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At Gateway there is a dedicated machine that hosts Catalogue QT Web Services - http://catalog:8080

The easiest way to get Catalogue QT client is to run it at Gateway. Here are the steps to run it

Code Block
# You need IMAS environment with Open JDK 11
> module purge
> module load cineca
> module load imasenv
> module unload itm-java
> module load openjdk
# You have to clone source repository (you need to request access if you haven't done so)
# - and "Request to join project"
> git clone
Cloning into 'catalog_qt_2'...
Username for '': YOUR_GW_USER_NAME
Password for '': YOUR_GW_PASSWORD
> cd catalog_qt_2/client/catalog-ws-client/
> mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:3.0.0-M1:install-file  \
    -Dfile=${IMAS_PREFIX}/jar/imas.jar \
    -DgroupId=imas -DartifactId=imas \
    -Dversion=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar \
> mvn install -DskipTests
# You are ready to Cataogue QT client application
> java -jar ./target/catalogAPI.jar -help
usage: java -jar ${FULL_PATH_TO_CATALOG_API_JAR}/catalogAPI.jar
 -help                                  show help

 -listRequests                          List all available requests
                                        requires: --url
                                        optional: --pretty-format
 -addRequest                            Add new request into database
                                        requires: --url, --experiment-uri,
 -listVariables                         List all the variables defined
                                        inside Catalog
                                        requires: --url
 -addVariables                          Add variables from the file into
                                        requires: --url, --variables-file
 -startUpdateProcess                    Start application in Update
                                        Process mode
                                        requires: --url
                                        optional: --wait-time,
 -verbose                               Be verbose

    --url <URL>                         Catalog API URL

    --variables-file <FILE>             File with the list of variables

    --experiment-uri <EXPERIMENT URI>   Input data URI
    --user <USER_NAME>                  Name of the user performing the
    --wait-time <SECONDS>               You can specify number of seconds
                                        before Update Process starts to
                                        process next request
    --slice-limit <NUMBER_OF_SLICES>    You can specify maximum number of
                                        time slices to be populated.
                                        Useful in case of huge input
    --pretty-format                     If applicable, this option will
                                        make the code to print output as
                                        pretty as possible
