Versions Compared


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Executing Spring-Boot application (WS API)


Source code of all the components can be downloaded from the code repository (Catalog QT2)

Code Block
> git clone

If you don't have access yet, make sure to request the access.


Catalog QT ver. 2 requires following components to be installed on the machine where it will be started

Code Block
Java         - openjdk 11.0.2 - you can use JDK from Oracle as well
Apache Maven - 3.6.3          - you can use Apache Maven distributed with project as well
mysql        - 8.0.20         - you can use MariaDB instead (we haven't tested it thoug)

Creating database

Catalog QT ver. 2 requires access to database that will store all the imported data. You have to create this database. Schema for creating database is located inside project structure: sql/schema/catalog_qt_db.sql.

To create DB schema inside mysql you will need root password for your MySQL installation. Then, you can run following:

Code Block
# WARNING! This line will drop schema: itm_catalog_qt and create it from the scratch. Make sure you are not destroying things.

> mysql -u root -p < sql/schema/catalog_qt_db.sql

This script will create two users: itm_catalog_ro/itm_catalog_ro and user itm_catalog_rw/itm_catalog_rw with read-only and read-write privileges, respectively.


It's a good idea to check whether you can access your newly created database. Make sure you can successfully connect there.

Code Block
> mysql -u itm_catalog_rw -p -h localhost itm_catalog_qt
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 6318
Server version: 8.0.20 MySQL Community Server - GPL


mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_itm_catalog_test |
| annotation                 |
| catalog_parameters         |
| entry                      |
| entry_data                 |
| experiment                 |
| outcome                    |
| reference                  |
| replace                    |
| request                    |
| tag                        |
| tag_entry                  |
| user                       |
| variable                   |
13 rows in set (0.00 sec)
