All: round table (30min)

Room 1: Intro on integrated modelling 

Room 2 and 3: WP2, WP4

All: round table (30min)

Room 1 WP1

Room 2 WP2

Room 3 WP4

All: round table (30min)

Room 1 WP1

Room 2 WP2

Room 3 WP4

Room 1 WP1

Room 2 WP2

Room 3 WP4

All: wrap up (1h)


PM: 1.30-5

All: round table (30min)

Room 1 WP1

Room 2 WP2

Room 3 WP4

Room 1 WP1

Room 2 WP2

Room 3 WP4

Tour of PSNC

Room 1 WP1

Room 2 WP2

Room 3 WP4

Room 1 WP1

Room 2 WP2

Room 3 WP4




Social dinner

Guided tour Poznan





2022 milestones

who @ Poznan

WP1: HFPSeu Workflow orchestration and module coupling framework (coordinator: F.J. Casson)

Build and regression tests in place Jul 2022

ACH team + Nathan Cummings

Delivered improved presentation and documentation of existing GUIs with simulation catalog integration on the Gateway

ACH team + Francis Casson, Nathan Cummings, Florian Koechl

containerised all components

ACH team + Francis Casson, Nathan Cummings

WP2.D1: Turbulent transport reduced models targeted validation (coordinator: Y. Camenen)

Validated L mode edge capability for TGLF and extended QLKNN in Ip ramp up

Y. Camenen, M. Marin, A. Ho, P. Manas, E. Fable, L. Chôné

WP2.D2: Core-edge-SOL coupling targeted validation (coordinator: C. Bourdelle)

validated reduced SOL model in the HFPSeu

C. Bourdelle, F. Casson, F. Koechl, J. Simpson, T. Luda, C. Angioni

WP2.D3: Impurity transport, development of reduced models, verification and targeted validation (coordinator: C. Angioni)

Validated impurity collisional and turbulent transport capability for the new neoclassical code and the QLK-NN incl. impurities in Ip ramp conditions.

C. Angioni, P. Maget, P. Manas, D. Fajardo

WP2.D4: MHD modules targeted validation (coordinator: P. Maget)

validated Double-Tearing Mode model available in the HFPSeu. Coupling resistive MHD code to HFPSeu.

P. Maget, F. Casson, F. Koechl, L. Garzotti

WP4: HFPSeu systematic validation (coordinator: A. Ho)

Delivered facilitate multi-machine IMAS DB of well-diagnosed discharges for canonical validation applications

J. Morales, M. Marin, G. Tardini, A. Ho, F. Casson

demonstrated 0D data consistency, e.g. Wth<WMHD, li, neutron flux, Prad-div, Prad_bulk, <Zeff>, <n> on more than 10 plasmas

J. Morales, M. Marin, G. Tardini, A. Ho, F. Koechl

PSNC security rules

The entrance to the main part of the CPBIO building is restricted. The Code Camp participants can access the main hall and conference rooms only. The conference area will be accessible for the Code Camp participants from 9:00 am till 6:00 pm. You will be asked to have a budge (will be provided by organizers) and to sign a list everyday when arriving to venue.
