Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • At the moment, using UDA requires constant changing of the environment
  • Before using given plugin, user has to unload and load whole environment from the scratch
  • It is not possible to use two, different UDA sources at the same time

Content related issues

  • for some data we have -Inf/+Inf values inside pulse files
Code Block
# To reproduce the case (at GW)

# Setup the environment

> module purge
> module load cineca
> module load imasenv/3.25.0/rc
> unsetenv UDA_PLUGIN
> setenv UDA_HOST
> setenv UDA_PORT 56565

# Run the code

----- 8< --- CUT HERE --- 8< -----

import imas
import sys

def fun(shot, run, machine):



  time = mast.summary.time
  print('TIME: ', time)

  timeMode = mast.summary.ids_properties.homogeneous_time
  print('TIME MODE: ', timeMode)

if __name__ == "__main__":
  fun(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])

----- 8< --- CUT HERE --- 8< -----

> python 29650 0 MAST

# Results contain invalid data for signal summary/global_quantities/h_98/value)

[ -1.         -10.40032033 -19.80064066 -23.93528776 -14.78574923
  -3.58152153   0.08952234   0.12241262  -0.96586602  -1.
  -1.          -1.                  inf          nan   0.13058508
   0.10175894   0.09920737   0.12577316          inf          nan
          nan   0.11715577   0.08802964   0.07561934   0.10361142
   0.12758749   0.13078339   0.13665145   0.12083628   0.09869382
   0.11041405   0.246712     0.18799812   0.13322038   0.1721098
   0.31245901   0.20288732   0.27788885   0.79129496          inf
          nan          nan          nan   0.17371698   0.14705401
   0.16916175   0.8597472           inf          nan          nan
          nan          nan          nan          nan          nan
          nan          nan   0.13311852   0.13811199   0.14290544
   0.16826513   0.16323282   0.15154608   0.19396454   0.42245164
   0.66507736          inf          nan          nan          nan
   0.32031341   0.12473773   0.14420576   0.15714856   0.31664884
          nan          nan          nan   0.15312483   0.14305086
   0.14940249   0.14062285   0.23783689          nan          nan
   0.18147515   0.18369311   0.25258288   0.18228691   0.15957083
          inf          nan   0.13826879   0.17455354   0.28257633
   0.25866124   0.13272721          inf          nan  -1.        ]
TIME:  [0.01       0.01560606 0.02121212 0.02681818 0.03242424 0.0380303
 0.04363636 0.04924242 0.05484848 0.06045455 0.06606061 0.07166667
 0.07727273 0.08287879 0.08848485 0.09409091 0.09969697 0.10530303
 0.11090909 0.11651515 0.12212121 0.12772727 0.13333333 0.13893939
 0.14454545 0.15015151 0.15575757 0.16136364 0.1669697  0.17257576
 0.17818182 0.18378788 0.18939394 0.195      0.20060606 0.20621212
 0.21181818 0.21742424 0.2230303  0.22863636 0.23424242 0.23984848
 0.24545454 0.2510606  0.25666667 0.26227273 0.26787879 0.27348485
 0.27909091 0.28469697 0.29030303 0.29590909 0.30151515 0.30712121
 0.31272727 0.31833333 0.32393939 0.32954545 0.33515151 0.34075757
 0.34636363 0.3519697  0.35757576 0.36318182 0.36878788 0.37439394
 0.38       0.38560606 0.39121212 0.39681818 0.40242424 0.4080303
 0.41363636 0.41924242 0.42484848 0.43045454 0.4360606  0.44166666
 0.44727273 0.45287879 0.45848485 0.46409091 0.46969697 0.47530303
 0.48090909 0.48651515 0.49212121 0.49772727 0.50333333 0.50893939
 0.51454545 0.52015151 0.52575757 0.53136363 0.53696969 0.54257576
 0.54818182 0.55378788 0.55939394 0.565     ]

Current configurations

