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We need to check that running Kepler in such mode is possible, it involves a few actions, mainly on Michal, but with help of others when/where needed:

System variables used by Kepler

At the moment, the way Kepler is executed, can be controlled by the set of environment variables and Java properties

Code Block
_JAVA_OPTIONS                  - this is the heaviest way of altering Java and Kepler. This option makes it possible to alter
                                 default settings of JVM. It overrides everything else.

KEPLER_JAVA_OPTIONS            - equivalent of _JAVA_OPTION however, this variable alters only Kepler
                                 example: setenv KEPLER_JAVA_OPTIONS "-Xss20m -Xms1g -Xmx4g -Dsun.java2d.xrender=false"
KEPLER_DOT                     - points to root director where .kepler and KeplerData directories will be created

PTOLEMYII_DOT                  - points to root director where .ptolemyII directory will be created

KEPLER_WORK_DIR                - points to location where Kepler will be started. This way, it's possible to change
                                 location of current directory (instead of $KEPLER it will be pointed by $KEPLER_WORK_DIR)
                                 alternatively, this value can be passed via:
-Duser.home=                   - This variable is passed to Kepler, this way it's possible to change user.home inside Kepler

-Duser.start.dir=              - This variable allows to pass information regarding current directory. It's possible to access
                                 this variable later on by calling System.getProperty("")

Preparation for the test

To simulate the case where we run everything from the central installation I am working on a local copy with all the access rights set to read only
